The New York Post dedicated to Trump an article of the three words

The New York Post dedicated to Trump an article of the three words The New York Post published an article about the activity of Donald trump on Twitter, consisting of only three words. “Stop. Just stop”, — stated in the material. Simple and straight to the point in today’s @nypost… — Maggie Coughlan (@MaggieCoughlan) on 30 June 2017. Also, the publication on its website posted a link to an article which deals with his recent tweet in which he insulted the staff of the channel to MSNBC Mika Brzezinski and Joe Scarborough. I heard poorly rated @Morning_Joe speaks badly of me (don’t watch anymore). Then how come Crazy low I. Q. Mika, along with Psycho Joe, came.. — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) June 29, 2017. …to Mar-a-Lago for 3 nights in a row around New Year’s Eve, and insisted on joining me. She was bleeding badly from a face-lift.

Dad Michael Jackson was in the hospital after an accident in Las Vegas

Dad Michael Jackson was in the hospital after an accident in Las Vegas MOSCOW, 1 Jul — RIA Novosti. The father of musician Michael Jackson’s 88-year-old Joe Jackson was involved in an accident in Las Vegas, after which he was hospitalized, reports the associated Press. According to the Agency, Joe Jackson was in the passenger seat when the car crashed into another car. According to police, another car broke traffic regulations. Sudden heart failure took the life of a 50-year-old Michael Jackson on June 25 2009. His death from an overdose of potent drugs during the preparation for a series from 50 concerts which the singer planned to give in London. The artist was buried in Los Angeles more than two months later, on 3 September.

The parliamentary party agreed on a version of the oath for new citizens

Ivan Melnikov Faction of the state Duma agreed on the text of the oath for joining the Russian citizenship. This was announced by first Vice-speaker of the lower house of Parliament Ivan Melnikov (Communist party) on Friday, June 30, reports RIA Novosti. “Today’s meeting with the Chairman of the state Duma Vyacheslav Volodin was devoted to rapprochement of the factions, the search for consensus. Think we are on a “common denominator” successfully entered”, — said the MP. He said that everyone involved in the development of the oath was his opinion that it should be spelled out and what not. The meeting succeeded in adopting a draft that was acceptable to all the sides, said Melnikov. “The civic rhetoric, no one will be forced to sacrifice political or other beliefs, he said. — Anyone who loves Russia, this text will be able to read with your head held high”. The

Peskov told about the measures for the protection of the detainee in Ukraine Russians

Victor Ageev Russia will fulfill all diplomatic procedures for the protection of Victor Ageeva, who was detained in Ukraine, said press Secretary of the President of Russia Dmitry Peskov. His words to the correspondent “” on Friday, June 30. “No doubt, of course, will be all that is mandated by law, I mean the measures for the protection of interests, will be implemented,” — said the official representative of the Kremlin. June 29, Peskov also stated that Moscow will not leave without the support of captured Russians. In addition, he assured that Ageev never served under the contract in Armed forces of Russia. Referring to the defense Ministry, he said that the man he is serving, and in may of 2016 in the left margin. That Russian soldier Victor Ageev has been captured in the Luhansk region, on June 27, citing sources in the Armed forces of Ukraine said “Russian

The Kremlin will negotiate with the Americans the nuances of the meeting of Putin and trump at the G20

Vladimir Putin The Kremlin will try to find the schedule of the President of Russia Vladimir Putin at the upcoming summit of “Big twenty” the time to meet with the American leader Donald trump. This was announced by the assistant to the President Yuri Ushakov, reports TASS on Friday, June 30. “We will Express to Americans the program of our stay in Hamburg, will talk about those meetings, which have agreed and will try this rather complicated chart to write a very important and necessary meeting with Mr. trump,” — said Ushakov. He noted that the agreement on the meeting between the two leaders has been achieved, it is necessary to harmonize the format. Earlier Friday, about this told the press Secretary of the President of Russia Dmitry Peskov: “Yesterday it was decided to use diplomatic channels to begin negotiation possible time and format of such a meeting”. The Minister

The enemies of fuses

The enemies of fuses Immediately arrested, five officers of the FSB. As it became known””, from five employees of management of Federal security service (FSB) in Moscow and the Moscow region were detained by officers of the Central intelligence Agency, and then arrested by the court. Two of them are suspected of taking bribes, and the rest in the mediation of this. Under the version of military investigators, security officers are expected to receive money from the management of JSC “NITI im. P. I. Snegireva”, one of the leading enterprises for the production of fuses for a wide range of ammunition. According to “Kommersant”, now the FSB is checked, the results of which can be taken personnel action against some of the heads of Department. According to the Kommersant’s sources in the FSB, under investigation were from five employees of capital management of security services headed by the Deputy chief

Seoul proposed dialogue between the US and North Korea

Seoul proposed dialogue between the US and North Korea Grounds for initiating dialogue between Washington and Pyongyang may be the cessation of nuclear tests by the DPRK or the release of detainees in the country American citizens. This was stated by the President of South Korea moon Jae-In on the meeting with the American leader Donald trump in Washington, reports Reuters. Moon said that South Korea will “sternly respond” to any provocation by the DPRK and urged Pyongyang to promptly return to dialogue with the international community, in particular, with Seoul and the United States. The South Korean leader said that if North Korea frees detained three American citizens and stop its nuclear and missile tests, it will be a good basis for the beginning of negotiations. Donald trump, commenting on the situation around North Korea’s situation, said that Pyongyang’s actions require “a strong response”: the U.S. government, he said,

US aircraft carried out operational reconnaissance at the Russian base in Tartus

US aircraft carried out operational reconnaissance at the Russian base in Tartus Moscow. July 1. INTERFAX.RU — U.S. military aircraft Friday made another reconnaissance flight near the naval base of Russia in the Syrian port of Tartus, according to data from Western sites, tracking movement of military aviation. According to them, the patrol anti-submarine aircraft of the US Navy P-8 Poseidon with the hull number 168852, taking off from Sigonella airbase in Sicily, flying to the coast of Syria and standing in a circle, has long hovered near the Russian base in Tartus. However, he was from it at a distance of about 40 km. In the Eastern Mediterranean near Syria on Friday were also recorded flying strategic reconnaissance plane of the U.S. air force RC-135V tail number 64-14841. On Thursday, at least three us aircraft conducted reconnaissance flights in the Eastern Mediterranean sea near the Syrian coast and the

“Leader”, “Surf” and Pantsyr: the memorable naval salon

Advertising Skip the ads {{$root.cfg.modules.slider.galleryTable_4378155.stepNow *12 +1}} – 12 from {{$root.cfg.modules.slider.gallery_4378155.sliderLength-1}} {{$root.cfg.modules.slider.galleryTable_4378155.stepNow *12 +1}} – 17 {{$root.cfg.modules.slider.gallery_4378155.sliderLength-1}} At the opening of the VIII International military-sea salon in St.-Petersburg © Peter Kovalev/TASS At the Marine station of Saint-Petersburg © Peter Kovalev/TASS Visitors at the model of multi-purpose aircraft carrier “Storm” © Peter Kovalev/TASS © Peter Kovalev/TASS Model of the su-30CM © Ladislav Karpov/TASS Turret “mosquito” © Peter Kovalev/TASS At the stand of USC © Peter Kovalev/TASS Patrol ship “Admiral Makarov” on the military-the sea salon © Peter Kovalev/TASS Landing craft air cushion © Peter Kovalev/TASS On the pier of the Neva river © Peter Kovalev/TASS Model mine vehicle basic zone “Alexandrite-e” © Peter Kovalev/TASS Stand of research and production enterprise “Radar-MMS” © Ladislav Karpov/TASS The layout of the complex s-400 “Triumph” © Peter Kovalev/TASS Stand USC © Peter Kovalev/TASS Missile extended range KH-59MK (foreground) © Peter Kovalev/TASS Anti-ship missile BrahMos ©

Tokyo Schoolgirls banned from going on dates for money

July 1 in Tokyo to girls under the age of 18 came into force a ban on working in the field of Dating. It is reported TASS with reference to the legislative Assembly of the Japanese capital. From now on, Tokyo 110 companies offering men to go on a date with the schools can’t hire girls under the age of 18. Those who will violate the law, shining a year in prison or a fine of up to one million yen (about nine thousand US dollars). TASS notes that the business of such dates is an acute social problem in Japan because the clients pay the girls for sexual services, and it is a violation of the criminal code, according to which prostitution in Japan is forbidden. Coming of age in the land of the rising sun comes in 20 years.