Russia has developed a road map for solving the problem of North Korea

Igor Morgulov Moscow has developed a “road map” for solving the problem of North Korea and are ready to discuss it with partners. This was stated by RIA Novosti Deputy foreign Minister of Russia Igor Morgulov. The diplomat noted that the ultimate objective is “the formation in North-East Asia of lasting peace mechanism with the simultaneous decision of problems of the Korean Peninsula including its denuclearization”. Morgulov also noted that Pyongyang must be given security assurances that in the future will allow it to abandon its missile and nuclear programs. According to him, Moscow is promoting a similar initiative, acting “in coordination with the Chinese partners that are concerned with what is happening on the Korean Peninsula.” In early June, the UN security Council unanimously adopted a resolution expanding sanctions against North Korea for missile tests. The last launch was conducted on June 9, when North Korea tested several anti-ship

Putin congratulates Russian Muslims on Eid al-Adha

Photo: TASS Russian President Vladimir Putin congratulated Russian Muslims on the advent of Eid al-Fitr, marking the end of the Holy month of Ramadan, said on Sunday the press service of the Kremlin. “Eid al-Fitr is one of the main religious holidays, which for many centuries is celebrated by followers of Islam around the world. Concluding the Holy month of Ramadan, it carries a deep moral sense, represents the joy of renewal, self-improvement, readiness to do good, to help those in need,” – said, in particular, in the telegram. The head of state stressed that the Russian Muslims cherish the rich spiritual and historical heritage of the ancestors, “honor the precepts and customs of their fathers and grandfathers, and attach them to the younger generation.” Putin also noted that sincere respect, deserves the active participation of Muslim organizations in the social, cultural life of the country, in the implementation of

The US government is concerned about the possible failure of the state Department sanctions on diplomats from Russia

Photo: RIA Novosti Exploration and congressmen in the United States expressed concern that the state Department could block the decision of the Senate on the introduction of restrictions on the movement of Russian diplomats, according to Politico. Concern about the actions of the state Department due to the fact that in the diplomatic service seeking to promote dialogue with Moscow and avoid escalation of the conflict. U.S. Secretary of state Rex Tillerson said earlier that the Senate package of sanctions designed “to punish Russia for meddling in the election of 2016”, can limit the President in developing relations with Russia. New restrictions that will effectively come into force on 2 August, implying that Russian diplomats visiting the U.S., must accurately inform the state Department about a trip and where they are going to go.

The Ministry of health called the healthy and diseased regions

The Ministry of health called the healthy and diseased regions MOSCOW, 27 Jun — RIA Novosti. The health Ministry said, in what regions was often given sick leave in 2016, writes RT. By the number of issued sick leave at one hundred employees, the leader Yaroslavl oblast (63, 6, 100). Behind it closely follow Moscow (60, 6 100) and Tver (60,1 100) region. Least likely to call in sick in the Chechen Republic (15, 4 sheets of incapacity to work per 100 employees) and Nenets AO (26, 6, 100). Followed by Dagestan (27.4 per 100) and Tatarstan (29,1 100). In the whole country in 2016 100 working citizens accounted for 43, 3 hospital, it’s at 0, 3 less than in 2015. The Ministry noted that these figures show a decrease of morbidity among Russian citizens included in the system of obligatory medical insurance. According to experts, the number issued by

Muscovite, was convicted of burning wreaths at the Glory monument in Saratov region

Resident of Moscow sentenced to 30 hours of compulsory work for the burning of the wreaths at the memorial of Glory in Park of the city Balashov, Saratov region. About it RIA Novosti reported the senior assistant Prosecutor of the region Tatyana Kazachenko. The suspect was detained in the night of may 19. According to preliminary data, 23-year-old man was drunk. Concerning the young man criminal case under part 1 of article 214 of the criminal code (“Vandalism”). In July 2016 in St. Petersburg, the man roasted on makeshift skewers kebabs on the Eternal flame at the Champ de Mars. In March of the same year in Armavir on 12 days arrested a local resident, recurive hookah from the Eternal flame, his friend was fined a thousand rubles. The court found 23-year-old unemployed and his 20-year-old friend guilty of disorderly conduct.

The head of the Balashikha resigned amid the scandal with a dump

Eugene Zhirkov The head of city district Balashikha Eugene Zhirkov wrote a statement of resignation at own will. On Tuesday, June 27, reports TV channel “360” with reference to the press service of the Moscow region government. Acting first Deputy head of administration of city district Balashikha Lily Tadevosyan, said the press service of the Moscow region. On 22 June, Russian President Vladimir Putin tasked the Moscow region authorities to close the landfill, on which he complained to the residents of the houses of one of the districts of Balashikha in a straight line. Citizens living in close proximity to municipal solid waste (MSW) “Kuchino”, said the head of state that the landfill covers an area of 50 hectares. On the same day, the Governor of Moscow region Andrei Vorobyov has ordered to close the landfill. Now it is subject to reclamation, which, according to preliminary estimates will cost four

Putin sent a greeting to participants of “Territory of meaning”

Russian President Vladimir Putin sent a telegram of greetings to the participants of the all-Russian youth educational forum “Territory meanings on the Klyazma”. This was reported on the Kremlin website on Tuesday, June 27. The President noted that the forum attracts every year “more and more boys and girls with an active life, social, civil position”. In his opinion, the organizers have created all the necessary conditions to the participants of “Territory” was able to communicate with famous politicians, scientists and journalists. “And of course you will be able to communicate with their peers from many regions of the country, in a creative and informal atmosphere to discuss your problems”, — the telegram reads. “The territory of meanings-on-Klyaz’ma”, which will be the third in a row, opens on Tuesday. The event involves seven thematic shifts, the last of them will end August 20. The organizers of the forum is the

With the explosion of a car in Kiev killed the commander of the special forces intelligence service of Ukraine

With the explosion of a car in Kiev killed the commander of the special forces intelligence service of Ukraine In Kiev on the morning of 27 June blew up a car, the driver, who was in it died. The victim was a special forces commander of the Main Directorate of the defense Ministry of Ukraine Maksym Shapoval. Police are investigating the incident as a terrorist attack. In a car bombing in Solomenskiy district of Kiev killed one of the leaders of the intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of defense of Ukraine Maxim Shapoval. About this newspaper “Ukrainian truth” reported in the defense Ministry, in law enforcement and stated the sources. The deceased was chief of the reserve intelligence Directorate of the Ukrainian defense Ministry, clarifies the issue “Strenia” with reference to sources in law enforcement bodies. The victim’s identity was established after the discovery of the explosion of the business

Police confirmed the death of the driver exploded in Kiev “Mercedes”

Police confirmed the death of the driver exploded in Kiev “Mercedes” Moscow. June 27. INTERFAX.RU — Main Directorate of the National police of Ukraine in Kiev confirmed the death of a man in a car bomb explosion in Solomenskiy district of Kiev on Tuesday morning. “8:16 the police received that at the intersection of streets Solomenskaya and Alekseevskaya exploded the car “Mercedes”… as a result of the accident killed the driver,” said Department of communication of the police of Kiev. Earlier, local media reported that the explosion in the car one person was killed and two others injured. City portal “Kiev Operational” noted that the incident occurred in the morning at the intersection of streets Solomenskaya and machine Operators. According to the online publication “” in the time of the explosion the driver was in the cabin. “Parts of the car scattered around the perimeter of 100 meters and hit

With the explosion of a car in Kiev suffered people

With the explosion of a car in Kiev suffered people Moscow. June 27. INTERFAX.RU — on Tuesday morning in Solomenskiy district of Kiev, a car exploded, causing casualties, according to the city web-portal “Kiev Operational”. “A strong explosion occurred this morning at the intersection of streets Solomenskaya and machine Operators. The details are still being investigated. It is known only that there are victims”, — stated in the message. It is also reported that because of the incident blocked traffic.