The media learned about the possible visit of a tramp in Russia after the inauguration

The media learned about the possible visit of a tramp in Russia after the inauguration The US President-elect Donald trump will visit Russia with official visit after inauguration to be held January 20. About it writes on Thursday, November 17, the newspaper “Izvestia”, citing a senior source in the Republican party. According to the interlocutor of the edition, the decision to postpone the visit, which was supposed to be applied early, was accepted “after some meetings within the team”. As noted by the American political scientist Dimitri Simes, a trip to the inauguration of the trump could be regarded as undermining the policies of the current administration, therefore, its transfer was a good step. “Now the US President is Barack Obama, and do not make a sharp and hasty steps,” — he said. See alsotrump’s Name removed from buildings in new York On 14 November the President of Russia Vladimir

Lavrov spoke about the purpose of the Russian attacks videoconferencing in the provinces of Idlib and HOMS

© The video/office of the press service and information Ministry of defense of the Russian Federation/TASS LIMA, November 18. /TASS/. Aircraft of the Russian Federation and Syria only works in the provinces of Idlib and HOMS, to prevent the escape of ISIS from Mosul to Syria. This was stated Friday by the Minister of foreign Affairs of Russia Sergey Lavrov.

Lavrov responded to the incident with the journalist RT

Sergei Lavrov The Minister of foreign Affairs of Russia Sergey Lavrov called unacceptable the incident of insulting the journalist RT at a briefing the official representative of US state Department, John Kirby. As reported on Friday, November 18, RIA Novosti, he said following a meeting with Secretary of state John Kerry on the sidelines of the APEC summit in Peru. “I believe that this does not reflect American values, and I hope this does not reflect the position of the Secretary of state”, — said the Minister. Lavrov noted that Kirby “has to understand his own chiefs, who will be responsible for what he does and how does its work”. The head of the Russian foreign Ministry said that he had not discussed the incident at a meeting with Kerry. Earlier official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova called the behavior Kirby egregious case of division of journalists on

The United States and Ukraine made against the UN resolution on combating glorification of Nazism

Three countries — USA, Ukraine and Palau — voted in the Third Committee of the UN General Assembly against the resolution on combating the glorification of Nazism and combating contemporary forms of racism, racial discrimination and xenophobia. Reported by the Associated Press. The document, prepared by Russia in collaboration with 54 States, was supported by 131 votes with 48 abstentions. Among the countries that voted “for” — India and China among the abstentions — member countries of the European Union. The U.S. delegation its position explained by the fact that Russia can use the resolution for political attacks on neighbors. In addition, diplomats said that it infringes on freedom of speech. “The United States cannot support this resolution due to a too narrow framework and political nature, because it imposes unacceptable limitations on the fundamental principles for freedom of expression of opinion”, — quotes Agency the statement of the US

Lavrov told about the reasons of Russian air strikes videoconferencing in Idlib and HOMS

The Russian air force and Syrian troops strike in the provinces of Idlib and HOMS, not to allow militants of the banned “Islamic state” Iraqi retreat from Mosul to Syria. This was stated by Russian foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, reports RIA Novosti.   “Our aviation and aviation Syria work only in the provinces of Idlib and HOMS, to prevent the escape of ISIS from Mosul to Syria”, – said the Minister.   Russia’s armed Forces began a massive operation in Idlib and HOMS November 15. On this day the fighting in Syria joined by the heavy aircraft-carrying cruiser “Admiral Kuznetsov” and the frigate “Admiral Grigorovich” struck by missiles “Caliber” to the terrorists. Photo: Berci Feher/ZUMAPRESS/Globalookpress

The speaker in court have been found atherosclerosis and hypertension

The speaker in court have been found atherosclerosis and hypertension The Minister of economic development of Russia Alexei Ulyukayev, accused of bribery, on Tuesday, November 15, the Basmanny court of Moscow told about their illnesses, according to RIA Novosti. In turn, his lawyer Timofei Gridnev suggested to be limited to house arrest, since the Minister for health require daily walks for at least two hours. In addition, according to the defender, no speaker at work destabilizie the work of the Ministry.

Scientists have discovered the first sign of Alzheimer’s disease

Scientists have discovered the first sign of Alzheimer’s disease Violation of smell occurs in patients over ten years before the appearance of obvious symptoms. The first signs of development of Alzheimer’s disease can be determined due to the violation of the sense of smell in a patient. To such conclusion employees of the Main hospital of Massachusetts in the United States. The study involved 183 volunteers aged 57 years, ten of which have already suffered from Alzheimer’s disease. Respondents were asked to identify different odors. A special instrument recorded whether they call them. There were ten specific flavors: menthol, clove, leather, strawberry, lilac, pineapple, smoke, soap, grape, lemon. In addition, the patients underwent genetic examination and special tests on visualization and memory. All tests confirmed the researchers ‘ hypothesis that people with impaired olfaction are more at risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease, according to the Federal news Agency. Study leader

Saakashvili announced Poroshenko plans to deprive him of citizenship of Ukraine

Saakashvili announced Poroshenko plans to deprive him of citizenship of Ukraine In his words, make a plan through the court. Moscow. 17 Nov. INTERFAX.RU a Former Governor of the Odessa region Mikhail Saakashvili said that the President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko intends to deprive him of Ukrainian citizenship by the court. The former President of Georgia wrote in Facebook, referring to “very well informed source”. See alsoMedvedev “simple” commented on the resignation of Saakashvili According to Saakashvili, the President has asked this question the first Deputy head of the Bloc of Petro Poroshenko in the Verkhovna Rada Igor Kononenko “and his accomplice”, member of the Verkhovna Rada Committee on legal policy and justice Alexander Granovsky, whom he described as “informal curator of litigation in the pyramid of corruption of the administration of the President.” International law and Ukrainian legislation prohibits the deprivation of nationality of citizens of Ukraine, if they

Zakharova have noticed a change in the assessment of Obama to the status of Russia

Maria Zakharova President Barack Obama has changed its assessment in relation to Russia. This was stated on air of TV channel “the Rain” official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova, commenting on the words of the American leader that Russia is a military superpower. “Today was the press conference of Barack Obama with Mrs. [Chancellor Angela] Merkel, and there was placed a completely different emphasis than if they were placed some time ago… There are some other nuances. A year or two ago we heard that Russia is a regional power and so on”, — the diplomat reminded. At the same time, Zakharova expressed confidence that the Obama administration will not fundamentally change their position in relation to Russia before the inauguration of the new President of Donald trump. However, she stressed that Moscow is ready to cooperate with Washington, regardless of how the U.S. government assess the role

With the explosion of the truck in Mozambique killed more than 70 people

Archive At least 73 people were killed in the explosion of a truck in Mozambique, the expense is affected by dozens of people. On Thursday, November 17, Reuters reported, citing the country’s government. The incident happened on 17 November near the border with Malawi. EN route to this country from the port of Beira, the truck overturned, eyewitnesses of the incident tried to pump fuel when the explosion occurred. About the causes of accidents are not reported. Earlier it was reported that the victims of the incident were 43 people, and another 100 were injured. June 1, 2015, it was reported about an accident involving a fuel tanker in the Nigerian city Onitsha, which killed about 70 people. Car for transportation of fuel entered the building of the bus station. As a result, dozens of people were injured, burned 13 vehicles. According to police, the cause of the accident was