Companion of Gorbachev spoke about the missed opportunity to save the USSR

Gorbachev's press secretary Grachev: the USSR could continue to exist as a voluntary union The USSR could continue to exist in a democratic version of a voluntary union. The last press secretary of the President of the Soviet Union Andrei Grachev wrote about the missed opportunity to preserve the union in his book “The Last Day of the USSR” (Le jour ou l'URSS a disparu), published in France, RIA Novosti reports. To him, in order to preserve the USSR, it was necessary to adapt it to the new world and society, on which six years of perestroika were spent, but this was not done. At the same time, an associate of the former president of the USSR Mikhail Gorbachev said that, according to the ex-head of state, two events prevented the preservation of the USSR: the coup in August 1991 and the Belovezhskaya meeting of the three presidents. Grachev, in

Companion of Gorbachev spoke about the missed opportunity to save the USSR

Gorbachev's press secretary Grachev: The USSR could continue to exist as a voluntary union The USSR could continue to exist in a democratic version of a voluntary union. The last press secretary of the President of the Soviet Union Andrei Grachev wrote about the missed opportunity to preserve the union in his book “The Last Day of the USSR” (Le jour ou l'URSS a disparu), published in France, RIA Novosti reports. To him, in order to preserve the USSR, it was necessary to adapt it to the new world and society, on which six years of perestroika were spent, but this was not done. At the same time, an associate of the former president of the USSR Mikhail Gorbachev said that, according to the ex-head of state, two events prevented the preservation of the USSR: the coup in August 1991 and the Belovezhskaya meeting of the three presidents. Grachev, in

Dry cargo ship following from Nakhodka sank in the Sea of ​​Japan

A dry cargo ship flying the flag of Panama, en route from Nakhodka to Japan, sank in the Sea of ​​Japan … This is reported by the Japanese TV channel NHK with reference to a representative of the country's coast guard. A ship loaded with coal, heading for the Japanese port of Kinuura, sent a distress signal 380 kilometers from Shimane Prefecture. A South Korean Coast Guard patrol ship responded to the signal. 17 of the 18 crew members of the dry cargo ship were rescued, one person probably fell overboard and is listed as missing. The ship itself sank. It is noted that all members of the ship's crew have Vietnamese citizenship. Earlier it was reported that at least 29 people were victims of a shipwreck in the state of Kano in northern Nigeria. According to BBC News, the majority of those killed are schoolchildren between the ages of

Гинцбург рассказал, какие вакцины можно использовать одновременно

«Мы часто делаем одновременно, вреда для организма от этого нет», — сказал Гинцбург. Ранее заместитель главы Центра Гамалеи Денис Логунов сообщил, что назальная вакцина от COVID-19 «Спутник V» безболезненна, с минимумом побочных эффектов, будет создавать дополнительный барьер в виде иммунитета в верхних дыхательных путях. В начале ноября Гинцбург сообщал, что привитый от COVID-19 дополнительно назальной вакциной не будет переносчиком вируса. Вакцинация от коронавируса проводится во всех регионах России. Минздрав России в августе 2020 года зарегистрировал первую в мире вакцину для профилактики COVID-19, разработанную НИЦЭМ имени Гамалеи. Она получила название «Спутник V». Также в России созданы вакцины «ЭпиВакКорона» от центра «Вектор» Роспотребнадзора и «КовиВак», разработанная Центром имени Чумакова РАН. В начале мая стало известно о регистрации четвертой отечественной вакцины «Спутник Лайт». В конце августа Минздрав РФ зарегистрировал еще одну вакцину центра «Вектор» — «ЭпиВакКорону-Н». 24 ноября была зарегистрирована первая отечественная вакцина для подростков «Гам-КОВИД-Вак М».

Japanese Prime Minister commented on the issue of signing a peace treaty with Russia

The Japanese Prime Minister called the issue of concluding a peace treaty with Russia “a fight against time” between Tokyo and Moscow. This was reported on the website of his office. Kishida noted that Japan's basic position is to resolve the issue of the “northern territories” and conclude a peace treaty. According to him, this problem is a “fight against time.” The prime minister stressed that he would like to work diligently to resolve this problem so as not to shift it onto the shoulders of future generations. In addition, Kishida recalled that immediately after taking office, he phoned Russian President Vladimir Putin. He said that the heads of state agreed to seriously address this problem on the basis of agreements already reached, including those concluded in Singapore in 2018. Earlier it was reported that Russian and Japanese Foreign Ministers Sergei Lavrov and Yoshimasa Hayashi held telephone conversations, during which

Dry cargo ship following from Nakhodka sank in the Sea of ​​Japan

A dry cargo ship flying the flag of Panama en route from Nakhodka to Japan sank in the Sea of ​​Japan … This is reported by the Japanese TV channel NHK with reference to a representative of the country's coast guard. A ship loaded with coal, heading for the Japanese port of Kinuura, sent a distress signal 380 kilometers from Shimane Prefecture. A South Korean Coast Guard patrol ship responded to the signal. 17 of the 18 crew members of the dry cargo ship were rescued, one person probably fell overboard and is listed as missing. The ship itself sank. It is noted that all members of the ship's crew have Vietnamese citizenship. Earlier it was reported that at least 29 people were victims of a shipwreck in the state of Kano in northern Nigeria. According to BBC News, the majority of those killed are schoolchildren between the ages of

The Russians named the most desirable countries for the move

Tranio: Canada has 23.2 thousand requests from Russians Yandex. Every month, on average, more than 23.2 thousand requests are received from Russians. These are the conclusions reached by the experts of the international broker Tranio, whose research is at the disposal of Analysts have studied the level of interest of Russians in migration in relation to 63 countries. In addition to Canada, the Russians named the USA (17.1 thousand requests per month) and Germany (14.5 thousand requests) the most desirable for the move. The rest of the states did not reach the figure of 6 thousand requests. The experts also noted that the largest growth in interest in emigration grew for Portugal (increase by 62 percent of requests per month), Turkey (by 41.7 percent), as well as for Poland and Italy – by 28 percent for each country. The most desirable countries for the Russians to move were Canada,

The Russians named the most desirable countries for the move

Tranio: Canada has 23.2 thousand requests from Russians Yandex. Every month, on average, more than 23.2 thousand requests are received from Russians. These are the conclusions reached by the experts of the international broker Tranio, whose research is at the disposal of Analysts have studied the level of interest of Russians in migration in relation to 63 countries. In addition to Canada, the Russians named the USA (17.1 thousand requests per month) and Germany (14.5 thousand requests) the most desirable for the move. The rest of the states did not reach the figure of 6 thousand requests. The experts also noted that the largest growth in interest in emigration grew for Portugal (increase by 62 percent of requests per month), Turkey (by 41.7 percent), as well as for Poland and Italy – by 28 percent for each country. The most desirable countries for the Russians to move were Canada,

Japanese Prime Minister commented on the issue of signing a peace treaty with Russia

The Japanese Prime Minister called the issue of concluding a peace treaty with Russia “a fight against time” between Tokyo and Moscow. This was reported on the website of his office. Kishida noted that Japan's basic position is to resolve the issue of the “northern territories” and conclude a peace treaty. According to him, this problem is a “fight against time.” The prime minister stressed that he would like to work diligently to resolve this problem so as not to shift it onto the shoulders of future generations. In addition, Kishida recalled that immediately after taking office, he phoned Russian President Vladimir Putin. He said that the heads of state agreed to seriously address this problem on the basis of agreements already reached, including those concluded in Singapore in 2018. Earlier it was reported that Russian and Japanese Foreign Ministers Sergei Lavrov and Yoshimasa Hayashi held telephone conversations, during which

The doctor named herbs and spices that protect against winter diseases

Phytotherapist Stepensky: sage and rosemary will help protect against winter diseases “, Dr. Sergei Agapkin and actor Mikhail Politseimako, together with a visiting physician-phytotherapist Andrei Stepensky, named five herbs and spices on the air that will help the body protect itself from winter diseases. Doctors recommended adding them to tea, after consulting with specialists to select the right dose. The episode of the show has been posted on YouTube. The first plant, whose medicinal properties for the protection of immunity were noted by experts, is sage. Stepensky said that his essential oil has a bactericidal and antiseptic effect, so sage is often used in tinctures and preparations. Further, the doctor named the “relative” of sage – rosemary. Experts recommend drinking tea with this plant in the morning. Stepensky's co-host, physician Sergei Agapkin, added that recent studies have also indicated a positive effect of rosemary on brain activity. The doctors named