Parents train surfers falling offered to be fined on 5 thousand roubles

In the Moscow city Duma a draft law introducing administrative liability of parents whose minor children have fun riding the subway and Railways outside the cars. About this newspaper “Izvestia”. The administrative code provides for a fine of 100 rubles for violation of the rules of conduct on railway, air or water transport. Of the administrative code of Moscow provides a penalty for violation of an order of use of tools and equipment for ground transport vehicles. Responsibility for violation of rules of use of the underground and monorail system are generally not provided. Most train surfers falling — teenagers up to 16 years administrative responsibility can not be. Parents or guardians of minors are sometimes engaged in train surfers falling under article 5.35 of the Federal code of administrative offences “Failure to fulfil duties under the maintenance and education of minors”. It is a penalty to 500 rubles. The

Attackers threw a Molotov cocktail at a refugee camp near Vienna

In Austria, the attackers threw a Molotov cocktail in a refugee camp, betrays Reuters. The incident occurred on Sunday, November 27 at Vienna. A police spokesman said that the thrown Molotov cocktails left traces on one of the walls of the center for migrants. There were no injuries. Law enforcement are investigating the incident as a crime of hate. Refugee camps often become the target of attacks of radical Europeans. So, September 6th, unknown persons burned down the center in the commune of forges-Les-Bains in Central France. The incident occurred after a heated discussion about whether migrant reception, which was held at the General meeting of residents. 26 August in the German town of Chatteris at Leipzig the man threw a Molotov cocktail in the window of the building, where he planned to place 56 migrants. The fire was quickly extinguished, the building was not damaged. 1 June in Austria

“Opponents a lot, they can be everywhere”

Photo: Kommersant The General Director of “Mail of Russia” Dmitry Strashnov commented on the claims of the Prosecutor General General Director of FSUE “Russian Post” Dmitry Strashnov has not had contact with representatives of the Investigative Committee of Russia (SK), where the Prosecutor General’s office sent the materials about excitation of criminal case against him on charges of abuse of office. He said this at a meeting with media representatives in the building of the Ministry of communications. Mr. Strashnov noted that the calculation of the remuneration of the General Director of FGUP for 2014 was conducted according to the government decree and the letter of the Ministry of labor from 1994. General Director of FSUE “Russian Post” Dmitry Strashnov, who, along with two senior officials of the Ministry of communications may become a defendant in a criminal case, on Sunday afternoon met with representatives of the media in the

Mountain brigade from Russia will hold exercises with the SCO partners in China

© Yuri Smityuk/TASS YEKATERINBURG, November 28. /TASS/. Divisions of the Fusiliers and the special forces of the defense Ministry arrived in the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous region of China to participate in joint exercises in the framework of the Shanghai cooperation organization (SCO). About it today journalists were reported by the assistant commander of the Central military district (CVO) Colonel Jaroslav Roshupkin. “Russian soldiers arrived in China to participate in joint training, which will begin today at a military base located in the territory of Xinjiang military district in the vicinity of city Korla. Maneuvers are in accordance with the regulation on conducting joint military exercises of member States of the SCO,” said Roshchupkin. According to the assistant to the commander, in the exercise involved units of the armed forces of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, China and Russia. “During training with live fire soldiers of the four countries will practice joint actions in

The IOC stood up for Russian Paralympians

The international Olympic Committee (IOC) intends to intervene in the dialogue of the International Paralympic Committee (IPC) and the Paralympic Committee of Russia (PCR) for the early recovery of the membership of the RCC in the international system and, as a consequence, admission of the Russian athletes for the Paralympic games 2018 in South Korea. According to the newspaper “Izvestia”, the leadership of the IOC was not satisfied with the criteria of the IPC on the recovery of the RCC membership.   “A senior IOC members do not approve of the behavior of the IPC against RCC, which severely affected the relationships between organizations”, – told the newspaper source familiar with the situation.   He does not exclude that representatives of the International Olympic Committee will be present at the meeting of members of IASC and SIC, and the heads of the IOC will help to build a constructive dialogue

“Rain” reported the lack of communication with his crew in the Donbass

“Rain” reported the lack of communication with his crew in the Donbass In Donetsk stopped communicating crew of TV channel “Rain”. This was reported on the website of the Russian TV channel. Before the disappearance of reporter Vasyl polonskyi has notified the editors that the entire crew is detained by Ministry of state security of the self-proclaimed Donetsk national Republic (DND). The office TV channel explained that today, 25 November, no arrests were made. The correspondent of “Rain” Vasily Polonsky Sergey Argentov, was accredited to operate on the territory of the DNI as the security Service of Ukraine (SBU) and the Ministry of information of the breakaway Republic.

Five crimes of Russian history from the point of view of the criminal code

Five crimes of Russian history from the point of view of the criminal code Aephi decided to look at five well-known events of Russian history from the point of view of the current Criminal code of the Russian Federation. During discussions on historical topics of our contemporaries often come to the events, at the distance of several centuries, with the current ideas about the law, humanism, morality and ethics. Meanwhile these settings in different countries and at different times, sometimes differ dramatically. Nonetheless, it is interesting to know what would be one or another historical character for his deeds according to modern laws. Aephi decided to look at five well-known events of Russian history from the point of view of the current Criminal code of the Russian Federation. In advance I must warn you that this is nothing more than a historical experiment, not claiming the status of indisputable truth.

Kiev has warned airlines about the inevitability of firing in the South of Ukraine

Kiev has warned airlines about the inevitability of firing in the South of Ukraine Command of Air forces of Armed forces of Ukraine warned in advance the airlines and providers of aviation services from different countries about the dangers of the use of airspace in southern Ukraine on 1 and 2 December, as during this period there will be exercises, including aerial shooting. For this purpose he prepared and published the aviation notice (NOTAMS). This was reported on page command in Facebook. VideoRosaviation will not stop flying over Crimea because of the Ukrainian missiles In the message it is emphasized that the shooting will take place “exclusively in the airspace of Ukraine”, the open sea, and “will be carried out strictly with international law”. On the eve of 25 November, the Secretary of national security and defense Council (NSDC) Oleksandr Turchynov has said that Ukraine has no plans to conduct

The Supreme court on November 29 will consider the claim “the Apple” about cancellation of results of elections in GD

© Andrei Makhonin/TASS MOSCOW, November 28. /TASS/. Judicial Board on administrative cases of the Supreme court of the Russian Federation on November 29 will consider the claim of the Yabloko party to invalidate the results of the elections to the state Duma on September 18 and on cancellation of the decision of the CEC which they were approved. According to the information posted on the website of the court, hearings are scheduled for 10:00 MSK.

Christmas goat in Sweden celebrated the 50th anniversary and got burned again

In the Swedish city of gävle once burned a Christmas goat made of straw after just a few hours after it was inaugurated in the square. This year it celebrated its 50th anniversary, reports newspaper Aftonbladet. The incident occurred on Sunday evening, November 27. According to preliminary data, unknown persons threw a Molotov cocktail from a nearby restaurant. When the firefighters arrived, the design was already all on fire. The police started search of the malefactor. Under investigation on criminal charges of “Causing damage with aggravating circumstances”. Expenditures for the construction of a goat, which is a wooden frame covered with straw up to 250 thousand Swedish kronor (more than 27 thousand dollars). The goat which is the symbol of the winter holidays in Scandinavia, set in gävle since 1966. From the first year covered by a straw figure became the object of attacks by vandals, in most cases it