Kudrin expressed doubts about the fact of extortion of a bribe Ulyukaev

Photo: TASS The head of the Center for strategic research (CSR) Alexei Kudrin considers it premature to assert the fact of extortion of a bribe by the former Minister of economic development of Russia Alexei Ulyukayev. This opinion he expressed in the program “Vesti on Saturday with Sergei Brilev” on TV channel “Russia 1”. “My doubts that all of it could be associated with a difficult configuration of his (speaker – approx. TASS) in the territory of Rosneft. In fact, it is not accepted, even can’t imagine this, to a Minister with such a powerful man with the authority, as Sechin, could behave this way”, – he said. In addition, Kudrin urged not to link the arrest of the speaker with his other work as Minister of economic development. So, the head of Chechnya Ramzan Kadyrov said that the former Minister has delayed the decision on the transfer of “Chechenneftekhimprom”

The su-35S fighter jets repelled the attack of the imaginary enemy in the sky over the seashore

© The video/office of the press service and information Ministry of defense of the Russian Federation/TASS VLADIVOSTOK, November 22. /Offset. TASS Natalia Nikulina/. The pilots of the newest super-maneuverable multi-purpose fighter su-35S fighter regiment of the army, air force and air defense of the Eastern military district (TSB) has fulfilled the elements of air combat in the skies over year, reflecting an air attack conventional enemy, said TASS head of information support a press-services VVO on Pacific fleet captain 2nd rank Vladimir Matveev.

Trump said that on the first day of the presidency will start the procedure of withdrawal of the US from the TPP

The US President-elect Donald trump said that on the first day after the inauguration will notify the partners about the intention to withdraw from the agreement on the TRANS-Pacific partnership. This was the Republican said in his video. Donald trump has called the TPP a “potential disaster” for the country.   An agreement for a comprehensive free trade zone in the Asia-Pacific region was signed in February 2016 12 countries. Barack Obama argued that such a Pact will allow the US to set global trade rules that will be respected by all countries. However Donald trump during his election campaign criticized the agreement and called it inappropriate.   In October, the Republican published a programme of action which it proposes to implement in the first 100 days of presidency. It was the exit from the TRANS-Pacific partnership. Photo: Donald J. Trump/Facebook

The ECHR communicated the complaint Ildar Dading of torture in the colony

The ECHR communicated the complaint Ildar Dading of torture in the colony The European court of human rights (ECHR) communicated a complaint Ildar Dading of torture in the colony to the government of Russia. About this in his Facebook said the representative of the convicted person in the ECHR Nikolay Zboroshenko. “The European Court of human rights informed me about the communication to the Government of Russia complaints of alleged torture against Ildar Dading”, — he wrote.

NASA showed the profile of the crater Okkator

NASA showed the profile of the crater Okkator The photos show bright spots inside the crater Okkator, which consist of salts, and, according to scientists, there was the evaporation of water. Space Agency NASA revealed new images of Ceres taken by Dawn probe. They show bright spots inside the crater Okkator, which consist of salts, and, according to scientists, there was the evaporation of water. About it reports a press-the release published on the website of the jet propulsion Laboratory of NASA. The Dawn spacecraft arrived in orbit of Ceres on March 6 2015. During the execution of its core mission, which ended at the end of June 2016, the probe has collected tens of thousands of images of the dwarf planet.See alsoNASA Engineers have completed Assembly of the largest space telescope In July 2016, NASA announced the adoption of a programme of extended mission in which Dawn had to

In the Kremlin will discuss the possible reduction in the number of “foreign agents”

In the Kremlin will discuss the possible reduction in the number of “foreign agents” In the Kremlin under the guidance of Sergei Kiriyenko is preparing a consultation on possible amendments to the law on NGOs — foreign agents. It was initiated by the Committee of civil initiatives Alexei Kudrin and the HRC. A meeting in the Kremlin In the Kremlin until the end of the year may held a meeting on possible amendments to the law on NGOs — foreign agents, told RBC a source in the Committee of civil initiatives (THD) Alexei Kudrin. See also the Public chamber urged to equate NGOs to small business It is prepared under the guidance of the first Deputy head of the presidential administration Sergei Kiriyenko, the prior consent of Vladimir Putin at the meeting has been received, says the interlocutor of RBC. “It will be a meeting in the presidential administration, it

The analyst estimated the desire of Chechnya to live within your means

Konstantin Kalachev The decision of the Chechen authorities on the implementation of the program “Lean region” due to the need to live in conditions optimized budget, said the head of “Political expert group” Konstantin Kalachev. This point of view, the expert announced on Monday, November 20, in an interview with “Tape.ru”. According to him, Chechnya has some advantage over other Russian subjects, however, the savings relevant. “In tough budget for the next three years, when it is not clear that oil prices will return to their former positions need to prepare to live within our means,” said the analyst. The Chechen leadership, understanding it, “invites the relevant people and to use the appropriate groundwork,” said Kalachev. November 11, Chechen authorities announced the launch of the program “Lean region”, which involves the use of foreign technologies for efficient budget management. The Minister of Finance of the Chechen Republic Usman Rassukhanov said

The operation of the cooling system, fuel “Fukushima-2” was interrupted after the earthquake

NPP “Fukushima-2” After the earthquake, the operation of the cooling system of the spent nuclear fuel in the third reactor NPP “Fukushima-2” for a while stayed after deployment, automation, reported on the website of the company-operator TEPCO. As announced at the press conference, the Secretary-General of the Cabinet of Ministers of Yoshihide Suga, of radiation leakage after stopping of the cooling system is not fixed, reports TASS. “Currently we review. There were leaks of radiation and increase the temperature of the rods,” said he. In the pool are 2544 fuel rod. At the same time, as the company said, due to the presence in the reservoir of large amounts of water, the temperature of the rods can be maintained at an acceptable level for a long time, so it is unlikely that this will lead to any complications. NPP “Fukushima-2”, like almost all other nuclear facilities in the country, was

Media: the head of the Japanese foreign Ministry will visit Moscow on December 3

Photo: TASS Foreign Minister Fumio Kishida December 3, will visit Moscow where he will hold talks with Russian foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov. This was reported on Saturday Agency Kiodo. Details of the trip are not given, but it will be the eve of the scheduled 15-16 December visit of Russian President Vladimir Putin to Japan. As expected, the main topic of the talks in the Russian capital will be the preparation of the visit. On the sidelines of the Asia-Pacific economic cooperation (APEC) forum in Peru on Saturday, is expected to meet with Putin, Prime Minister of Japan Shinzo Abe. According to the Japanese Minister of economy, trade and industry Hiroshige Seko, they will be presented the results of concretization of the cooperation of the eight items proposed by the Japanese side. The exact content of the cooperation plan is not yet known, however earlier it was reported about the