TFR responded to the comment about Tuleyev exerted on it the pressure

Photo: RIA Novosti The investigative Committee of Russia (TFR) has commented on the claims of innocence of detainees on suspicion in extortion the two Vice-Governor of the Kemerovo region. “There is hard work, and we are not talking about the final of the guilt of the defendants, therefore, arouse strong statements about the alleged absurdity of allegations, especially from the mouths of those who are absolutely not familiar with the materials of the criminal case”, — is spoken in the message of the RCDS on the Agency’s website. Participation of persons involved in illegal actions based on collected investigation investigative materials, noted in the TFR. The Agency recommended that all wishing to speak loud statements in the criminal case to await the outcome of the investigation. “And do not cover criminal acts by the interests of the people or some other high category”, — stated in a press release. In

The state Department could not prove the attack videoconferencing in Syria’s Aleppo

In Washington refused to provide evidence that the Russian VKS made the attack on civilian objects in Aleppo, Syria. In response to the request to tell exactly where the bombings occurred, the head of the press service of the state Department John Kirby said that he has no specific information. About it reports TASS.   According to Kirby, he has no tactical information on Russian operations “in terms of points on the map and locations”. He also could not provide a list of hospitals, which allegedly struck. In its charge, the representative of the state Department relied solely on the sources of “credible”.   We will remind, the day before the state Department spokesperson Elizabeth Trudeau said that Washington condemned the renewed attacks of the Russian HQs in Syria. However, she appealed to the data, according to which Russian aircrafts allegedly punched in five hospitals and one mobile hospital in

Media: Vasilyeva’s lawyer is ready to take up the case speaker

Media: Vasilyeva’s lawyer is ready to take up the case speaker The lawyer of ex-official’s defense Ministry Evgenia Vasilyeva Hassan-Ali Borochov said he was ready to defend the Minister of economic development Alexei Ulyukayev, if it receives such a proposal, reports RT. “I would undertake to protect the speaker, if he approached me,” said Borochov. According to counsel, the case will be “loud” and “not go away”. Earlier, Reuters, citing a source said that the protection of the speaker will be engaged in lawyer Alexander Vershinin. The investigative Committee of Russia opened a criminal case against the Minister of economic development Alexei Ulyukayev. The consequence asks to place the head of the MAYOR Alexei Ulyukayev under house arrest. The Minister is not guilty.

Restored the legendary Yak-18

Restored the legendary Yak-18 “Flying Desk” of Yuri Gagarin found his airfield. After 30 years desperate struggle and great work unique aircraft found a home. Aviatsentr “resurrection” took over the sponsorship of a unique aircraft (Parking in a hangar, fuel, air navigation security). Yak-18 — a famous plane. It began its flight-path space cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin. This is a real “flying Desk”, which gave a start in the sky thousands and thousands of pilots. Of the plane is very difficult and interesting destiny. Oleg Sergeyevich Kolesnikov, 20 years (1986 to 2006) were collected missing parts for this aircraft in order to achieve complete authenticity of the aircraft to the original down to the last detail, and then Shakhty DOSAAF ARZ (aircraft repair plant) spent the whole complex of restoration work and painting, after which the aircraft received a “ticket to heaven” in the form of state registration and SLG (certificate

Prime Minister of Japan called a meeting with Putin in Peru “precious chance”

Prime Minister of Japan called a meeting with Putin in Peru “precious chance” TOKYO, 16 Oct — RIA Novosti, Xenia Naka. Prime Minister Shinzo Abe called coming to Peru this month to meet with Russian President “precious chance”. “This is a precious chance. I want to make it so that she was fruitful”, — quotes the words of the Prime Minister Agency Kyodo. Informed the Secretary General of the Cabinet of Ministers of Japan Acehide Suga said that the government of Japan considers “very important” meeting of the Prime Minister of Japan Shinzo Abe and Russian President Vladimir Putin in Peru. In early September, on the sidelines of the Eastern economic forum in Vladivostok held a three-hour negotiations of the President of Russia Vladimir Putin with Prime Minister of Japan Shinzo Abe. One outcome of the meeting was the announcement of the timing of Putin’s visit to Japan, which will

In Yakutia the generator popped a hair seven-year girl

In the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) diesel generator on the deck of the ferry to eat the hair seven-year girl, the daughter of one of the passengers. On Wednesday, 16 November, reports regional Department of the Investigative Committee. According to authorities, the incident occurred on 2 September. “In the evening time in the implementation of transport motor vehicles and passengers along the Lena river on the passenger ferry (…) seven year old daughter of one of the passengers pulled the hair into a diesel engine generator installed in the left aft cargo deck of the ferry,” — said in the message. As a result of the incident, the child received a closed craniocerebral injury and brain concussion. Against the captain of the ferry was a criminal case under part 1 of article 238 of the criminal code of Russian Federation (“Rendering services not meeting requirements of safety of life and

Mexico has promised to help its migrants in the United States

The Ministry of foreign Affairs of Mexico has promised to help the country’s citizens who emigrated to the US and risking to encounter problems after winning the presidential election Donald trump. About it reports Reuters. As stated in the statement, Mexican diplomats will make every effort to prevent infringement of interests of citizens. You will expand the network of mobile consular services running round-the-clock hotline for answers to questions relating to migration. In addition, it will accelerate the provision of services residing in the USA to the Mexicans, wishing to obtain passports and birth certificates. Mexico also promised to intensify contacts at the state level and advised Mexican migrants possible “to avoid any conflict situations and violations of the law”. Republican Donald trump won a victory on elections of the President of the United States must take office on January 20. Previously, he has repeatedly stated that it plans to

Obama and the European leaders will discuss the extension of sanctions against Russia in Berlin

Us President Barack Obama during his last as the US President’s European tour arrived in Germany. In the Berlin airport, he was greeted with the highest honors: red carpet and an honor guard.   After shaking hands with the military and his counterpart Joachim Gauck, whose term also comes to an end, Obama limousine went to the center of the capital of Germany, where already in the morning taken unprecedented security measures.   The sky over Berlin is closed for flights to Central metro station not working, on every street guarded by reinforced police squads, and on the roofs, there are snipers. Residents adjacent to the hotel Adlon houses, where he stopped Obama, intelligence agencies are forbidden to open the Windows.   Thursday, November 17, American President right in the hotel will meet with Chancellor Angela Merkel on Friday, November 18, is scheduled to meet with other European leaders: heads

Media explained the impossibility of sending the speaker in jail

Media explained the impossibility of sending the speaker in jail The investigation seeks house arrest Ulyukayev, as Minister of posts admitted to state secrets and cannot be sent in a regular detention facility. The refusal of the Investigative Committee of Russia (TFR) to seek custody of the Minister of economic development Alexei Ulyukayev, who is accused of bribe extortion in especially large size, due to the inability of the premises to the camera person having access to state secrets of the highest level, reports “RIA Novosti”, citing a source in law enforcement bodies. TFR asked the court to send the speaker under house arrest. “This measure was chosen because the speaker, as one of the Ministers, has access to a variety of state secrets of the highest level. Therefore, in a normal prison, and especially in the General population, it can not be placed. In such cases, at the discretion