North Korea has advised South Korea “not to follow a psychopath trump”

Donald Trump Pyongyang advised Seoul not to go in the footsteps of American policy, which forms the “psycho tramp”. About it reports The South China Morning Post, citing a North Korean newspaper “Rodong Sinmun”. “South Korea needs to understand that if she will continue to follow the psychopath trump, you will come to the disaster,” said the editorial, quoted by the publication (in the online version of the “Rodong Sinmun” this text is missing). North Korean journalists argue that the American President was in a difficult situation and is now trying pedaling the idea of a preemptive strike on the DPRK, to win political points. 20 Jun Donald trump has promised to punish North Korea for the death of an American student of Otto Wambier. “The fate of Otto only increases the determination of my administration to make it so that innocent people no longer become victims of the regime

Bill gates tops list of richest Americans according to Forbes magazine

Bill gates tops list of richest Americans according to Forbes magazine The condition of one of the founders of the company Microsoft is estimated at $88,9 billion. NEW YORK, June 22. /TASS/. American entrepreneur, philanthropist and one of the founders of Microsoft bill gates topped the list of the richest people in the United States. According to published Wednesday by Forbes magazine rating the main of the wealthy each of the 50 States of the country, as bill gates (Washington state) is now estimated at $88,9 billion. Co-founder of Microsoft is the richest man in the world. The founder of the American Internet company Amazon, Jeff Bezos, who also lives in Washington, took second place among the richest residents of the state ($83,3 billion). In Nebraska, the most wealthy resident of the recognized investor Warren Buffett ($76.2 bn). The youngest American rich man again became the founder of social network

About 1.6 million Russians can’t travel abroad because of debts

About 1.6 million Russians can’t travel abroad because of debts MOSCOW, 22 Aug — RIA Novosti. About 1.6 million Russians restricted the right to travel abroad because of unpaid debts, said in an interview with RIA Novosti Director of the Federal bailiff service (FSSP) of Russia Dmitry Aristov. “Only 1 may this year, the restriction of the right on departure from the Russian Federation in force in respect of 1.6 million Russians,” said Aristov. He noted that in this regard, the FSSP has adopted a number of measures to simplify the procedure of withdrawal of temporary restrictions on travel abroad, and yet for the immediate lifting of this restriction subject to the payment of debt service of bailiffs daily processes and directs the register of persons in respect of whom the decision on the abolition of temporary restrictions.

The defense Ministry has published unique documents of the great Patriotic war

The defense Ministry has published unique documents of the great Patriotic war MOSCOW, June 22. /TASS/. Unique documents from declassified holdings of the Central archive of the defense Ministry about the events in the first days of the great Patriotic war can now be found on the website of the defense Department. This was reported on Thursday in the Ministry of defense. The Ministry said that all the documents had never been published. The cycle contains more than 100 pages of declassified memoirs of military leaders, including Marshal of the Soviet Union Ivan Bagramyan. “A unique feature of the presented documents are strict and in the military a clear statement of the Soviet military assessment of the state entrusted to their troops on the eve of war”, — told in the defense Ministry. The document contains information about deploying troops to the Baltic, Kiev and Belorussian special military district according

The Kremlin responded to the question of the resignation Tuleyev

Photo: RIA Novosti Press Secretary of Russian President Dmitry Peskov refused to comment on the state of health of the Governor of the Kemerovo region Aman Tuleyev. His words on Wednesday, June 21, the correspondent of “”. “Still no [personnel] decisions, as you know, was not taken, and, accordingly, I can not say anything on this subject,” Peskov said, stressing that the Kremlin never announces personnel changes. Earlier Wednesday, the press service of the Kemerovo region administration announced that 73-year-old Tuleyev has transferred operation on the spine.

In the Kremlin told about the video of strikes against ISIS*, which Putin showed the stone

Photo: Showtime/Komandir The entry of air strikes, demonstrated by Russian President Vladimir Putin Director Oliver stone actually belongs to the Russian defense Ministry, reports that the video shows action not Russian aviation, wrong and inappropriate, stated the press Secretary of the head of state, Dmitry Peskov. “It is not true (such a statement). Can confirm. The materials of the Ministry of defence is part of their report to the President. The defense Minister is presented to the President, and some part was demonstrated by President Oliver stone. Such assertions are incorrect and inappropriate,” — said Peskov on a question, whether can in the Kremlin confirm that on the record really shows the steps of Russian aviation. On the question of who owns the mobile phone from which the President showed record, while Putin often mentioned that they did not use a cell phone, Peskov said: “One of the employees”. When

The government of Moscow region has told about spending on technical education

The government of Moscow region is spent annually to support technical educational institutions around 110 million euros, said Deputy Chairman of Moscow region government, Minister of investment and innovation region Denis Butsaev. His words leads RIAMA Thursday, June 22. “We have a large number of so-called special technical educational institutions. Those schools that prepare special professional staff,” said Butsaev at a conference in Nuremberg, where the delegation of the Moscow region will present their investment potential. 21 Jun Butsaev said that Moscow region is the leader in most of the macroeconomic indicators in Russia — industry, trade, standard of living. On the same day, Contact the Director of the Bureau of small and medium businesses in the Eastern Committee of German economy Jens Bollmann at the end of the business tomorrow with the participation of Russia noted the investment potential of the Moscow region. According to him, many German companies

The Communists in the Duma introduced a bill to abolish the Christmas holidays

The bill, excluding the new year holidays the list of public holidays, introduced in the state Duma deputies from the faction of the Communist party headed by party leader Gennady Zyuganov. The document published in the electronic database of the lower house of Parliament. “On the question of the abolition of the Christmas holidays comes lots of letters. The citizens of Russia in the beginning of the new year remain unpaid and need to return business days in full”, — stated in the explanatory Memorandum. Official holidays shall, in the opinion of the authors of the document, to remain only 1 and 7 January. Instead, the bill proposed to be done outside 31 December (“will allow citizens to calmly prepare for the New year”) and March 18 — the day of the reunification of the Crimea with Russia and on 7 November — day of October revolution of 1917.

Duma Committee backs fines for swearing in the family

The state Duma Committee on state construction and legislation recommended colleagues to pass a bill toughening administrative responsibility for disorderly conduct. It is proposed in particular to introduce penalties for obscene abuse in the family, reports TASS. The relevant amendments to the administrative code in 2014, introduced the group of deputies of the faction “United Russia”. According to the document, as disorderly conduct should be considered offensive molestation, abuse and other actions that violate the order committed not only in public places. According to the authors of the bill, its purpose is to eliminate a legal loophole that impedes the prosecution of violations of the order and tranquility of citizens not only in public places but also in residential areas. It is noted that it is including on the battlefield in the course of domestic conflicts. To punish for disorderly conduct proposed by the penalty to two thousand roubles or

In southern Afghanistan explosion

In southern Afghanistan explosion MOSCOW, 22 Aug — RIA Novosti. At least 50 people were injured after a car exploded near the Bank branch in the town of Lashkar Gah in southern Afghanistan, a spokesman for the Governor of Helmand province, Omar Zwack. Among the victims — military and civilian.Helmand Omar Zakreslajac the Governor of the province Later, local media reported 15 people killed in result of explosion. 20 killed, 50 wounded in car bombing outside bank in Afghanistan — The Express Tribune (@etribune) on the 22nd of June 2017. According to the channel, the explosion occurred at around 12.00 local time (10.00 GMT) in the administrative center of Helmand province. Also the channel earlier reported that a group of armed men attacked a Bank branch New Kabul Bank in Lashkar Gah city.