The cyclist in the Stavropol region threw acid in the face crossing the road girls

A cyclist rides on the street October in Budennovsk, Stavropol Krai, threw acid in the face of two underage girls who were crossing the road. This is with reference to regional management of the Investigative Committee, RIA Novosti reported. The incident occurred on Friday evening, June 23. The victims — 15-year-old and 16-year-old girl hospitalized with burns of different severity. A criminal case under article “Hooliganism committed with use of objects used as weapons”. Conducted the inspection of the scene, appointed a number of examinations. The identity of the attacker is not yet established. For information about the police offering a reward in the amount of 500 thousand rubles, reports channel five.

Putin has blamed the Director of “Artek” the children’s trips to winery

Vladimir Putin in Yalta Russian President Vladimir Putin has blamed the Director of the camp “Artek” Alexey Kasprzhak for organizing children’s tours of the winery in Massandra village, passes on Saturday, June 24, TASS reported. According to the head of the state, in a camp adhere to a healthy lifestyle. According to the Agency, the students themselves reported on the trips to Massandra. “What are you doing there? Go to the winery?” he asked, to which the children replied in the affirmative. Then the President asked the same question to the leadership of Artek. Kasprzhak tried to explain. “Last shift came Artek resident who was here on 9 may 1945, he was 87 years old. And he, when shared memory, said: I remember may 9 for the taste of white Muscat red Stone”, — explained the Director of the camp. Putin stressed that “almost all the athletes.” “We like the

The media learned about the Assembly of a bomb by a suicide bomber from Manchester by videos in YouTube

The media learned about the Assembly of a bomb by a suicide bomber from Manchester by videos in YouTube A suicide bomber Salman, Abedi, the perpetrators of the explosion on may 22 in Manchester, built a bomb using the videos hosted in YouTube. This is with reference to the sources reports The Times. 6фотографий6фотографий The investigation revealed that Abedi was looking on YouTube and other sites videos, in which were instructions for creating explosives and preparing the bombs. Also he downloaded from the Internet recipes of explosives, which was used to commit a terrorist act. The publication notes that even after the attack on YouTube and Facebook was available to make in which step by step describes the process of creating an explosive device with the use of acetone peroxide, which is to create the bombs used, Abedi. Such explosives can be produced at home. Bombs with the use of

Media: in Mosul have at least 200 militants

Media: in Mosul have at least 200 militants MOSCOW, June 24. /TASS/. Iraqi government forces are advancing on the last areas of the historic part of Mosul, where he took refuge at least 200 militants of the terrorist group “Islamic state” (IG, is prohibited in Russia). This was announced on Saturday by the TV channel Al-Arabiya. According to his sources in the Iraqi commanders, in operations involving units of the army special forces, Federal police and rapid response force of the interior Ministry. Under the control of militants is about 500 sq. m in a densely populated part of the Old town on the West Bank of the Tigris river. Most entrenched in residential buildings of fighters, snipers and suicide bombers. Over the past day managed to eliminate 115 of the militants, according to the command. The fighting is concentrated in the quarter of El-Farouq close to the Cathedral mosque

The Ukrainian foreign Ministry has sent Russia a note of protest over Putin’s trip to Crimea

The Ukrainian foreign Ministry has sent Russia a note of protest over Putin’s trip to Crimea KIEV, June 24. /TASS/. The Ministry of foreign Affairs of Ukraine sent to the Russian foreign Ministry a note of protest because of the visit to the Republic of Crimea delegation headed by Russian President Vladimir Putin. “The Ukrainian side considers the visit (24 June) and other so-called travel of Russian officials in the temporarily occupied Autonomous Republic of Crimea and Sevastopol a grave violation of state sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine”, — stated in the message that Saturday was circulated by the press service of the foreign Ministry of Ukraine. In Kiev believe that the visit of the President of Russia in Crimea should be agreed by the Ukrainian authorities. “The foreign Ministry of the Russian Federation sent a note of protest”, — stated in the Ministry of foreign Affairs of Ukraine.

The coalition the US has once again expanded the geography of flights in Syria

The coalition the US has once again expanded the geography of flights in Syria WASHINGTON, Jun 24 — RIA Novosti, Alexei Bogdanovsky. The coalition under US leadership has once again expanded the geography of flights in Syria in the past two days, according to reports of the coalition. After the Ministry of defence on June 19 said the termination of cooperation with the US in the framework of the Memorandum on the prevention of incidents in the skies over Syria, the coalition announced a “redeployment” of its aircraft, although declined to say how it will change their routes. According to summaries of the coalition, 20-21 June strikes only in the area of Raqqa — the self-proclaimed capital of the banned terrorist group “Islamic state”. However, on 22 June, the geography of flights has expanded in roll-back areas such as Abu Kamal in Eastern Syria and Deir-ez-Zor in the North-East, and

The Russians will put to Ukraine only on biometric passports

The Russians will put to Ukraine only on biometric passports KYIV, 24 Jun — RIA Novosti. Russian citizens will be allowed to Ukraine only on biometric passports and with simultaneous control of biometric data. “The guards expect the technical details, counting what is needed more logistical support. So, while the government is determined introduction of a visa regime, to ensure a pass on the biometric passport and when crossing (the border — ed.) any citizen, to take his identifying features or the fingerprints, or eye retina, so technical work is done. I hope that the government financial support to this work which will result, we believe, within one month, if the funding”, — quoted Turchynov UNIAN. Now the border service of Ukraine has no technical capabilities to let the Russians only biometric passports, avoiding the formation of large queues declared the head of the national security Council. However, he expressed

Named the starting lineup of the Russian team for the match against Mexico

Coaching staff of Russian national team on football has announced the lineup for the match against Mexico. About it reports “Interfax”. On the field from the first minute will be Igor Akinfeev, Victor Vasin, Fedor Kudryashov, Georgy Jikia, Yuri Zhirkov, Alexander Samedov and Denis Glushakov, Aleksandr Yerokhin, Alexander Golovin, Alexander Bukharov and Fedor Smolov. As for the Mexican team, it will represent Guillermo Ochoa, Diego Reyes, Hector Moreno, Nestor Araujo, Miguel Layun, Hector Herrera, Andres Guardado, Jonathan DOS Santos, Carlos Vela, Javier Hernandez and Irving Lozano. At the confederations Cup, the national team of Russia performs in the group A. After two matches, the wards of Stanislav Cherchesov is in third place with three points. Mexico at the confederations Cup, scored four points and tops the group, as Portugal. In this match the Russians will be satisfied with the victory, and the Mexicans will be enough to draw. Kickoff is

The Israeli air force struck at Syrian forces in response to the shelling of the Golan

View of the town of Quneitra The Israeli air force attacked the positions of Syrian troops after a government-controlled part of the Golan heights exploded shells, who arrived from Syria. This was reported on Saturday, June 24, on the website of the Israel defense forces (IDF). “In response to ten shells exploded in the Northern Golan heights, the army with air force attacked a number of positions of the Syrian regime, including two tanks and the place from where rockets were fired”, — said in a statement. The IDF said they would not accept attempts to violate Israel’s sovereignty and undermine the security of its citizens. According to the report, the blame for the incident lay in the military of the Syrian government forces. As noted by RIA Novosti, Israel admitted the shelling from the territory of a neighboring state accidental. It is noted that there were no injuries. According