Putin explained the need for Russia to leave the dollar

Russian President Putin: Russia will continue to move away from the dollar if the US does not change its policy Russian President Vladimir Putin explained the need for the country to leave the dollar. According to him, Russia is forced to leave the American currency due to the actions of the US authorities, including sanctions. His words are quoted by RIA Novosti. “Russia will continue to move away from the dollar if the US does not change its policy,” he stressed.

Russian helicopters will receive a new rocket

TASS: export modifications Mi-28NM and Ka-52M will receive the missile “Product 305E” and Mi-28NM will receive a new missile “Product 305E”. This is reported by TASS with reference to the Deputy General Director of the High-Precision Complexes holding (part of the Rostec state corporation) Sergei Mikhailov. During the EDEX 2021 arms exhibition, a representative of the enterprise noted that the Ka-52M and Mi- 28NM will receive a new rocket. According to him, the Product 305E will increase the firing capabilities of helicopters. Sergei Mikhailov stressed that the Product 305E was the first Russian multipurpose ammunition for helicopters. This allows strike vehicles to hit all types of targets. In October, the Russian Ministry of Defense agreed on the price of the first Ka-52M helicopters. The cost of each vehicle was 75 million rubles. In September, the Izvestia newspaper reported that the Product 305 light multipurpose guided missile (LMUR) had confirmed its

Russian helicopters will receive a new rocket

TASS: export modifications Mi-28NM and Ka-52M will receive the missile “Product 305E” and Mi-28NM will receive a new missile “Product 305E”. This is reported by TASS with reference to the Deputy General Director of the High-Precision Complexes holding (part of the Rostec state corporation) Sergei Mikhailov. During the EDEX 2021 arms exhibition, a representative of the enterprise noted that the Ka-52M and Mi- 28NM will receive a new rocket. According to him, the Product 305E will increase the firing capabilities of helicopters. Sergei Mikhailov stressed that the Product 305E was the first Russian multipurpose ammunition for helicopters. This allows strike vehicles to hit all types of targets. In October, the Russian Ministry of Defense agreed on the price of the first Ka-52M helicopters. The cost of each vehicle was 75 million rubles. In September, the Izvestia newspaper reported that the Product 305 light multipurpose guided missile (LMUR) had confirmed its

Суд признал бывшего схиигумена Сергия виновным в склонении к самоубийству

«Романов создал препятствия к оформлению в собственность Екатеринбургской епархии недвижимости на территории монастыря. Романов обвиняется в склонении к самоубийству, преступление совершено при следующих обстоятельствах…» — сказал судья. Он добавил, что Романов также признан виновным по статье о нарушении права на свободу совести и вероисповедания. Наказание будет объявлено позже. Гособвинитель в прениях сторон попросил приговорить Сергия к четырем годам колонии общего режима. Сам обвиняемый заявил перед оглашением приговора, что не призывал монашек к самоубийству. «Вот вы отец, вы разве можете призывать? Я задал вопрос, готовы ли они к духовному патриотизму», — сказал Сергий. Духовник и основатель Среднеуральского женского монастыря Сергий оказался в центре внимания после того, как стал говорить в проповедях, что COVID-19 — это «псевдопандемия», что россиян хотят поместить в «электронный лагерь сатаны», «беззаконно сажают на самоизоляцию», лишают «свободы и работы». Впоследствии церковный суд лишил его сана, но он продолжил проводить богослужения и выступать публично в нарушение запрета правящего архиерея, из-за чего в сентябре 2020 года его отлучили от Церкви. Бывшего схиигумена задержали ночью 29 декабря в Среднеуральском женском монастыре во время штурма ОМОНа, после допроса его доставили из Екатеринбурга в столицу. Басманный суд Москвы в тот же день арестовал Романова на два месяца. СК также возбудил уголовные дела об истязании детей

Putin called for unblocking Afghan government money

Putin called the difficult situation in Afghanistan and called for unblocking the country's money Russian President Vladimir Putin called the humanitarian situation in Afghanistan difficult and called for unblocking the funds of the Afghan government led by the Taliban ( Taliban, a terrorist organization banned in Russia ). This is reported by RIA Novosti. According to the head of state, now is not the time to characterize the radical movement, since it controls the situation in the country. “We need to help the Afghan people, at least the money must be unblocked, the Afghan money, which is in Western banks, primarily in the United States, must be unblocked and people must be allowed to solve at least elementary things,” Putin said. < p>

The CAR spoke about the benefits of learning the Russian language

Minister Sissa-Magale: learning Russian will help in science and education Learning Russian will help in education and research. The Minister of Higher Education of the CAR Jean-Laurent Cissa-Magalet spoke about the benefits of teaching the Russian language at the university. His words are reported by the RIA Novosti agency. According to the minister, the Russian language has already been taught in the CAR earlier. “We're making it relevant again. Now there is a language department at the university level. It would be very good if there were enough teachers at this faculty who are able to offer a program so that the study of the Russian language continues and develops, “the official added. Earlier, the President of the CAR Faustin-Archange Touadera said that will become a compulsory subject for study in the universities of the republic. According to the publication, the innovation will affect African students of both bachelor's and

Putin: my right to be re-elected stabilizes the situation in Russia

“You & nbsp; asked or the translation was: what other goals for & nbsp; Russia, besides the possible re-election. I & nbsp; think & nbsp; my re-election & nbsp; & mdash; this is not & nbsp; target for & nbsp; Russia & raquo;, & nbsp; & mdash; Putin said. “As for my plans, & nbsp; here you know what & nbsp; the trick, the trick is & nbsp; that & nbsp; in & nbsp; in accordance with the & nbsp; Constitution, I & nbsp; have the right to be elected for & nbsp; a new term … Whether I & nbsp; to do it or not, I have not decided yet for & nbsp; myself. But & nbsp; the very existence of this right it & nbsp; already stabilizes the internal political situation. Something like & nbsp; the same as Biden's statement that & nbsp; he & nbsp; will be

The CAR spoke about the benefits of learning the Russian language

Minister Sissa-Magale: learning Russian will help in science and education Learning Russian will help in education and research. The Minister of Higher Education of the CAR Jean-Laurent Cissa-Magalet spoke about the benefits of teaching the Russian language at the university. His words are reported by the RIA Novosti agency. According to the minister, the Russian language has already been taught in the CAR earlier. “We're making it relevant again. Now there is a language department at the university level. It would be very good if there were enough teachers at this faculty who are able to offer a program so that the study of the Russian language continues and develops, “the official added. Earlier, the President of the CAR Faustin-Archange Touadera said that will become a compulsory subject for study in the universities of the republic. According to the publication, the innovation will affect African students of both bachelor's and

14 people killed in military helicopter crash in Azerbaijan

State Border Service of Azerbaijan: 14 people were killed, two were injured in a helicopter crash Azerbaijan. This was reported by “Sputnik Azerbaijan”. Information about the victims was published by the State Border Service of the country. Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev expressed condolences to their families. A military helicopter crashed on the morning of November 30 during training flights at the Garageybat training ground in the Khizi region. The leadership of the border service and the Prosecutor General's Office arrived at the scene. In early October, it was reported that three people died in the crash of a military helicopter in Tunisia.

In Kiev explained the tension on the Russian-Ukrainian border

Minister of Defense of Ukraine Reznikov: Russia is trying to strengthen its position in negotiations with Washington border. He spoke about this during an online meeting of representatives of the government of the republic with international investment companies and funds, the press service of the Ukrainian Ministry of Economy reports. Materials on the topic00: 01 – November 2 ” We cannot live in enmity “Why does Zelensky want to meet with Putin and what is he ready to do in order to maintain power? 17:26 – 23 November DPR and Ukraine declare mutual shelling and are preparing for war. Why are Russia accused of aggravating the situation in Donbass? Reznikov explained the current situation on the border between Russia and Ukraine by the upcoming meeting of the Russian President Vladimir Putin with his American counterpart Joe Biden. According to the minister, creating tension on the border, Moscow is trying to