Putin described the appointment of Saakashvili, head of the Odessa region spit all over Ukraine

Mikheil Saakashvili © EPA/ROMAN PILIPEY MOSCOW, November 21. /TASS/. The appointment of former Georgian President Mikhail Saakashvili, the Governor of the Odessa region was a slap in the address of the Ukrainian people. This opinion was expressed by Russian President Vladimir Putin in an interview for the Oliver stone movie “Ukraine in the fire”, which will air of TV channel “Ren TV”.

The Moscow Patriarchate opposed the separation of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church

Patriarch Kirill on the celebration of its 70th anniversary, in the Cathedral of Christ the Savior declared that the Russian Orthodox Church (ROC) will never agree to the separation of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate, reports on Monday, November 21, “Interfax”. “We will never agree to change the sacred canonical boundaries of the Church, because Kiev is the spiritual cradle of Holy Russia”, — he said. Kirill said that Ukraine “take place of seizure of the churches, ignored decisions of the courts conducted an information campaign against the Church.” While Orthodox discriminating the bills in the Verkhovna Rada, according to the Patriarch, pushed the deputies are Greek Catholics or atheists. In Ukraine there are three religious organizations that identify themselves as Orthodox Christians. Two of them — the Kyivan Patriarchate (introduced in 1992) and the Ukrainian Autocephalous Orthodox Church (organized Diaspora in North America and Western Europe)

In the South of Libya, 16 people were killed in fighting over the monkey

In the South of Libya careless actions of the monkeys has led to inter-tribal clashes, which killed 16 people. About it reports The Guardian. The incident occurred in the city of Sabha. Three young men from the tribe gaddadfa incited a monkey that belonged to one of them, a girl from the tribe of awlad Suleiman. The animal tore off the head scarf girls. In retaliation for the insult to men awlad Sulayman killed three people from the tribe gaddadfa (whom is not reported) and a monkey. At the moment (Monday, 21 Nov) are already fighting the fourth day, both sides used tanks, mortars and other heavy weapons. 16 people killed, over 50 injured. An attempt to conclude a truce in order to remove the corpses, failed. Gaddadfa tribes and awlad Suleiman is the most powerful force in the region which almost have no control over either one of the

Liner with members of the Russian delegation at the APEC summit broke down in Lisbon

Liner with members of the Russian delegation at the APEC summit broke down in Lisbon The plane, which flew to Peru for the APEC summit, the journalists and members of the Russian delegation, broke down in Lisbon, where it was refueling. It is planned that after eliminating the aircraft will fly to Lima. Most likely, he will arrive in Peru’s capital on Saturday evening, November 19, after the start of the summit, RIA Novosti reported. Previously when flying over the territory of Switzerland the aircraft for several minutes was accompanied by two fighter jets with the Swiss flag. First military aircraft flew under the left wing of the liner, then the right. Before they sharply swerved to the side, the pilot of one of the fighters waved a hand. In addition to participating in the working sessions, the President of Russia Vladimir Putin has scheduled a number of bilateral meetings,

Patriarch Kirill, likened abortion to alcoholism and drug addiction

Patriarch Kirill, likened abortion to alcoholism and drug addiction The Patriarch of Moscow and all Russia Kirill has recognized that today, to completely ban abortions in Russia is impossible, however, to withdraw the procedure from the system of compulsory medical insurance (OMS), in his opinion, it would be appropriate. This opinion was expressed by the priest in an interview with RIA Novosti published on Sunday, November 20. The head of the Russian Orthodox Church emphasized that the Church on this issue “absolutely realistic agenda”. In September, the Patriarch signed the appeal of the activists calling to completely ban abortions in Russia. The text was about surgical and medical abortion, and banning of contraceptives with abortive effects. Later, the press Secretary of the head of the Russian Orthodox Church said that the Primate encouraged to bring abortion out of the system. Thus, according to him, on a total ban on abortion

Erdogan said that he discussed Turkey’s accession to SCO

Erdogan said that he discussed Turkey’s accession to SCO ANKARA, 20 Nov — RIA Novosti. EU membership is not Turkey’s only option, Ankara is considering the issue of joining the Shanghai cooperation organization, said the President of Turkey, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, quoted by the Sabah newspaper. He added that he discussed this issue with the presidents of Russia and Kazakhstan. In his view, Turkey’s participation in the SCO gives it more freedom of action. Relations with Russia, the Turkish leader called good, although “all at once may not turn out”. He spoke about the upcoming contacts at the highest level: 5-6 December, the Prime Minister of Turkey will pay a visit to Russia, and in the first quarter of 2017 will host Russian-Turkish cooperation Council at the highest level.

Krasnoyarsk Buddha Bar fined for insulting the feelings of believers

The Prosecutor’s office ordered the owners of the Buddha Bar in Krasnoyarsk to pay a fine and to change the name because of the insults the feelings of believers. About it the owner of the bar, Natalia Myazina wrote in his Facebook. “Buddha bar found guilty of offending religious feelings of Buddhists of Kalmykia, Tuva and Buryatia, and now we have to pay a fine of 30 thousand rubles, to rename and remove images of Buddhist deities,” she said. It clarifies the issue Sibnovosti.ru Prosecutor’s office has conducted an audit and found a violation of part 2 of article 5.26 of administrative code (“Deliberate public desecration of religious or liturgical literature, objects of religious veneration, signs or emblems of ideological symbols and attributes or their damage or destruction”). On 7 November it was reported that on Buddha Bar complained to the Prosecutor’s office for insulting the feelings of Buddhists. Check

In attack at Kabul mosque killed 27 people

In a suicide attack at a Shiite mosque Char Qala in Afghanistan’s capital of Kabul killed at least 27 people. 35 parishioners were injured. About it reports TV channel TOLO News. The explosion occurred at 12:30 local time (11:00 GMT), when the faithful gathered for the prayer for the dead — Arbain, which marks the end of the 40-day mourning period for Imam Hussein, grandson of prophet Muhammad. According to police, an explosive device detonated a suicide bomber. Among the dead are children. Terrorist Taliban (banned in Russia) have already announced their involvement in the terrorist attack. On November 16 of this year in Kabul in a suicide attack organized by militants of the terrorist group “Islamic state” (IG, is prohibited in Russia), six people were killed. A suicide bomber on a motorcycle pulled up to standing in traffic the minibus, which was carrying security officials to ensure the safety