Putin ordered again to help with the supply of gas to the Ukrainian Genichesk

Putin ordered again to help with the supply of gas to the Ukrainian Genichesk YAROSLAVL, 12 Nov — RIA Novosti. Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered again to help with the supply of gas to the Ukrainian city of Genichesk, where the situation is close to humanitarian catastrophe. The President noted that “it is necessary to establish financial discipline in relations with neighbours.” Putin said Aksenov information about the company “Chernomorneftegaz” completes a connection to the main pipelines. “Yes, sir,” replied the head of the Crimea. After a meeting of the Presidium of the state Council, Feldman approached the President and told him that the residents of Genichesk Genichesk district, and again asked Russia for natural gas supplies. “The situation is close to humanitarian catastrophe, exacerbated the situation last year when people were left without heat,” he said. Aksyonov recalled that last year on behalf of Putin freezing the town was

Zakharov commented on the desire of the United States close to Russia, the Greek ports

Maria Zakharova The official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova commented on recent media reports that President Barack Obama will ask Greece to close the ports for Russian ships. “And it’s not the limit! Obama, for example, may be asked to close Pushkin for pigeons or boards for the nails”, — Zakharov wrote in his Facebook. “Friends, what else can be asked to close Obama?” — she added. Previously, the authors of the military-political portal Militaire came to the conclusion that Barack Obama’s upcoming visit to Athens will require Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras to close the country’s ports for ships of the Russian Navy. According to the publication, the purpose of the trip Obama has identified the Heritage Foundation’s strategic research Institute of the United States involved in foreign-policy studies. Washington also requires that in December, Greece voted to keep anti-Russian sanctions. The US President’s visit to Athens

Mogherini ruled out the change of the EU position on Russia

Federica Mogherini The EU does not intend to change its position on Russia, even if the US will change his point of view in this matter. Such statement as transfers RIA Novosti, made to journalists by the head of EU diplomacy Federica Mogherini after an informal dinner with foreign Ministers, devoted to results of elections in the United States. “As for Russia, you know, the EU has taken a very principled position on illegal annexation of Crimea and the situation in Ukraine. This will not change, despite policy changes”, — said Mogerini, answering the question of how possible changes in U.S. relations with Russia after the victory of Republican Donald trump will affect the position of the EU. According to Mogherini, the EU “talks with Russia and working with Russia on many issues.” Among them she mentioned the agreement on the Iranian nuclear program, middle East peace process, Libya and

Regional parliaments after the state Duma to impose punishment for truancy

Photo: RIA Novosti As the RT, after the state Duma deputies to be fined for truancy can start and regional parliaments. To introduce draft laws to the deputies from the regions recommended that the President of the chamber of young legislators Victor konopacki (the Association consists of deputies from all 85 subjects of the Russian Federation). In addition, konopacki sent a similar request to the Board of legislators. It is assumed that the information of deputies-shirkers will be placed on “Board of shame” on the Parliament website and they will be fined at least one-tenth of the salary. Soon members of the regional Dumas can also start to punish for absenteeism, as already done in the state Duma. This idea is promoted by the President of the chamber of young legislators under the Council of Federation Victor konopacki. As he told RT, a letter with a proposal to develop the

A passenger died under a train at the metro station “Filyovsky Park” in Moscow

The accident happened today in Moscow metro. At the station “Filyovsky Park” blue threads, the passenger fell onto the tracks and died. It is reported by city news “Moscow” with reference to a source in emergency services of the city.   It is noted that in this incident was stopped the movement of trains. The scene was urgently called rescuers.   In a press-service of the Metropolitan EMERCOM of Russia the fact of the call to rescue the station “Filyovsky Park” due to an emergency with a passenger confirmed.   Later, the source said that metro passenger died from his injuries without regaining consciousness.   Later the movement of trains on this section was restored.   Photo: wikipedia

Against “Khabarovsk zhivoderok” filed three criminal cases

Against “Khabarovsk zhivoderok” filed three criminal cases MOSCOW, 11 Dec — RIA Novosti. Khabarovsk investigators have filed three criminal cases against two 17-year-old girls accused of animal cruelty, told in the message of the RF IC. Two 17-year-old girl from Khabarovsk published on their pages in the online photos of animal abuse, which they took in “good hands”. A criminal case under article “cruelty to animals”. One of them placed under house arrest. According to preliminary data, victims of bullying were at least 15 animals and birds. As noted in SK, 11 November 2016 the investigators appealed to court with the petition for election concerning two 17-year-old girls of a measure of restraint in form of detention. Their accomplice, 18-year-old teen arrested. Livein Khabarovsk rivederci could enter the sect The investigators found that the defendants allegedly were involved in the robbery, inciting hatred and enmity and to insult the feelings

Residents of Krasnoyarsk Krai rescued a wayward Flamingo

Residents of Krasnoyarsk Krai rescued a wayward Flamingo Residents of Krasnoyarsk Krai rescued a Flamingo out of the way for the winter. It is reported by the GTRK “Krasnoyarsk”. According to ornithologists, the bird was born this year. Presumably, she went to winter in Iran, but for some reason have strayed from the flock. “Young birds usually stray from the main migration routes and fly in such an ambiguous place,” — said the ornithologist of the Park flora and fauna “Roev Ruchey” Irina Vorontsov. Last year it already the second similar case. The first took place in October at Hangar — then a freezing bird saved the children. At the end of October last year, stray from the flocks of flamingos were found near Kemerovo. Pink, or plain Flamingo, Russia does not nest, but is regularly observed on migration in Dagestan, Kalmykia, Krasnodar and Stavropol regions and other regions. Winter

In Seoul, hundreds of thousands of people staged a protest March against the government

In Seoul, hundreds of thousands of people staged a protest March against the government TOKYO, 12 Nov — RIA Novosti, Yekaterina Plyasunova. Hundreds of thousands of people take part in one of the largest protests in South Korea against the government for the last time. According to Yonhap news Agency, citing the organizers of the protest March as of 18.30 local time (12.30 GMT) in the action take part more than 850 thousand people. According to estimates of the Metropolitan police, on the streets about 220 thousand people. To maintain order in the Seoul police involved 25 thousand employees. “@junmichaelpark: Massive. Just massive. @KoreaExpose #Seoul #Korea #박근혜 #민중총궐기 pic.twitter.com/V8WKTN4u6C” — Sun Youn (@sunyounww) 12 Nov 2016 ???FLASH Manifestation monstre à #Séoul contre la présidente empêtrée dans un scandale financier organisé par sa plus proche conseillère. pic.twitter.com/ackVKdy4qF — Anthony Gonzalez (@AnthoGonzalez56) 12 Nov 2016 See alsoIn Seoul gathered up to 100