The Ministry of Finance does not believe in the victory of Ukraine in the British court of appeal

Photo: RIA Novosti As told “Газете.Ru” Deputy Finance Minister Sergei Storchak, the Finance Ministry does not believe in the victory of Ukraine in the appeal. “They (the Ukrainian side, – “Газета.Ru”) and before the meeting of the High court of London has said that everyone will win. The decision of the High court of London known. With the same arguments they, most likely, will come to the court of appeal, they are unlikely to come up with other arguments. Therefore, our prediction that the decision will be exactly the same. There is no reason for another solution, it’s commercial, well-documented transaction. Money Ukraine received, the debt was serviced, paid percent,” he said. In this regard, Storchak said that the decision on the appeal “very strange”. Earlier it was reported that Ukraine has challenged the decision of the High court of London for a debt of Russia.

Slutsky said about the course of the Duma of rapprochement with the European Parliament

Photo: TASS The Chairman of the Duma Committee on international Affairs Leonid Slutsky said that the Duma take a course towards the resumption of contacts with the European Parliament. He said this “Газете.Ru” following the meeting with the delegation of the faction of the European Parliament “Europe of Nations and freedoms”, which arrived in Moscow. “We have embarked on the rapid resumption of contacts with the European Parliament and all parliamentarians who expect a quick improvement of relations with Russia, and cannot imagine the future of Europe without the close ties with our country, including in the plane of parliamentary diplomacy”, – said the head of the Committee. Slutsky expressed the view that such visits will become a regular at the state Duma. According to him, during his visit to Russia, MEPs held talks not only in the Duma, also met with foreign Ministry officials and representatives of civil society.

Found a way to erase bad memories

Found a way to erase bad memories Neuroscientists from Columbia University in the US and McGill University in Canada have found a method for the treatment of post-traumatic stress disorder. According to the findings of scientists, the bad memories are formed through specific neural processes. If the influence of these processes, you can save people from the constant worries, the newspaper reports ScienceAlert. A person can survive what happened to him in the past, a tragedy again, seeing something by accident is associated with bad events (random-associative memory). For example, if he was robbed in a dark alley, where stood a mailbox, the latter becomes a cause (trigger) a new alarm. It is believed that this is due to weak incentives generated by the surrounding environment and captures the long-term memory where they are combined with more powerful signals entering through a different neural circuit. The results of the previous

In the Kremlin commented on the possible Telegram lock

In the Kremlin commented on the possible Telegram lock MOSCOW, June 26 — RIA Novosti. It is possible to block Telegram is not a question of the Kremlin, if this messenger is blocked, the press service goes to the other, said press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov. “It’s not our problem. You know, that (the head of Roskomnadzor — ed.) Zharov’s doing it, and this question, in fact, respect those norms that are attributed to our current legislation. If the services of this messenger are not available, then move on to another view which will be more convenient. In this case there is also a competition, i.e. there is a choice,” said Sands, answering the question of what a press-service of the Kremlin uses this messenger and what the messenger it will go in the case of blocking the Telegram. On question whether to agree with Peskov saying the

In California chose the ugliest dog in the world

In California chose the ugliest dog in the world At the fair SONOMA-Marin in the American city of Petaluma, California, chose the most ugly dog in the world. This publication reports The Press Democrat. The winner of the annual competition, held in the 29th time, became red-eyed Neapolitan Mastiff named Mar, from head to toe covered with skin folds. “Look at her, then about 300 pounds of skins, 100 pounds dog,” commented the judge. Mar weighs 57 pounds and most of the time sleeping. However, she snores loudly. Publication from Dan Leavitt (@mise_en_paws) Jun 25 2017 5:10 PDT Except Martha, the competition was attended by 12 dogs. One of the contenders for the title of ugliest dog suffered from strabismus, the other bald, the third dog was crooked legs. Veterinarians examined each participant and made sure that their appearance is not associated with abuse or neglect. Publication of EFE América

Of sex shop in Vyborg stole two Dildo and lubricant

In Vyborg police are hunting a man who attacked a store of intimate goods and stolen sex toys. It is reported 47news with reference to the shopkeeper and law enforcement officers. According to the woman, the crime was committed on Sunday evening, June 25. In the sex shop came unknown with a scarf on her head and demanded money. Having been refused, he started hitting the window with a screwdriver, commodities fell right on him. The robber grabbed two dildos, lube, condoms, and fled. The attacker is described as a man with a big nose and brown eyes. The police said that to sell loot to him will not be easy. “You may go to Petersburg, where it’s easier”, — said the interlocutor of the edition in law enforcement. In October 2016 in Moscow unknown persons went to the sex shop in the Basmanny district, threatened with a Taser employee

The state Duma has proposed more than 90 variants of the text of the oath for new citizens

The working group of the state Duma, responsible for drafting the text of the oath for those taking Russian citizenship, got a 93 version of the text of the oath. This was announced by the Chairman of the Duma Committee on state building and legislation Pavel Krasheninnikov, RIA Novosti reported on Monday, June 26. Authors were made by ordinary citizens, entrepreneurs and deputies of the state Duma, said the Agency urban news “Moscow”. In the end, all of the ten options were selected based on requirements: the text should be a solemn but brief. “We will continue to select three or four, maybe two, and eventually to the Duma, we will make one,” said Krasheninnikov. On 6 June the President of Russia Vladimir Putin has suggested to oblige those who enter into the Russian citizenship, take an oath or an oath. The initiative was supported by the Chairman of the

The CPS told about the closing unauthorised camps

Since the beginning of summer, CPS has closed 13 unauthorized camps, said the Minister Anna Popova. On Monday, June 26, RIA Novosti reported. “The first shift we had closed 13 summer health institutions that were opened without proper notification to Supervisory bodies, local authorities,” she said, adding that they rested 477 children. Parents were reimbursed for the cost of vacation. It is noted that work within the framework of the first shift started 39 thousand children’s holiday facilities, where there are more than 2.7 million children. Earlier in June, in children’s recreation camps, the CPS found more than eight thousand breaches on the organization of power, placement, material-technical equipment of health establishments and violations in the control of the utility. Mass checks of children’s camps across the country began after the death of 14 children in the camp “Park hotel Syamozero” in June 2016.

On the Ob river found drifting tow with a drunk team

On the Ob river found drifting tow with a drunk team NOVOSIBIRSK, June 26 — RIA Novosti. The crew of the ship on the Ob river in the Tomsk region found drifting tug with drunk crew on Board, being tested, said on Monday the Office of transport Ministry of the Russian Federation in the Siberian Federal district. The police explained that the message of free-drifting river pusher received in a call center of Tomsk linear Department (LO) of the Ministry of interior of Russia from the captain of the ship “Sobol”, which made the control of navigation equipment. The incident occurred on the fairway of the river Ob in Kolpashevsky district, Tomsk region. “Team official ship of the Tomsk district of waterways and navigation noticed unmanaged tug with a dead engine. When you try to get in touch with him, received no answer, then the captain of the ship decided

AP the trump disagreement at the meeting with Putin

AP the trump disagreement at the meeting with Putin According to the Agency, some advisers to the U.S. President recommended him to take a more cautious stance in relation to contacts with Russia. MOSCOW, June 26. /TASS/. Disagreements arose within the administration of U.S. President Donald trump about the format of his possible meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin during the group of twenty summit in Hamburg on 7-8 July. This was announced on Monday, the Associated Press, citing current and former employees of the American administration. According to them, the trump is configured to spend in Hamburg full meeting with Putin, during which they could discuss issues of international and bilateral relations. The American leader also advocates that the press was given the opportunity to highlight these talks. At the same time, some advisers to the U.S. President recommended him to take a more cautious stance in relation to