Independent public monitoring told about the upcoming elections in the regions

Municipal elections will be held in Russian regions on December 5 Experts of the Independent Public Monitoring talked about the elections that will be held on December 5 in the republics of Buryatia and Dagestan, the Amur, Kostroma, Tver, Irkutsk, Volgograd and Tomsk regions, as well as in the Trans-Baikal and Krasnodar regions. Thus, six election campaigns will take place in Buryatia. Three self-nominated candidates and one representative of the United Russia party were registered in the elections for the head of the Kurumkansky region. By-elections to the local council of deputies will be held in the same district. Four candidates from the United Russia party and three self-nominated candidates are participating. Five self-nominated candidates and one candidate from the United Russia party are running for the post of head of the Mondy village. Dagestan will host elections for the head of the Karlabkinsky village council. A self-nominated candidate and

Tesla whistles for 3,700 rubles completely sold out in a few hours

Elon Musk's accessory in the form of a Cybertruck pickup was sold out in a few hours Tesla sold out completely in a few hours. The Independent reports. This is a metal accessory, the design of which is made in the form of the silhouette of the body of the Cybertruck electric pickup, released on November 22. It is noted that the cost of a silver whistle with a hole for mounting was $ 50 (about 3700 rubles). According to the publication, a few hours after the start of sales, the entire batch of accessories was sold out. Representatives of the company did not say whether the whistle will appear in the company's range again. “Don't waste your money on this stupid Apple display napkin, you better buy our whistle!” – wrote the head of Tesla Elon Musk on his Twitter page. In July 2020, the founder of Tesla and

Tesla whistles for 3,700 rubles completely sold out in a few hours

Elon Musk's accessory in the form of a Cybertruck pickup was sold out in a few hours Tesla sold out completely in a few hours. The Independent reports. This is a metal accessory, the design of which is made in the form of the silhouette of the body of the Cybertruck electric pickup, released on November 22. It is noted that the cost of a silver whistle with a hole for mounting was $ 50 (about 3700 rubles). According to the publication, a few hours after the start of sales, the entire batch of accessories was sold out. Representatives of the company did not say whether the whistle will appear in the company's range again. “Don't waste your money on this stupid Apple display napkin, you better buy our whistle!” – wrote the head of Tesla Elon Musk on his Twitter page. In July 2020, the founder of Tesla and

The most beautiful girl in Tatarstan spoke about her personal life

Miss Universe participant from Russia Arabova: I have no personal life, I have no time for that Russia – 2019 “Ralina Arabova, who was recognized as the most beautiful girl in Tatarstan in the same year, spoke about her long modeling path to the Miss Universe 2021 contest. The girl gave an interview to KP.RU after it was decided to send her to represent Russia at the international show of beauties. A native of Kazan told reporters that she had been a participant in various beauty contests since the age of eight and could only dream of going to the Miss Universe contest. The girl grew up in a large multinational family: her mother is a Tatar woman who works as an administrator in the cleaning service, and her father is an Azerbaijani, the owner of a roadside cafe outside the city. There was not much money in the family,

The most beautiful girl in Tatarstan spoke about her personal life

Participant of “Miss Universe” from Russia Arabova: I have no personal life, I have no time for that Russia – 2019 “Ralina Arabova, who was recognized as the most beautiful girl in Tatarstan in the same year, spoke about her long modeling path to the Miss Universe 2021 contest. The girl gave an interview to KP.RU after it was decided to send her to represent Russia at the international show of beauties. A native of Kazan told reporters that she had been a participant in various beauty contests since the age of eight and could only dream of going to the Miss Universe contest. The girl grew up in a large multinational family: her mother is a Tatar woman who works as an administrator in the cleaning service, and her father is an Azerbaijani, the owner of a roadside cafe outside the city. There was not much money in the

Russians warned about shortage of rooms in hotels in resorts of Cuba for New Year

The Russians were told about the shortage of places in hotels in Cuba due to the “activation of domestic tourism” Cuba for the winter holidays. This is reported by the TourDom portal. According to Ruben Acosta, Regional Sales and Marketing Representative at Blue Diamond Resorts Cuba, Varadero is more of a lack of space. “With the return of tourists from Canada, of course, the demand for hotels has grown dramatically. In addition, the number of flights from the USA and Latin America has increased, as well as surprisingly intensified domestic tourism, ”he said. The specialist recommended booking accommodation in advance for the New Year and “do not wait for the last moment.” It is noted that in a number of hotels of three, four and five stars, some tour operators no longer sell vouchers, since all places are sold out. Thus, such popular hotels as Melia Internacional Varadero, Iberostar Varadero,

Russians warned about shortage of rooms in hotels in resorts of Cuba for New Year

The Russians were told about the shortage of places in Cuba's hotels due to the “activation of domestic tourism” Cuba for the winter holidays. This is reported by the TourDom portal. According to Ruben Acosta, Regional Sales and Marketing Representative at Blue Diamond Resorts Cuba, Varadero is more of a lack of space. “With the return of tourists from Canada, of course, the demand for hotels has grown dramatically. In addition, the number of flights from the USA and Latin America has increased, as well as surprisingly intensified domestic tourism, ”he said. The specialist recommended booking accommodation in advance for the New Year and “do not wait for the last moment.” It is noted that in a number of hotels of three, four and five stars, some tour operators no longer sell vouchers, since all places are sold out. Thus, such popular hotels as Melia Internacional Varadero, Iberostar Varadero, Melia

Японские макаки научились ловить рыбу

Посмотреть эту публикацию в Instagram Публикация от 東京ズーグラム(上野動物園・葛西臨海水族園&…) (@tokyo_zoogram) Японские макаки вынуждены были превратиться в опытных рыбаков, чтобы пережить зиму, выяснили ученые. Этот вид животных (Macaca fuscata) считается самым северным из приматов. В национальном парке «Тюбу Сангаку» в Японии макаки живут в весьма суровых условиях. Зимой здесь формируется внушительный снежный покров. Привычная для приматов пища — фрукты, овощи, семена, листья, грибы и беспозвоночные — становится в долгие зимние месяцы недоступной. Ученые решили проверить, как удается выживать этим многочисленным животным. Анализ фекалий макак показал, что в зимнее время они питаются пресноводной рыбой, обитающей в ручьях нацпарка. Зимой вода в них имеет постоянную температуру около плюс пяти градусов Цельсия, что позволяет приматам успешно рыбачить. В рационе макак оказались кумжа, моллюски и речные насекомые. Суперскидки до -70% на электронику, модную одежду, обувь и многое другоеУзнать цены Анна Лысенко Еще больше интересного о животных

In France, suspected the emergence of a new strain of coronavirus

In France, 13 people were allegedly infected with the omicron strain In France, the first patients appeared, presumably infected with the omicron strain of coronavirus. This was stated by the official representative of the French government Gabriel Attal, RIA Novosti reports. A total of 13 people are under suspicion, a representative of the Cabinet of Ministers said at a briefing on Wednesday. According to Attal, it is possible that the omicron strain is already spreading across France. Earlier, the European Commission called on the EU countries to be ready to introduce any restrictions to stop the spread of the new omicron strain. The governments of the EU member states were advised to revise the list of restrictive measures on a daily basis, in accordance with the epidemiological situation.

Poroshenko held talks with the “guardian angel” of Ukraine

Petro Poroshenko spoke about negotiations with Donald Tusk People's Party (EPP) by Donald Tusk. The Ukrainian politician wrote about this in his Telegram channel. He announced a “warm conversation” with Tusk and called him “the guardian angel of Ukraine in high Brussels offices.” By Poroshenko said that together they discussed the challenges posed by “hybrid aggression” by Russia for Ukraine and the European Union (EU), and the aggravation of the situation on the Ukrainian border due to the concentration of Russian troops there. Former President also noted that both he and Tusk agreed on the need to “increase pressure on the Putin regime” and stop the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline project, which “threatens the energy security” of Ukraine and the EU. Earlier, Petro Poroshenko said that he demanded weapons from the United States to combat “Russian aggression.” He added that he had already made this request to a number