The doctors talked Gorbachev on trip in parting with Kohl

Mikhail Gorbachev Former Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev is forced to refuse to participate in the farewell ceremony for former German Chancellor Helmut Kohl on a state of health. On Tuesday, June 27, reports TASS. “Mikhail Sergeyevich would not be able to participate in the funeral ceremony, because the doctors didn’t recommend him to make such a long journey”, — said the Agency in a press-service of the Gorbachev Foundation. Earlier it became known that the Russian delegation at this event will be chaired by Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev. Kohl died June 16 at age 87 in his home in Ludwigshafen. He served as Chairman of the German government from 1982 to 1998. One of the major achievements in this position was the unification of Germany. The funeral ceremony, which is designed to emphasize not only national but also pan-European scale policy, will be held on 1 July in Strasbourg, France,

Putin visited the resident of the home emergency in Izhevsk

Polypropolene Vladimir Putin gave a ticket to Sochi resident Barack from Izhevsk The President of Russia Vladimir Putin fulfilled his promise and came to the house to the inhabitant of Izhevsk who complained fault condition is your housing in a straight line. On Tuesday, June 27, RIA Novosti reported. Anastasia Votintseva met the President on the porch of a wooden house in which he lives along with their three children and sister. As reported, the President clearly see in uninhabitable conditions “from the porch”: a wooden staircase, where residents enjoy daily, rotten. According to Votintseva, the house is not installed gas, and water supply for the residents conducted their own expense. A resident noted that after a straight line the driveway, which was in the pits, filled with gravel. June 15 in a live TV broadcast, a resident of Izhevsk complained about the living conditions: “we summer in the apartments

In Venezuela, a helicopter attacked the Supreme Court building

In Venezuela, a helicopter attacked the Supreme Court building MEXICO city, 28 Jun — RIA Novosti. A helicopter belonging to the body of scientific, criminal and forensic investigation police of Venezuela (CICPC), on Tuesday evening, spread through Caracas calling for disobedience and attacked the building of the Supreme court of Venezuela, said the Minister of communication and information Ernesto Villegas. “One man took up arms against the Republic. He stole the helicopter and attacked the Supreme court” — leads the channel NTN 24 the words of Villegas. Posted in social networks photos of the helicopter indicate that the crew stretched a banner reading “350. Freedom.” Stolen helicopter used to throw grenades near the Supreme Court building in Caracas, Venezuela; no casualties reported. — Josh Caplan (@joshdcaplan) 28 Jun 2017 Mira el video que circula en redes del momento en que helicoptero ataca con dos granadas TSJ y sede del

Vladimir Etush was transferred from intensive care to a regular room

Vladimir Etush People’s artist of the USSR Vladimir Etush was transferred from intensive care to a regular room, but as long as he remains in the hospital. On Tuesday, June 27, told RIA Novosti in the press service of the Vakhtangov theatre. “Vladimir Abramovich today was transferred from intensive care to a regular ward. But, as the doctors said, a few days it needs to ponablyudat”, — said the representative of the press service. On Monday, the artist went to the Institute Sklifosovsky. At the hospital his condition was assessed as heavy. Richter was hospitalized after falling from stairs in the clinic. May 6 Etush turned 95. Happy anniversary congratulated Russian President Vladimir Putin. Vladimir Etush — film and theater actor, winner of numerous awards, including the order of the red star, order of Patriotic war I degree, “For merits before Fatherland”, order of Alexander Nevsky award “the gold mask”.

Poroshenko has discovered the cause of corruption in Ukraine, the Soviet heritage

Petro Poroshenko President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko said that the problem of corruption in Ukraine is difficult to resolve due to the Soviet legacy. He told about it in interview to the newspaper Le Figaro, published on Tuesday, June 27. Answering the question of why corruption in Ukraine “so hard and long to eradicate,” Poroshenko said “she comes from afar — from the Soviet system of corruption so deeply rooted in society and in the minds of everyone.” The Ukrainian President noted that even in such circumstances, the Ukrainian government managed to achieve “brilliant results” in the fight against corruption. Poroshenko also stressed that it is difficult to reform because of the armed conflict in the East of the country. “Difficult to conduct reforms in a country at war. However, this is exactly what we managed to do. We managed to stabilize inflation, to restore economic growth and reduce the

Macron invited trump to Paris

Emmanuel Macron The President of France Emmanuel macron has invited his American counterpart Donald trump to visit the 14 July military parade in Paris. On Tuesday, June 27, according to BFMTV. The parade will be held on the national holiday of France — Bastille Day, which this year will be devoted to century since the United States entered the First world war. In addition, politicians agreed to a joint response in case of a new chemical attack in Syria. June 26, the White house said that the Syrian government is preparing another attack using chemical weapons. The United States administration warned that Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and his army “will pay a high price” if it commits such an attack. In April the city of Khan shaykhun was dumped chemical munitions, which killed 87 people, injured about 200. The Syrian opposition and Western countries accuse the air force attack the

Half of Ukrainians are opposed to the visa regime with Russia, the survey showed

Photo: RIA Novosti Fifty percent of Ukrainians do not support the intention of Kiev to introduce a visa regime with Russia, according to published on Monday the results of a survey conducted by the sociological group “Rating”. The respondents were asked whether they support the intention to introduce a visa regime with Russia. While 38% of respondents said they support, 12% were undecided. Do not support this idea 50%. In a press release on the results of the study indicated that in recent months has increased slightly support the idea of introducing by Ukraine of the visa regime with Russia. Most of all for him were the people of the West, the villages, the people are young. The survey was conducted in the period from 22 to 31 may, among the adult population in Ukraine. The survey polled 3 thousand people, the statistical error does not exceed 1.8%. Earlier the

Peskov told about the format of Putin’s meeting with trump

Photo: kremlin.EN Press Secretary of the President of Russia Dmitry Peskov said that the American head of state Donald trump and Russian leader Vladimir Putin will meet in Hamburg. He also noted that Moscow is ready to hold the event in a convenient for the United States format. About it reports “Interfax”. According to the representative of the Kremlin, Protocol meeting “secondary”. Peskov said that trump and Putin will be at the same event, so they will have the opportunity to meet in any case. Earlier it was reported that the President of the United States Donald trump wants to conduct a full formal meeting with the Russian leader Vladimir Putin next month, when the heads of state will be in Germany at the G20 summit. According to a source publication, at the moment the United States it is best to “keep a distance” in relations with Russia and to

Determined popular among Ukrainians destinations after the introduction of bezveza

Determined popular among Ukrainians destinations after the introduction of bezveza Barcelona has become the most popular destination of flights from Ukraine after the introduction of a visa-free regime with the EU. According to momondo, the three leaders by the number of search queries for air tickets also hit Rome and Paris. On the first day after the introduction of “bezveze” the interest of Ukrainian tourists to the EU increased by 300 percent. Barcelona is the most popular destination for flights from the Ukraine after the introduction of a visa-free regime with the EU. On Tuesday, June 27, reports the Internet-the magazine 34travel. To such conclusion experts of tourist service momondo, examining information about the search queries for air tickets to EU countries made by the Ukrainian users. In second place was Rome, Paris rounded out the top three. Milan and Lisbon got fourth and fifth places respectively. The top 10

How lack of sleep affects the brain: the largest study in history

How lack of sleep affects the brain: the largest study in history Canadian scientists have begun the most ambitious to date, research into the effects of sleep deprivation on the human brain. A group of researchers from the University of Western Ontario encourages volunteers from around the world go online and take a series of cognitive tests. Fergus Walsh Explorer bi-Bi-si on medical issues With the help of specially developed computer programs wishing to assess their skills of logic, language understanding, and decision-making. I also decided to pass the tests, agreeing that my brain will be scanned. Pioneers The study is headed by British Professor-neurologist Adrian Owen, working at the Institute for brain and mind at the University of Western Ontario. “We all know the feeling arising from the lack of sleep, but we know little about how this lack affects the brain, explains Professor Owen. — We want to