Communist party deputies in the Duma introduced a bill to abolish the Christmas holidays

Communist party deputies in the Duma introduced a bill to abolish the Christmas holidays Moscow. June 22. INTERFAX.RU — a Group of deputies of the Communist party faction in the state Duma, headed by party leader Gennady Zyuganov proposes to cancel the new year holidays, but to make non-working days 31 December, 18 March and 7 November. A draft law published on Thursday in the basis of legislative activities of the lower house of the Russian Parliament. The draft law proposes changes to the Labour code of the Russian Federation, “raised by the practice of labour relations and a number of political events in the history of Russia.” The explanatory note says that “adding to the number of non-working days December 31, will allow citizens to get prepared for the New year without the cost of working time that takes place in the present time.” The draft law also excludes

Source: Tuleyev can go back to work next week

The Governor of the Kemerovo region Aman Tuleyev © Artyom Korotayev/TASS NOVOSIBIRSK, June 22. /TASS/. The Governor of the Kemerovo region, 73-year-old Aman Tuleyev, who is undergoing rehabilitation at the hospital of the regional center after an operation in Germany, may go to work next week. TASS said on Thursday the source in power structures of the Siberian Federal district. “Tuleyev is next week, may come to work”, – said the Agency interlocutor. Tuleyev headed the Kemerovo region from July 1997. In may-June of this year began to appear the rumors about his resignation born of long absence policy in public. So, on may 9 he was not involved in the events celebrating Victory Day, on may 22, the press service of the regional administration reported that the Governor went to a 10-day vacation. Then became aware of the extension of the vacation till June 16. On 19 June, the

The white house refused to confirm the meeting of Putin and trump in Germany

Lindsay Walters Deputy press Secretary of the White house Lindsey Walters has not confirmed information concerning a possible personal meeting between the presidents of Russia and USA Vladimir Putin and Donald trump in the forthcoming meeting of the countries “Big twenty” (G20) in Hamburg on 7-8 July. On Thursday, June 22, reports TASS. “I have currently no ads [on this account]”, — quotes Agency the words of the official representative of the President of the United States. 21 June the press Secretary of the Russian President, Dmitry Peskov, gave a negative answer to a question of journalists, is training the leaders of Russia and the United States, explaining that if necessary, all will be agreed. “We believe that President Putin and President trump will participate in the summit of “twenty” in German, and we cannot exclude that one way or another they will certainly meet in one form or another,

In an explosion in southern Afghanistan killed 29 people

As a result of the explosion of a car bomb in the town of Lashkar Gah in Helmand province (southern Afghanistan) killed 29 people, about 50 were injured. It is reported TOLO News. The explosion occurred near the offices of a Bank at 12:00 local time (13:30 GMT). At this point in the office of the financial institution were a lot of visitors — officials and employees received a salary. None of the existing in the country of terrorist groups has yet claimed responsibility for this attack. 6 Jun Afghan city of Herat (the capital of the eponymous province) exploded a bomb planted near the mosque. The explosive device was hidden in a motorcycle parked near the mosque of the XII century JAMA Masjid. The bomb exploded at the moment when the crowd of believers passed through the Park, heading to prayer. Killed seven people, injured 15. May 31, a

In Vienna unveiled a monument to Soviet prisoners of war

In Vienna unveiled a monument to Soviet prisoners of war VIENNA, 22 Jun — RIA Novosti. Memorial stele to the victims of Soviet prisoners of war opened Thursday, the Day of memory and grief at the Central cemetery in Vienna. The ceremony was attended by the Ambassador of Russia in Austria Dmitry lubinsky, the ambassadors of Armenia and Belarus Elena Kupchina and Deputy foreign Minister Arman Kirakossian, Executive Director of the Russian military historical society (RVIA) Vladislav Kononov and many others. Black with Golden obelisk designed by sculptor Denis Stretovich tenths installed at the cemetery gate, the stele stands at 3.6 meters and is decorated with a stylized star on top and with inscriptions in Russian and German: “Here lie Soviet POWs who died in 1941-1945” and “Nobody is forgotten, nothing is forgotten”. A small miracle According to the Ambassador of lyubinskiy, more than 80 thousand who died in the

Netizens in the five words described the harsh truth about adult life

Netizens in the five words described the harsh truth about adult life Twitter started a flash mob, under which users in five words describe the truth of adult life. The action was launched, account Hashtag Roundup. Under the hashtag #adultingin5 words, users say that adult life was not so bright as it seemed in his youth. The action was launched, the Hashtag Roundu account, regularly offering mikroblogerami ideas for flash mobs. Under the hashtag #adultingin5 words (“adult life in five words”) users say that adult life was not so bright as it appears in adolescence. Just a big anxiety attack #AdultingIn5Words — Cassandra (@More2Change17) 21 Jun 2017 “Just a strong panic attack” #AdultingIn5WordsHogwartsLetterDidntComeCrap — Lesli Margherita (@QueenLesli) June 22, 2017 “Letter from Hogwarts didn’t come, damn” Nevermind, I’ll do it myself. #AdultingIn5Words — Trevor Donovan (@TrevDon) 21 Jun 2017 “Forget it, I’ll do it myself” Coffee is keeping me

Prince Harry: nobody in the Royal family doesn’t want to be the monarch

Prince Harry: nobody in the Royal family doesn’t want to be the monarch Prince Harry in an interview with Newsweek said that no one in the Royal family does not want to be king or Queen of the UK. Answering the question, is there anyone in the Royal family who would occupy the throne, Prince Harry replied, “no, but we fulfill our obligations in the right time.” The publication writes that “Harry has never hidden the lack of desire to take the highest title in the country, and now he told about a similar lack of desire of his father, Prince Charles, and brother Prince William”. Also, speaking of the death of his mother, Princess Diana, Harry has criticized the decision of his family, which forced him to follow in the funeral procession when he was 12 years old. “No child should be asked about this,” said Harry.

Tuleyev has refused ahead of time to lay down the Governor’s powers

Photo: RIA Novosti The head of the Kemerovo region Aman Tuleyev has no plans to ask the President about early retirement, and intends to perform his duties until the end of Governor’s term, which expires in 2020. About it RIA Novosti was informed in the regional administration on Wednesday, June 21. According to the interlocutor of the Agency, Tuleyev, who is now on leave, will report on the state of Affairs in the region. All his deputies and relevant departments are working normally, and the planned activities are on schedule. Earlier on Wednesday it became known that the 73-year-old head of the Kuzbass had surgery on the spine. Press Secretary of the head of state, Dmitry Peskov, answering journalists, said that the Kremlin administration had no information about possible resignation of Tuleev. He also noted that conversations about the state of health of the head of region was not conducted.

Shoigu: Russia reinforces troops in the West due to NATO action

Photo: © RIA Novosti / Kirill Kallinikov Russian Ministry of defense improves the combat strength of the troops in the Western strategic direction and system of their home because of the aggressive actions of NATO countries, which lead to the breach of security in the world. This was stated on Wednesday the Minister of defence of the Russian Federation General of the army Sergei Shoigu at the Board meeting of the military establishment in Kaliningrad. On the way to Kaliningrad over the neutral waters of the Baltic sea, as reported, NATO F-16 tried to approach the plane Shoigu, but it “drove” the Russian su-27. According to Shoigu, “in addition to the political, informational and economic pressure, some countries are seeking to use military force as a tool to achieve geopolitical goals.” “These actions by our Western colleagues, lead to the destruction of the security system in the world, enhance mutual