Russians refused to part with paper money

Poll by VTsIOM: almost half of Russians have a negative attitude to the rejection of paper money Among Russians, 47 percent (52 percent of men and 42 percent of women ) have a negative attitude to the idea of ​​abandoning paper money and leaving the opportunity to pay only with a bank card or online transfer. This is stated in a poll by VTsIOM, RBC reports. Now almost half (45 percent) of Russians are ready to part with paper money and pay for purchases and services using non-cash methods. Less than a third (28 percent) use cash and non-cash payment methods equally. Another quarter of respondents – 26 percent – would prefer to pay for goods and services in cash. At the same time, 15 percent of respondents prefer to pay only in banknotes, and 11 percent – only by non-cash methods. According to the survey, citizens aged 60 and

Russians refused to part with paper money

Poll by VTsIOM: almost half of Russians have a negative attitude to the rejection of paper money Among Russians, 47 percent (52 percent of men and 42 percent of women ) have a negative attitude to the idea of ​​abandoning paper money and leaving the opportunity to pay only with a bank card or online transfer. This is stated in a poll by VTsIOM, RBC reports. Now almost half (45 percent) of Russians are ready to part with paper money and pay for purchases and services using non-cash methods. Less than a third (28 percent) use cash and non-cash payment methods equally. Another quarter of respondents – 26 percent – would prefer to pay for goods and services in cash. At the same time, 15 percent of respondents prefer to pay only in banknotes, and 11 percent – only by non-cash methods. According to the survey, citizens aged 60 and

The financier assessed the risks of a collapse of the ruble

Financier Babin: a serious deterioration in the geopolitical situation does not lead to a fall in the ruble the collapse of the ruble amid November, which was unsuccessful for the Russian currency. Over the past month, it dropped to ninth place from second in the ranking of 36 world currencies against the US dollar, reports the Prime agency. The financier recalled that in addition to the geopolitical situation, the ruble was under pressure, including a drop in oil prices due to the threat of a new strain of coronavirus. In addition, the acceleration of the withdrawal of monetary stimulus by the Federal Reserve System (FRS) is a negative factor for all markets. The American regulator may raise US interest rates earlier than expected. Also, the surge in inflation is forcing central banks to tighten monetary policy, while the coronavirus pandemic calls for softer monetary decisions. Thus, the preconditions for the

The financier assessed the risks of a collapse of the ruble

Financier Babin: a serious deterioration of the geopolitical situation does not lead to a fall in the ruble the collapse of the ruble amid November, which was unsuccessful for the Russian currency. Over the past month, it dropped to ninth place from second in the ranking of 36 world currencies against the US dollar, reports the Prime agency. The financier recalled that in addition to the geopolitical situation, the ruble was under pressure, including a drop in oil prices due to the threat of a new strain of coronavirus. In addition, the acceleration of the withdrawal of monetary stimulus by the Federal Reserve System (FRS) is a negative factor for all markets. The American regulator may raise US interest rates earlier than expected. Also, the surge in inflation is forcing central banks to tighten monetary policy, while the coronavirus pandemic calls for softer monetary decisions. Thus, the preconditions for the

Trump accused Meghan Markle of dishonesty

GB News: Former US President Accused Meghan Markle of Disrespect for British Royal Family Former US President Donald Trump revealed the wife of British Prince Harry, an American woman, Meghan Markle. She acted disrespectfully towards the royal family, revealing details about the life of Buckingham Palace, the ex-leader said on the air of GB News. Trump stressed that he was not a fan of Markle and had never been from the first day. In an interview with the former leader of the Brexit Party Nigel Farage, the ex-President of the United States said that “Prince Harry is terribly used and one day he will regret it.” In addition, Trump accused Markle of disrespect and dishonesty towards the British royal family. Prince Harry's wife has instigated “the destruction of Prince Harry's relationship with his family, which hurts” Queen Elizabeth II. “I think she is very disrespectful towards the royal family and

Trump accused Meghan Markle of dishonesty

GB News: Former US President accused Meghan Markle of disrespecting British royal family Former US President Donald Trump has revealed his the wife of British prince Harry American Meghan Markle. She acted disrespectfully towards the royal family, revealing details about the life of Buckingham Palace, the ex-leader said on the air of GB News. Trump stressed that he was not a fan of Markle and had never been from the first day. In an interview with the former leader of the Brexit Party Nigel Farage, the ex-President of the United States said that “Prince Harry is terribly used and one day he will regret it.” In addition, Trump accused Markle of disrespect and dishonesty towards the British royal family. Prince Harry's wife has instigated “the destruction of Prince Harry's relationship with his family, which hurts” Queen Elizabeth II. “I think she is very disrespectful towards the royal family and more

Exercises with participation of 10 thousand military started in the south of Russia

Southern Military District: winter exercises of 10 thousand servicemen began at more than 30 training grounds in southern Russia the south of the country, the press service of the Southern Military District (YuVO) said, writes TASS. Winter exercises Motorized rifle formations marched to training grounds in the south of Russia, where training maneuvers started. As noted in the Ministry of Defense, about a third of the subdivisions of all formations and military units of the district will begin the winter training period for the new academic year. The personnel will be accommodated in autonomous field camps APL-500. They will be built on the basis of the main training grounds. More than 10 thousand servicemen as part of battalion tactical groups of motorized rifle formations of the Southern Military District marched to the areas of combined arms training grounds. Press service of the Southern Military District during winter exercises “Combat coordination

Exercises with participation of 10 thousand military started in the south of Russia

Southern Military District: winter exercises of 10 thousand servicemen began at more than 30 training grounds in southern Russia More than 10 thousand Russian military personnel will take part in the south of the country, the press service of the Southern Military District (YuVO) said, writes TASS. Winter exercises Motorized rifle formations marched to training grounds in the south of Russia, where training maneuvers started. As noted in the Ministry of Defense, about a third of the subdivisions of all formations and military units of the district will begin the winter training period for the new academic year. The personnel will be accommodated in autonomous field camps APL-500. They will be built on the basis of the main training grounds. More than 10 thousand servicemen as part of battalion tactical groups of motorized rifle formations of the Southern Military District marched to the areas of combined arms training grounds. Press

The European Union urged to recognize Russian certificates of vaccination

MEP Ushakov urged the European Union to recognize Russian COVID certificates Former Mayor of Riga, MEP Ushakov from Latvia N vaccinated against COVID-19 by the Russian Sputnik V should be recognized in the European Union, and the certificates of those vaccinated by Pfizer or Moderna – in Russia, he wrote on Facebook. “The EU, Russia and China must mutually recognize vaccines. Certificates with “Sputnik” must work in the EU, and with the same Pfizer or Moderna – in Russia. We cannot allow a new closure of borders, “Ushakov urged. Earlier, the European Union told about the tests of the Sputnik V vaccine. The representative of the regulator Fergus Sweeney said that experts from the European Medicines Agency (EMA) continue to evaluate the Russian drug. Sweeney promised to inform when the experts move on to the next stage of research.