Medvedev honoured the memory of former German Chancellor Kohl

Dmitry Medvedev in the European Parliament building in Strasbourg © AP Photo/Jean-Francois Badias STRASBOURG, 1 July. /TASS/. Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev gave a tribute to former German Chancellor Helmut Kohl. Farewell ceremony with the former head of the German government, who died on June 16, takes place on Saturday at the European Parliament building in Strasbourg. A memorial service organized at the initiative of the European Council, European Commission and the European Parliament (EP). The coffin Kohl exhibited in the chamber of Parliament and covered with the flag of the European Union. A guard of honor in the hall are the soldiers of the special guard battalion of the Bundeswehr and the military Eurocorps – independent inter-state military structure of the EU.

In Germany limited the possibility of electoral speeches of foreign politicians

The German authorities took the decision to limit public appearances in the country of foreign politicians for electoral purposes. This is stated in a special statement of the German foreign Ministry, available on the Agency’s website. As specified in the document, any such statement should be coordinated with the foreign Ministry of Germany for at least 10 days before the event. Permission or prohibition of campaigning will be considered in the context of the current international situation. The resolution of the Ministry of foreign Affairs does not exempt an applicant from the need to harmonize the presentation with other concerned German authorities. The report also says that these restrictions do not apply to politicians representing the countries of the European Union. 2 Mar power Gaggenau (Federal state of Baden-Wurtemberg) has canceled a speech by the Turkish Minister of justice Bekir Bozdag, who was going to appeal to supporters of President

The South Korean President, called the condition for starting discussions with Pyongyang c

Moon Jae-In The President of South Korea, moon Jae-In during his speech in Washington said, what concessions should go to the DPRK, that between Seoul and Pyongyang began a dialogue. On Friday, June 30, according to Reuters. The South Korean leader said that such a development is possible if the Pyongyang promised to cease nuclear and missile provocations or release of detainees in North Korea, American citizens. He also pointed out that “the final goal is to eliminate the nuclear program of North Korea”, and reminded that in this way everything should happen step by step, and each step in the elimination of the nuclear program needs to be verified. Earlier, U.S. President Donald trump said that the era of “strategic patience” of the United States against North Korea over. The head of state noted that the DPRK authorities “don’t care about the safety of its citizens, and residents of

Guard saved trump from a falling lamp

Donald Trump South Korean journalists knocked over the lamp that stood on the table next to the President of the United States Donald trump during a meeting with his South Korean counterpart mun Jae-Otherwise, catch in the side of the American leader of interior-managed security service of the White house. Video of the moment on Friday, June 30, published on its YouTube channel NBC News. “Take it easy, guys! You are getting worse! You then tilt the table,” commented trump. At a meeting with South Korean counterpart trump said that the era of “strategic patience” of the United States against North Korea over. The head of state noted that the DPRK authorities “don’t care about the safety of its citizens, and residents of neighboring States that do not respect human life.” According to the White house, Washington begins to implement a “range of measures in the areas of diplomacy, security

Trump is preparing for a “bargain” with Putin

Photo: EPA The President of the United States Donald trump instructed the national security Council (NSC) of the White house to prepare a list of possible “concessions” that he could offer Russian President Vladimir Putin during the upcoming negotiations. About it reports The Guardian with reference to former White house staff familiar with the situation. According to one of interlocutors of the edition, and in the secret service, and the administration of the President of the United States do not want to make unilateral concessions “only in order to improve the atmosphere of negotiations.” In addition, surrounded by trump’s allegedly unhappy that he insists on full-fledged meeting with Putin. Among one of the concessions the newspaper calls the return of the Russian Embassy in the US diplomatic “cottages” in new York and Maryland. Seized them in 2016, when the US President was Barack Obama, explaining the measure alleged Russian interference

Rogozin called the most prestigious in Russia the profession

Photo: RIA Novosti Russian Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin called the profession of a welder on the “Sevmash” one of the most prestigious in the country. It is reported by RIA Novosti. He explained that in the Northern cities of Russia “difficult conditions, but the wages are those that attract the best personnel”. According to Rogozin, to work as a welder prestigious “and, in General, the prestige, and salaries.” Vice Prime Minister also noted the importance of state support for training. According to him, solve the tasks set by the government, “the Navy and shipbuilders before, only when we have professional staff, timeless, not running away from the plants.” “Sevmash” is a Russian machine building defense company, located in Severodvinsk (Arkhangelsk oblast). The plant, in particular, building nuclear submarines, diesel-electric submarines, upgrade and repair of large military surface ships and submarines, and also conducts civil shipbuilding. From the information posted

Putin called the meeting “Big twenty”

Photo: kremlin.EN The Russian presidential aide Yuri Ushakov told about the scheduled meetings Vladimir Putin at the summit of “Big twenty” in Hamburg. His words on Thursday, June 29, reports TASS. “Agreed three full-scale meeting,” said Ushakov. According to him, the Russian leader will meet with his French counterpart Emmanuel Macron, the President of South Korea, moon Jae-Different, and also with the Prime Minister of Japan Shinzo Abe. “In addition, will be meeting up short with a number of leaders of the countries”, — said the assistant of the head of state. Earlier, the press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov repeatedly drawn attention to the fact that Vladimir Putin, and US President, Donald trump will also attend the summit in Hamburg. However, it was stressed that the talks the leaders agreed. “While any developments, unfortunately, no,” he said. The Great twenty summit will be held on 7-8 July in

Prime Minister of Serbia declared his love for British rock 80s

Prime Minister of Serbia declared his love for British rock 80s BELGRADE, 1 Jul — RIA Novosti. The new Prime Minister of Serbia, Ana Brnabic sympathetic to the British rock groups 1980-ies, and the beloved writer called the novelist Salman Rushdie, she told about it in interview to RIA Novosti. “My favourite band Depeche Mode, New Order, Joy Division, love the eighties. Favorite writer Salman Rushdie. But not in time to hear the new Depeche Mode album, as a year dedicated to public administration and local self-government, National Academy of public administration”, — said the head of the Serbian government. However, she expressed confidence that next year will be for her even more intense. The new Cabinet of Serbia, headed by Ana Brnabic took the oath in Parliament on Thursday, the first meeting of the government under her leadership was held on Friday.

In the state Duma has shown preliminary text of the oath for citizenship of the Russian Federation

Mikhail Emelyanov The first Deputy Chairman of the Duma Committee on state construction and legislation Mikhail Emelyanov presented the preliminary text of the oath made before obtaining Russian citizenship. It is quoted by RIA Novosti. “I [name], voluntarily and knowingly taking the citizenship of the Russian Federation I swear to respect the Constitution and the legislation of the Russian Federation, rights and freedoms of its citizens, to perform the duties of the citizen of the Russian Federation for the benefit of the state and society to protect the freedom and independence of the Russian Federation, to be loyal to Russia, to respect its culture, history and traditions”, — said Emelyanov. It is noted that the basis for the text was the version written by the head of Committee Pavel Krasheninnikov. A preliminary version of the oath you plan to submit for approval to the leaders of Duma factions. If she

The administration of Kuzbass said about the health of Governor Tuleyev

Aman Tuleyev The Governor of the Kemerovo region Aman Tuleyev continues rehabilitation at the hospital of the regional center after spinal surgery, held in Germany. It is reported TASS with reference to the administration of the region, on Friday, June 30. According to the interlocutor of the Agency, as 73-year-old Tuleyev stable, feeling good. Completion of rehabilitation he did not name. 22 Jun doctors, watching the Governor, said that complications arising from surgical intervention, it will not prevent the head of the Kuzbass to perform the duties. On 20 June the newspaper “Kommersant” wrote that the money was re-extended leave of absence due to illness. The next day in the regional administration said that the Governor has no plans to ask the President about early retirement, and intends to perform his duties until the end of Governor’s term, which expires in 2020. Aman Tuleyev headed the Kemerovo oblast in 1997.