The FSB said the use of terrorists Telegram to a terrorist attack in St. Petersburg

The FSB said the use of terrorists Telegram to a terrorist attack in St. Petersburg Moscow. June 26. INTERFAX.RU — Russia’s FSB says about the active use by terrorists and “their supervisors abroad” for communication of the messenger Telegram, including the terrorist attack in the subway of St. Petersburg April 3. “During expeditious maintenance of investigation of the terrorist attack on 3 April this year in the metro of St. Petersburg FSB received accurate information about the use of the suicide bomber, his accomplices and foreign curator Telegram messenger to conceal their criminal intentions at all stages of organization and preparation of a terrorist act”, — stated in received by “Interfax” on Monday the message of the Center of public relations (TSOs) FSB of Russia. The Department indicates that “in a course quickly-search actions for revealing of secret cells of international terrorist organizations recorded a total use of their members

United Russia will manage without the quotes of President

United Russia will manage without the quotes of President The party will go on elections with the local agenda. “United Russia” do not use in the regional elections campaign technique which was successful in preparation for the primaries and during the election campaign without quotes Vladimir Putin. United Russia explain this by the presence in each region of its political situation. The expert notes that the Governor’s campaigns selected “more effective method is personal visit of the President in the regions”. According to “Kommersant”, the candidates for Governor and the deputies from “United Russia” during election campaign will not be able to use the same propaganda as on the primaries: there will be quotes President Vladimir Putin (all programs almost agreed c the leadership of the party). In the Perm branch of “United Russia” Kommersant confirmed that the quotes Vladimir Putin to use will not. Surrounded by the acting Governor

Media: North Korea believes the ploy of reasoning, the U.S. and South Korea of dialogue with Pyongyang

Media: North Korea believes the ploy of reasoning, the U.S. and South Korea of dialogue with Pyongyang Newspaper “Rodong Sinmun” warned that “the revolutionary armed forces of the DPRK vigilantly monitor the actions of the United States and South Korea that contribute to the escalation of tensions on the Korean Peninsula.” PYONGYANG, June 26. /TASS/. The DPRK considers “gross military provocation” joint naval maneuvers of the Republic of Korea, the United States and Canada, held 23-25 June in the area of the South Korean island of Jeju-do. This is stated in an article published Monday in the national newspaper “Rodong Sinmun”. Conducting such exercises proves, the newspaper notes that “the reasoning of the Washington and Seoul on the need to establish a dialogue with Pyongyang is just a Ruse to hide preparations for war”. The newspaper warned that “the revolutionary armed forces of the DPRK vigilantly monitor the actions of

Media: Tokyo intends for the first time to equip their combat aircraft with missiles “air-land”

Media: Tokyo intends for the first time to equip their combat aircraft with missiles “air-land” According to experts, equipping the F-35 missiles of this class will mean a serious adjustment previous policy of Japan. TOKYO, June 26. /TASS/. The government of Japan intends to equip procured for the air force multi-role combat aircraft of the fifth generation F-35 missile of class “air – earth” that could potentially be used for attacks on targets abroad, particularly in Korea. As reported on Monday, the newspaper Yomiuri, the funds for this project will be allocated in the state budget for the 2018 fiscal year. The government of Japan plans to purchase 42 F-35 aircraft, which are designed using the technology of “stealth” the American Corporation Lockheed Martin Aeronautics with the participation of several NATO countries and other close U.S. allies. In the Japanese air force, these machines will start to arrive in the

Medalist will compete for the post of Governor of Sverdlovsk region

Olesya Krasnomovets The winner of the Olympic games 2004 athletics Olesya Krasnomovets will run for the elections of the Governor of Sverdlovsk region. As reported June 25, “Interfax”, her nomination was put forward by regional branch of party “Patriots of Russia”. The necessary documents to the electoral Commission planned to submit before the end of the week, said in an interview with the Agency, the Chairman of the Sverdlovsk regional branch Konstantin Khudyakov. Elections of the Governor will be held on September 10. According to 23 June, the election Commission has already received documents from eight candidates. It is the representative of the regional branch of the Russian party of pensioners for social justice Dmitry Sergin, spravedlivoross Dmitry Ionin, acting head of the region Evgeny Kuyvashev, the candidate from the Communist party Alexey Parfyonov, the mayor of Yekaterinburg Yevgeny Roizman (“Apple”), the candidate from “Green” Konstantin Kiselev, a member of

Durov accused the head of Roskomnadzor in ignorance of the principles of message encryption

Pavel Durov The founder of the messenger Telegram Pavel Durov on his page in “Vkontakte” on Monday, June 26, commented on the statement of Roskomnadzor Alexander Zharov, who accused him of “demonstration of legal nihilism” and unwillingness to provide security services “the keys to information.” “This requirement is not only contrary to the 23rd article of the Constitution about the right to privacy of correspondence, but also demonstrates ignorance of how the encrypted communication in 2017,” — said Durov. He explained that the exchange of classified information to date is based on the terminal encryption, which means the owners of the messengers may not have “the keys to decrypt”. “These keys are stored only on devices of the users. Although the Telegram was a pioneer of this technology, today endpoint encryption using all popular instant messengers including WhatsApp, Viber, iMessage and even Facebook Messenger,” said the founder of Telegram. The

The newspaper reported about the plans of the former President of South Korea to kill Kim Jong UN

Kim Jong-UN Former South Korean President Park Geun-Hye and her administration planned to eliminate the leader of the DPRK Kim Jong-UN. On Monday, June 26, reports TASS with reference to the publication of the Japanese newspaper Asahi. As one of the ways to kill policy was considered an imitation of an accident: a fatal accident or a train wreck. In addition, it was studied the option of promoting a coup in North Korea. According to the publication, Park Geun-Hye signed a document in support of regime change in North Korea in late 2015. According to the decree, the development of the operation on the assassination of Kim Jong-UN had to deal with national intelligence. While Asahi notes that attempts to resolve the North Korean leader did not succeed, and the current leadership of South Korea does not consider such a scenario. Park Geun-Hye was finally removed from power in South

Lavrov said that the EU could change its policy towards Russia

Photo: RIA Novosti There are indications that the realization of the absolute futility of the current line against Russia comes to many members of the EU, said Russian foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov in an interview to Belarusian media. “And as soon as the EU will be ready to change your current absolutely dead-end line, and such signs are already appearing, we will be ready to return to the path of progressive development in the interests of both our citizens and citizens of European Union countries”, — said Lavrov. “Again, a number of the indications is that the realization of the absolute futility of the current line that comes to many EU members who are no longer like what policy towards Russia forms such Russophobic minority that abuses the principle of solidarity that the EU has and requires everyone to identify with their extremist, strongly anti-Russian approaches. But with the approach

Putin on June 24 will visit the Crimea and visit

Photo: RIA Novosti Russian President Vladimir Putin on Saturday, June 24, will visit the Crimea, will visit the children’s center “Artek”, the press service of the Kremlin. “The twenty-fourth of June by Vladimir Putin in the Republic of Crimea will visit the international children center “Artek”. The President will participate in the opening ceremony of the seventh change in 2017, which is dedicated to the most famous artichoke in the world – American schoolgirl Samantha Smith and get acquainted with the results of the reconstruction of the infrastructure of the camps held in 2014, and will examine progress on construction of the camp “Sunny”, — stated in the message. It is noted that “Artek” is the largest youth camp in the world in the number enrolling on the education of children a year and consists of nine restored camps. The results of national ranking of children’s camps, 2016, 2017 it

The Deputy of the state Duma of all convocations prematurely left the Parliament

Photo: RIA Novosti The state Duma has ahead of schedule stopped powers of the Deputy from the Communist party Sergei Reshulsky, elected to the lower house of Parliament of all convocations. It is reported Agency city news “Moscow” on Friday, June 23. Reshulsky, to explain the departure from the state Duma health problems, expressed the hope that in the future will cooperate with parliamentarians. “I still hope that will be strong enough to recover. And do not exclude that in one way or another, at least as a helper you could still use their power”, — he said. Duma speaker Vyacheslav Volodin urged MPs to find the best option for Communist. He stressed that Sergei Reshulsky has an encyclopaedic knowledge of the law and invaluable experience with him. 21 Jun Reshulsky said in an interview with “ru” that he decided to pass the parliamentary mandate due to health problems. He