About 30 flights canceled or delayed at Moscow airports

Yandex.Schedule: about 30 flights were canceled at Moscow airports canceled a total of about 30 flights, follows from the data of the online service for tracking departures “Yandex. Schedule.” , six flights were delayed at Domodedovo, one was canceled, and five flights were delayed at Sheremetyevo, another ten were canceled. There is no data on the schedule disruptions in Zhukovsky. The reasons for the change in the departure time of the aircraft were not disclosed. On November 26, about 30 flights were canceled and delayed at Moscow airports. Thus, four flights to Vnukovo were delayed and three flights were canceled, five flights were delayed at Sheremetyevo airport, nine flights were canceled, and nine flights were delayed at Domodedovo.

Razumkov called Zelensky's statement about a coup d'etat as an unsuccessful joke

Former head of Rada Razumkov called Zelensky's words about the coup on December 1 an unsuccessful joke Of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky on the upcoming coup d'etat with the participation of the oligarch Rinat Akhmetov. A video with Razumkov’s commentary was published on the VESTI Telegram channel. Razumkov noted that the president’s words about preparing a coup “this is more than serious,” so he expected to hear about detentions or arrests. “But today is the 30th, and nothing is happening. Therefore, it was either the president joking like that, and it was a very unfortunate joke, or there must be real facts, what actually happened, “the ex-head of the Rada said. If the authorities claim that there will be a coup d'etat on December 1 , then “we need to prepare the country,” Razumkov believes. “And if it was just said and forgotten, I don’t know how to comment on it.

About 30 flights canceled or delayed at Moscow airports

Yandex.Schedule: about 30 flights were canceled at Moscow airports canceled a total of about 30 flights, follows from the data of the online service for tracking departures “Yandex. Schedule.” , six flights were delayed at Domodedovo, one was canceled, and five flights were delayed at Sheremetyevo, another ten were canceled. There is no data on the schedule disruptions in Zhukovsky. The reasons for the change in the departure time of the aircraft were not disclosed. On November 26, about 30 flights were canceled and delayed at Moscow airports. Thus, four flights to Vnukovo were delayed and three flights were canceled, five flights were delayed at Sheremetyevo airport, nine flights were canceled, and nine flights were delayed at Domodedovo.

Razumkov called Zelensky's statement about a coup d'etat as an unsuccessful joke

Former head of Rada Razumkov called Zelensky's words about the coup on December 1 an unsuccessful joke Of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky on the upcoming coup d'etat with the participation of the oligarch Rinat Akhmetov. A video with Razumkov’s commentary was published on the VESTI Telegram channel. Razumkov noted that the president’s words about preparing a coup “this is more than serious,” so he expected to hear about detentions or arrests. “But today is the 30th, and nothing is happening. Therefore, it was either the president joking like that, and it was a very unfortunate joke, or there must be real facts, what actually happened, “the ex-head of the Rada said. If the authorities claim that there will be a coup d'etat on December 1 , then “we need to prepare the country,” Razumkov believes. “And if it was just said and forgotten, I don’t know how to comment on it.

Ученые: горы появились благодаря живым существам

Без взрыва океанской жизни более 2 миллиардов лет назад многие горы Земли, возможно, никогда бы не сформировались, говорится в новом исследовании ученых. Они изучили специфику формирования 20 горных хребтов по всему миру — от Анд до гор на Шпицбергене — и пришли к выводу, что одним из ключевых факторов для роста гор стал высокий уровень углерода в земной коре под толщей воды. Когда крошечные организмы на морском мелководье, такие как планктон, умирают и опускаются на дно, они насыщают земную кору органическим углеродом, делая ее более слабой и податливой. «Дополнительный углерод позволил облегчить деформацию земной коры, и в результате образовались горные пояса и границы плит», — пишут исследователи. Изменения начались примерно 2 миллиарда лет назад, когда углерод из планктона и бактерий начал добавлять исключительно высокие концентрации графита в сланцевое дно океана. Это сделало камень хрупким. В последующие 100 миллионов лет в этих ослабленных слоях коры начало формироваться большинство горных хребтов. Горные хребты, появившиеся совсем недавно, следуют той же схеме, утверждают ученые. Например, в Гималаях тектонические надвиги около 50 миллионов лет назад были сосредоточены на отложениях с богатыми органикой древними пластами. «В конечном итоге наше исследование показало, что ключом к образованию

Vologda will host an international festival of tourist films

Vologda will host the XII international festival of tourist films “Date with Russia” with Russia “. This is reported by TASS. The event will start on December 1 and end on the 5th. 80 works have been submitted for it. Within the framework of the festival, for the first time, a competition of tourist clips will be held, as well as master classes on children's animation and discussions on the role of cinema in promoting tourism and the survival of the hotel business in the coronavirus pandemic. The main platform for screenings will be the south-west tower of the Vologda the Kremlin. Screenings will also take place in other cities of the Vologda Oblast, including Cherepovets, Veliky Ustyug and Vozhega. On November 29, it was reported that the 7th Golden Tower International Film Festival began in Ingushetia.

The colonel of the Moscow police and his father were killed in an accident in the Oryol region

The head of the department of the Department of Economic Security and Civil Engineering of Moscow and his father died driving a BMW X7 in the Oryol region metropolitan police and his father. This was reported on Tuesday, November 30, by the MK edition. According to the newspaper, the accident occurred on November 29 on the Livny-Brod-Verkhovye highway. The BMW X7 car, driven by the 39-year-old head of the Department of Economic Security and Anti-Corruption (UEBiPK) of Moscow, flew into a ditch. From the impact, both men flew through the broken glass and died at the scene. At the time of the tragedy, the colonel was on vacation. On August 18, it was reported that two people died on the highway in the Altai Territory in an accident involving the head of the district traffic police department.

The State Duma called the head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine Kuleba a regular propagandist

State Duma Deputy Zatulin called Kuleba a full-time propagandist, not the head of the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry relations with compatriots Konstantin Zatulin in a conversation with “Lenta.ru” called the head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine Dmitry Kuleba a regular propagandist. “It seems to me that the propaganda meaning and nature of Kuleba's statements is obvious. Kuleba is a full-time propagandist, not a foreign minister. In order to be a foreign minister, you need other qualities, and not the ability to endlessly broadcast threats and warnings. This simple matter can be entrusted to someone else, “Zatulin believes. Earlier, Kuleba said in an interview with the German newspaper Die Zeit that Russia is” pulling troops “to the Ukrainian borders, which is a” real threat. ” The minister also said that Moscow is trying to destabilize Ukraine and Europe. Readers of the newspaper in the comments called Kuleba's statements “hysteria.”

The State Duma called the head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine Kuleba a regular propagandist

State Duma Deputy Zatulin called Kuleba a regular propagandist, not the head of the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry First Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Integration and CIS Committee relations with compatriots Konstantin Zatulin in a conversation with “Lenta.ru” called the head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine Dmitry Kuleba a regular propagandist. “It seems to me that the propaganda meaning and nature of Kuleba's statements is obvious. Kuleba is a full-time propagandist, not a foreign minister. In order to be a foreign minister, you need other qualities, and not the ability to endlessly broadcast threats and warnings. This simple matter can be entrusted to someone else, “Zatulin believes. Earlier, Kuleba said in an interview with the German newspaper Die Zeit that Russia is” pulling troops “to the Ukrainian borders, which is a” real threat. ” The minister also said that Moscow is trying to destabilize Ukraine and Europe.