Putin spoke about the virtues of the President

Russian President Vladimir Putin during a conversation with the staff of the Yaroslavl plant “Autodiesel” compared the work of the President and employee. About it reports on Saturday, November 12, “Interfax”. “The positive side of my job is no different from a positive side,” — said the President. “When you see that it brings satisfaction you are achieving your goals and objectives, you are doing important, necessary, good, it is good news both for you and for whom you work, — that is the greatest appreciation, is always the greatest satisfaction from the received results,” — said Putin. At the same time the head of state noted that the lack of negative emotions. “But in your work I’m sure the same thing when something doesn’t work, or someone brings, or face other unforeseen circumstances. But this is the beauty of our work — that we are able to overcome these

The British authorities decided to convince trump to confront Assad and Putin

Boris Johnson Britain faced the danger of a diplomatic crisis in relations with the US after the winner of the presidential election Donald trump has said it is ready to negotiate with Russian President Vladimir Putin, and also that the destruction of the “Islamic state” is more important than the departure of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. This writes The Telegaph. British officials recognised that London will have “very difficult” negotiations with the elected President in the coming months on these topics. As noted, trump’s views are in stark contradiction with the interests of the British Prime Minister Theresa may, who accused Assad’s “brutal violence” and said that in the long term, Syria must be “without Assad”. In turn, the Minister of foreign Affairs Boris Johnson has accused Russia of war crimes for the deaths of hundreds of civilians. The dramatic shift in US policy has caused serious concern in the

In France, the anniversary, remember the victims of Paris attacks

In Paris held a memorial ceremony marking the anniversary of the terrorist attacks that occurred exactly one year ago, reports TASS. In the concert hall Bataclan, where occurred one of the explosions, today is the concert that opened the world-renowned musician sting.   It is reported that the President of France Francois Hollande will visit on November 13 all the places in the French capital, where he was attacked, and met with relatives of the victims. He, along with mayor of Paris Anne Hidalgo will head to the Stade de France in Saint-Denis, where the explosion took place during a football match.   A series of terrorist attacks occurred in Paris on 13 November 2015. At a rock concert in the Bataclan theatre, the unknown took hostages. Near the stadium “Stade de France”, where was held a friendly football match between France and Germany, I heard three explosions. The militants

Deputy Minister Pirumov pleaded guilty in the “case of restorers”

Deputy Minister Pirumov pleaded guilty in the “case of restorers” Moscow. 10 Nov. INTERFAX.RU Deputy Minister of culture of Russia Grigory Pirumov pleaded guilty to charges of embezzlement of budgetary funds allocated for restoration of objects of cultural heritage, said the representative of the investigation. As the correspondent of “Interfax”, the investigator said at a session of the Moscow city court on Thursday in a complaint to prolongation of arrest of Pirumova. See alsoIn the criminal case of the Deputy head of the Ministry of culture Pirumov there’s a new episode “The materials of this criminal case there is evidence confirming the guilt of Grigory Pirumov U. in particular, there is recognition Pirumov about what he did to them crimes,” said the investigator. According to him, while these interrogation protocols cannot be attached to the materials of the case due to secrecy of the investigation. The theft of public funds

Fishermen in Oman have found a piece of ambergris worth $3 million

Fishermen in Oman have found a piece of ambergris worth $3 million Three fishermen from Oman has netted a huge piece of ambergris weighing 80 pounds. Their finding is worth almost $3 million, according to local newspaper Times of Oman. It happened on the coast of the fishing village Curat in Oman. Amber is very popular in perfumes and is used as a retainer smell. One gram, depending on quality, worth $2-35. This is a rare and expensive natural product, it can be found only in the digestive tract of the males of the sperm whale. To get the lump in the course of whaling or sea collecting discarded pieces. Fresh ambergris has a distinctive fecal odor, but under the action of sea water it gradually becomes musky and sweet. I said earlier that ambergris smells bad, but after a few days the scent becomes pleasant. Joyful and happy, we

Saakashvili commented on the statement of Medvedev about the passenger who soiled himself

Saakashvili commented on the statement of Medvedev about the passenger who soiled himself The former Governor of Odessa region of Ukraine Mikhail Saakashvili on Friday, November 11, commented in a Facebook statement, Prime Minister of Russia Dmitry Medvedev, who called it obgadit passenger. In his opinion, the statements of the head of the Russian government indicate that he is not a “Kremlin agent”. Earlier Friday, Medvedev negatively assessed the results of the work of Mikhail Saakashvili on the post of the Governor of Odessa region of Ukraine. “I will say simply, in Russian: this passenger is once again clear and, unfortunately for Ukraine, which, perhaps, hoped for the prosperity of Odessa with the arrival of such an experienced person, the result is zero, it is negative,” he said at a press conference following his visit to Israel and Palestine. November 9, former President of Georgia, dismissed the Governor of the

Russian defense Ministry: during the day, the 35 militants violated the ceasefire regime in Syria

© EPA/STR MOSCOW, November 12. /TASS/. The militants of illegal armed groups in Syria over the past day violated the ceasefire regime in the provinces of Aleppo – 17 times, Damascus – 15 times, Latakia once and a CAD to two times. This is stated in the Bulletin of the Russian Center for reconciliation of the warring parties in Syria, which is posted on the website of the Ministry of defense of Russia.

Plaque Kolchak established in St. Petersburg

In St. Petersburg on Saturday, November 12, established a memorial Board to one of the leaders of the White movement, Admiral Alexander Kolchak. It is reported by RIA Novosti. A sign posted on the Bay window of the house №3 along the street Big Zelenin, where Kolchak lived from 1905 to 1912. Workers mounted the Board within five hours. The leader of the “White matter” Oleg Shevtsov said “Radio Baltika”, that the Board cost about 300 thousand rubles. Most of the amount made personal money from members and donations from citizens. November 11 in “White” declared the postponement of the installation of the signs. They said that the authorities had refused to close the street, or in connection with the opening, originally scheduled for November 16, has been postponed. After the revolution of 1917, Kolchak became one of the leaders of the White movement, held the post of commander-in-chief of

Team Sanders has begun preparations for a dismissal of the Clinton supporters in the States

Bernie Sanders The team of the Senator from Vermont Bernie Sanders who hold left-wing beliefs, has launched a campaign aimed at the re-election of the leadership offices of the U.S. Democratic party in several States. This writes the magazine Politico. After the defeat of the candidate in presidents from Democrats Hillary Clinton addressed the leadership of the party began to advance claims, and an active role in this process is played by supporters of Sanders. The idea is to replace the party leadership in those States where primaries Sanders has bypassed Clinton. As supporters of the Senator will try to bring to justice officials in those States where they are contrary to the rules endorsed former Secretary of state. As an example, the publication mentions Maine, where Sanders got 70 percent of the votes of party activists in the race for the right to nominate a presidential candidate. Supporters of

The Supreme court has proposed the establishment of interregional judicial district

Photo: RIA Novosti Russia’s Supreme court proposes the establishment of interregional judicial districts for courts of General jurisdiction, said the President of the Supreme court Vyacheslav Lebedev. “This proposal from the Supreme court will be submitted to the Congress of judges (which will take place at the end of the year),” quotes his words TASS. “The idea is to change the judicial system of Russia and to the establishment of the five appellate districts of the courts of General jurisdiction to cases that consider in the first instance national, regional, provincial courts of appeal was not appealed to the Supreme court of Russia directly, and in these appellate courts. And to establish nine appellate districts of the courts of General jurisdiction (similar to arbitration courts)”, – he explained. According to him, this topic has long been discussed, but met with funding. Again, she was raised in the meetings with the