In the Scenarios assessed the chances of full-scale talks between Putin and trump

Igor Morozov The President of the United States Donald trump is currently not ready for full-scale talks with his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin, says a member of the Federation Council Committee on international Affairs Igor Morozov. His assessment he shared in an interview with “” on Monday, June 26. “I do not think that trump, who just took office, now fully fluent in all the issues that have accumulated over the past few years, relations between Russia and the USA”, — said the Senator. The possibility of a full bilateral meetings, amplified by the sanctions policy of Washington, said the MP. “It is impossible for one side to impose new sanctions against Russia, and with another — to talk about the full full meeting of the presidents”, — he explained. In his opinion, in the framework of the “Big twenty” may be held a short meeting where you will be

The Federation Council has extended the spring session for the consideration of important bills

The Federation Council extended the work of the spring session until the end of July to have time to consider the government submitted the bills. This was announced by the speaker of the upper chamber of Parliament Valentina Matvienko at the meeting with President Vladimir Putin. A transcript of the conversation published on the Kremlin website Monday, June 26. The Federation Council, she said, will take “a lot of the important laws.” “We will work as long as necessary,” said the Senator, commenting on the question of the head of state is an extension of the session with a large volume of regulations. Matvienko noted that this session was quite tense. “The senators are working with the zero reading with the relevant committees of the state Duma, we make their corrections, constructive, good job. In addition, we initiative introduced a number of bills, responding to offers of subjects of Federation”,

Persons without Russian citizenship can issue identity cards

Persons without Russian citizenship can issue identity cards The relevant draft law is currently at the stage of preparation. Persons without citizenship residing in Russia, will be able to identity documents. About it reported sources of “Izvestiya” in the government and security agencies. According to the publication, the relevant draft law is currently at the stage of preparation. The bill assumes that the new document resembling a passport that will include basic information about the owner, the address of actual residence and a photo. The Chairman of the Committee on migration Council on human rights at the President (SPCH) Evgeny Bobrov has informed “news” that the development of the document deals with the interior Ministry. He noted that he would raise the issue of necessity of adoption of the document at the end of June at a meeting of refugees from the Donbass, in which will participate representatives of different

The white house reported violations in the U.S. Senate’s approval of decisions on anti-Russian sanctions

The white house reported violations in the U.S. Senate’s approval of decisions on anti-Russian sanctions The US Senate bill to impose new sanctions against Russia was adopted with procedural violations. This was stated press Secretary of the President of the United States Sean Spicer on the briefing for journalists. According to him, the decision of the senators have not followed the established procedure, and “in fact, bill is not.” Answering the question whether Donald trump’s new restrictive measures against Russia, the representative of the White house administration said that the head of state has repeatedly said it has no plans “to announce their intentions.” “Our President does not Telegraph in advance that will do many of these issues. Largely conducted quiet diplomacy. We are not yet ready for something to announce, we’re not talking” — quoted by TASS press Secretary of the President of the United States. Last week the

Trump admitted the possibility of “interference” of Russia in elections in the United States

Donald Trump The President of the United States Donald trump admits the possibility that Russia and “potentially other countries” interfere in the American elections. About it as transfers RIA Novosti, at a press briefing said, responding to a question, White house spokesman Sean Spicer. “Russia and potentially other countries could be involved,” he said. Russia has repeatedly accused of meddling in the US presidential election with the help of hackers. American journalists and officials asserted that they allegedly kidnapped the correspondence Democrats, later posted online, and tried to penetrate into the electronic system of counting of votes. Moscow denies such accusations. Russian President Vladimir Putin did not rule out that the mysterious hackers could be based in the United States.

In the state Duma urged not to give Kiev the battalion commander DND

The detainee in the Crimea the commander of the DNI Vadim Pogodin should not be subject to extradition to Ukraine. So says the Deputy of the state Duma of the Russian Federation Dmitry Belik, reports RIA Novosti. “Give the countryman because he was defending his homeland, is unacceptable, especially in light of today’s relations with Ukraine,” said Belik. According to the MP, he wrote an open letter to the head of the MIA of Russia Vladimir Kolokoltsev and asked to understand the situation. Earlier Facebook user John Semenov announced the arrest in Crimea, Pogodin, who in 2014 was in command of a battalion of militia “Kerch” and, upon request, Ukraine was in the international wanted list of Interpol. “In Yalta, Republic of Crimea, on 20 June 2017 at the request of Ukraine to Interpol, Ministry of internal Affairs of the Russian Federation is detained, and the legendary commander of the

The Russian military and the leadership of Latakia agreed to cease-fire

Photo: © RIA Novosti / Dmitry Vinogradov The command group of Russian forces in Syria and the leadership of Latakia province signed the agreement on cease-fire, the first such level, said the officer of the Russian centre of reconciliation of the warring parties in Syria, Alexander Vorontsov. According to him, such a document with such a large territorial unit of the Republic as a province, the Russian military approved the first time. Previously, such contracts were signed only with individual settlements. Vorontsov also said that the Russian military from the center of reconciliation provided residents latakiya the village of al-Cherkesia food. “The inhabitants of the mountain village of al-Cherkesia we brought 350 sets of foods, each of them — rice, flour, sugar, canned meat and tea,” he told reporters in the process of transferring to farmers of humanitarian assistance. During the distribution of food kits in the school yard of

Representatives from 32 Japanese companies and agencies will visit the island of Kunashir

Photo: © RIA Novosti / Sergey Krasnouhov Representatives from 32 Japanese companies and government agencies will visit Kunashiri and other Islands of the South Kuril Islands in the expert group, which will have to explore the possibilities for joint economic activities between the two countries on the Islands, told broadcaster NHK. The group, which will go to the Islands on July 27 for five days, includes employees of the foreign Ministry, the Ministry of agriculture, forestry and fisheries, as well as private business representatives of the tourist and fishing industry, health-care and construction. The delegation will be headed by the special assistant to the Prime Minister of Japan eiichi Hasegawa. The group will begin the visit to Kunashir island, and then visit all of the plan objects, which are recognized as promising for joint economic activity, agreement on which was reached during the visit to Japan of the President of

20 years the book about Harry Potter. Would you be able to study at Hogwarts?

20 years the book about Harry Potter. Would you be able to study at Hogwarts? 20 years ago was published the first edition of “Harry Potter and the philosopher’s stone”. If you’re a fan of the story about the boy who lived, the child definitely wanted to get a letter from Hogwarts. A dream come true! Will you be able to study at the School of Witchcraft and Wizardry?

More than 45 thousand Ukrainians took advantage of a visa-free regime with the EU for two weeks

More than 45 thousand Ukrainians took advantage of a visa-free regime with the EU for two weeks Moscow. June 26. INTERFAX.RU — SINCE the introduction of European Union countries visa-free travel for citizens of Ukraine to June 25, more than 45 thousand Ukrainians crossed the border with biometric passport, according to the press service of the state border service of Ukraine. “Traveling to Europe without visas 15.7 thousands of people have used air transport. Others went by rail or cross the border at road border crossings, most of which are on the border with Poland (16.3 thousand citizens of Ukraine) and Hungary (6.4 thousand citizens of Ukraine). The statistical increase of citizens which, in bezveza were sent to European countries were recorded during the weekend”, — stated in the information. In addition, according to the Ukrainian frontier Department, since the introduction of visa-free travel to cross the border is denied