Six people were killed in road accident in Dagestan

In an accident in the Karabudakhkent district of Dagestan killed six people, including three children. About it “Interfax” was informed in the Republican Ministry of health. In addition, five people, including two children, were injured. They were taken to the Central hospital of the city of Izberbash. The accident occurred Wednesday, June 28, near the village.. According to the Federal Agency news (FAN), there was a head-on collision of Lada Priora and Toyota RAV4. On June 26 the Soviet area of the Saratov region in the accident killed five, including one child. On the road near the village of Krasny Kut faced cars Renault Logan and Opel. Earlier in the day in Slyudyanka district of the Irkutsk region happened accident involving a bus transporting artists of the state song and dance ensemble “TRANS-Baikal Cossacks.” The vehicle during the descent along the serpentine crashed into a concrete barrier and overturned in

The car with employees of the SBU has exploded in the Donetsk region, media reported

The car with employees of the SBU has exploded in the Donetsk region, media reported KYIV, 28 Jun — RIA Novosti. The car with employees of the security Service of Ukraine (SBU) has exploded in the Donetsk region, one person died and four were injured, reported in Wednesday’s edition of “Ukrainian truth” with reference to the source. “In the Konstantinovsky region of Donetsk region was blown up by a car with SBU… One worker was killed and four wounded,” — said in the message. As notes the edition, according to the nature of the damage, the explosive device was laid, “all the bottom of the car posted”. According to “the Ukrainian truth”, the SBU confirmed information about the incident, the case is the military Prosecutor’s office. Official information of the security Service of Ukraine, RIA Novosti has not yet. ATO z auto pedrali became SBU — Espresso (@EspresoTV) 28

The Kremlin urged to take “adequately” to the installation of memorial plaques to Stalin in MSLA

The Kremlin urged to take “adequately” to the installation of memorial plaques to Stalin in MSLA Moscow. June 28. INTERFAX.RU Press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov has suggested that the controversial periods of Russian history, associated for example with the activity of Joseph Stalin, should be perceived adequately, including with the installation of memorial signs. The HSE refused to cooperate with MSLA for memorial plaques to Stalin — Maxim Rubtsov (@Dj_Gish) 28 Jun 2017 So Sands commented on the installation in the Moscow state law Academy (mgua) named after Kutafin memorial plaque to Joseph Stalin. Here is the official position can not be. The President has repeatedly said that it is part of our history that we have gone through our country.Dmitry Pescovitz Secretary of the President of the Russian Federation “The story here should be seen as adequately”, — said the press Secretary of the President. As

The European Union extended by six months economic sanctions against Russia

The European Union extended by six months economic sanctions against Russia BRUSSELS, 28 Jun — RIA Novosti. The European Union on Wednesday formally extended for six months economic sanctions against Russia, which expires on July 31, told RIA Novosti source in the EU. “The decision was made”, — said the interlocutor of the Agency, who requested anonymity. In Moscow regret that decision and note that restrictions are not able to solve any problem that confronts the European Union in terms of relations with Russia. Is not just independent experts in the EU with figures showed that sanctions and our countermeasures primarily affects the economy of the EU countries. What happened the next extension of the sanctions is not to cause other feelings, like regret. Again, aggressive minority in the EU reigns.Alexey Markovsergey the Ministry of foreign Affairs The President of the European Council Donald Tusk on June 22 reported that

In Russia will appear the title of Honorary citizen of the country

In Russia will appear the title of Honorary citizen of the country A bill on the introduction of the title of Honorary citizen of the country will develop Senator Vyacheslav Timchenko. In Russia it is necessary to introduce a Federal status of the Honorable citizen of Russia. This was stated by Senator Vyacheslav Timchenko. He plans to draft a bill and in the future to create the all-Russian Institute of honourable citizens, according to “Parlamentskaya Gazeta”. According to him, in most regions and cities of Russia there are already laws on conferring the title of honorary citizen of the Federation, but at the Federal level of such law yet. As stated Timchenko, the title of Honorary citizen of Russia will be similar to the title of Hero of Russia for civil heroism in the name of the country. Usually the title of honorary citizen assign to workers of science and

American police accused of conspiracy to conceal the murder of a Negro

Three police officers of the city of Chicago (Illinois, USA) was accused of conspiring to conceal the murder of a black teenager. About it reports BBC News. “From the indictment, it is clear that clients are not only kept an informal “conspiracy of silence”, they lied about the incident to mislead the investigation and not let him get to the truth,” said special Prosecutor Patricia brown. The murder occurred in October 2014. The guards claimed that Laquan MacDonald attacked them with a knife. But the record issued later, proved that the teenager really had a knife, was said to the police, but he did not rush at them, and walked in the opposite direction. One of the officers, Jason van dyke, jumped out of the car and shot him with 16 bullets, shooting the whole store. 24 November 2015 in the court of the Prosecutor’s office in Chicago charged with

EU extends economic sanctions against Russia

The European Union for six months extended economic sectoral sanctions against Russia. This is stated in the statement of the EU Council on Wednesday, June 28. The restrictions will be in effect until January 31, 2018. Before that, they were approved until 31 July 2017. As noted, the decision was taken unanimously. This was done after the report of the President of France Emmanuel Macron and German Chancellor Angela Merkel on the implementation of the Minsk agreements at the summit of leaders of member countries of the EU on 22-23 June. On 23 June the Chairman of the Duma Committee on international Affairs Leonid Slutsky noted that the European Union is, once again, extending the anti-Russian sanctions, goes to the far West and thus pushes himself to a standstill. A day earlier, the President of the European Council Donald Tusk said that the leaders of the member countries of the

The French General was suspected of flying a combat aircraft for personal purposes

The Minister for the Armed forces of France, Florence Parlee ordered to begin a preliminary investigation in respect of General Richard ribola the suspected use of training and combat aircraft for personal purposes. It is reported BFMTV. The reason for the start of the inspection was the publication in the weekly Canard enchaîné. It is alleged that the officer repeatedly used the Alphajet aircraft to fly from the place of service (Bordeaux) in Provence, where his private residence. From August 2016 such flights was committed at least ten. Thus the General not only used military equipment inappropriately, but also state-owned spent fuel that was not paid. After the inspection, the officer could face disciplinary punishment General REBOL is the Deputy commander of the French air force, and, concurrently head of the training center for training pilots in Bordeaux. Alphajet — light jet aircraft for the German-French development. Used for pilot

Volodin positively assessed the meeting of speakers of parliaments of the countries of Eurasia

Photo: RIA Novosti The meeting of speakers of parliaments of the countries of Eurasia could eventually become a new platform for parliamentarians to share experience of legislation, coordination of work on key issues, said the speaker of the state Duma Vyacheslav Volodin. State Duma delegation headed by Vyacheslav Volodin is a two-day visit to Seoul, where on Tuesday held a second meeting of speakers of parliaments of the countries of Eurasia. “The meeting of speakers of parliaments of the countries of Eurasia could eventually become a new platform for parliamentarians to share experience of legislation, coordination of work on key issues,” said Volodin at the second meeting of speakers of Parliament of the countries of Eurasia. He noted that the meeting stand for mutually beneficial cooperation in the Eurasian space. “The basis of our dialogue are not political goals, I would like to emphasize, and the desire to better understand