Vaccinations that you didn’t know

Vaccinations that you didn’t know

All the unpopular vaccines can be divided into four groups.

Diseases that can be prevented with vaccines, more than you think.

But be vaccinated at the full list to anyone, of course, is not necessary: often the risk of dealing with some virus/bacteria much less than the risk of any serious adverse events from vaccination.

However, it is nice to know in which case we can not only to be treated with antibiotics and some antiviral drugs, but also to effectively prevent the development of infections.

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1. Among the little-known Russian vaccinations are those that are actually actively used throughout the civilized world. This, for example, the vaccine against human papillomavirus. Now in Russia it is usually done at their own expense, and it is expensive. In our national vaccination calendar finally came in, albeit with reservations, vaccine, varicella, pneumococcus, meningococcus, rotavirus and Haemophilus influenzae, which is very cool, but also not always available.

2. Custom vaccines are necessary before traveling to some countries: sometimes it is necessary to get vaccinated against yellow fever, Japanese encephalitis, typhoid or cholera. But these vaccines do not supersede other precautions, especially in the case of cholera: vaccination against it works briefly (for example, after the Russian should revaktsinirujut six months).

3. Another curious group of little-known vaccines: those which are used in Russia, but which for some reason is not in other countries there may not satisfied with the results of studies of these vaccines. This is a vaccine against shigellosis, Escherichia coli, brucellosis and leptospirosis.

4. But the most interesting vaccinations are those that to get very difficult or simply impossible. Here is a list of diseases that they can prevent.


The adenovirus has many serotypes that can lead to different symptoms. But most often it becomes the cause of SARS. In particular, 4th and 7th serotypes responsible for it, and the 7th even for the sore throat and redness of the eyes.

A vaccine against these two types of adenovirus exist, but you cannot purchase it: it is approved in the US only for the military and she doesn’t even trade names.

The fact that the army is constantly occurring outbreaks of adenovirus infection, which contributes to overcrowding of accommodation. Sometimes it even ends in death. Perhaps the children who are most susceptible to adenovirus infection, such a vaccine also would be useful, but research involving children just didn’t carried out and to recommend them not. In addition, this medication often causes adverse reactions requiring treatment.

Interestingly, this vaccine is available in tablets and should take two to become protected.


Vaccination against anthrax definitely need people who have an increased risk of inhaling spores of Bacillus anthracis. It is primarily veterinarians working in the area where there may be outbreaks of anthrax, people who are in contact with the skins and wool of animals in poor protection against infection, laboratory staff, where there may be anthrax spores. If there’s an outbreak, we vaccinated all who may have been exposed.

In the West, use of anthrax vaccine adsorbed, a us — live (in the States similar to our vaccinations are used only in animals). Of course, such a vaccine you can’t buy in a pharmacy, and if you need it, you about it will tell special people.


Each year several people fall ill with the plague. But this did not lead to a terrible pandemic, because we have antibiotics. Vaccines too, but they are not very effective and often cause adverse reactions, so the emphasis is not on them. It should only be vaccinated the people who work with Yersinia pestis, the bacterium that causes plague. But in States such vaccines has not (although new developed), but in Russia — even two, one in the form of lozenges.

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With smallpox we did even better than plague — since 1979, we are officially spared from it. Now smallpox is only in two laboratories (in Russia and USA). Managed through vaccination, and now almost no one from this disease do not teach: the risk of adverse reactions is clearly more possible to use. But smallpox is caused by a virus, not bacteria, and against this pathogen, we have nothing. Therefore, a sudden outbreak of smallpox threatens to big trouble. The good thing is that some countries (United Kingdom, Switzerland, Japan, USA, etc.) stocked with vaccines in the event of the return of smallpox.

Just kept tens of millions of doses. Unfortunately, those people who were vaccinated against smallpox prior to 1980 (this was from a mark on the shoulder, not to be confused with the trace of the BCG), we do not have sufficient protection from such diseases, so they are also under threat. We developed a new, safer smallpox vaccination, and by the way, if you still encounter the virus will know it, you have three days to get vaccinated and protect yourself from disease development. In Russia such a possibility exists.


Shingles usually occurs in older people who have had chickenpox. Its symptoms one side of body rash and severe pain. The disease develops due to the virus Varicella-zoster, which remains in the body after chickenpox and rectivirgula due to age-related deterioration of the immune system.

If Russia few people know about vaccination against chicken pox, then vaccination to prevent the development of herpes zoster in the course, probably only the most advanced patients. Unfortunately, this vaccine is not registered, but everyone who is 60 years old, unable to take root in the overseas.


Humanity for a very long time trying to come up with a malaria vaccine. Unprecedented success that has been achieved relatively recently, is to get vaccinated with the efficiency of 18-39% (depending on the child’s age and number of doses). The vaccine is called RTS, S/AS01. The world health organization decided that since there is nothing better, then the vaccine will be tested in 3-5 African countries where a high risk of Contracting malaria. Thus, clearly, the RTS, S/AS01 comes complete with all the other precautions: mosquito nets, insecticide sprays etc.

Relying on it one would be madness. If the experience of these countries shows that the vaccine is really beneficial and there are no unexpected obstacles in order to demonstrate that its modest efficiency, the practice will spread to the rest of the country.

But as curious as these vaccines, the main thing — to remember those that need you on the calendar. Yes, adults need to get vaccinated not only when they travel to the rainforests of Brazil or when working with reindeer skins.

Daria Sargsyan

The author is grateful for the help in material preparation infectious diseases Dmitry Troschansky.

