Putin approved the creation of a registry corrupt

President Vladimir Putin signed the law on creation in Russia of registry officials, law enforcement officers and servicemen, dismissed in connection with loss of trust for corruption. The corresponding document was published on Saturday, July 1, on the official portal of legal information. The act provides for the establishment of a special list, which will include information about the person who has been dismissed for corruption offenses. With the exception of information constituting a state secret. The registry can get fired prosecutors, Investigative Committee, Federal security service, internal Affairs bodies, customs authority, military, civil and municipal servants, persons holding public office, employees of the Central Bank, officials of state corporations, Pension Fund and others. The obligation of including dismissed for corruption officer in the registry will fall on his employer. The registry corrupt officials will be placed in the state information system in the field of civil service in the

The Kremlin promised to take part in the fate of captured in Ukraine, Russian

Photo: TASS Moscow has taken the measures necessary to protect captured in Ukraine, Russian citizen Viktor Ageev. The journalists said the press Secretary of the President of Russia Dmitry Peskov, said on Thursday, June 29, the correspondent “Tapes.ru”. “I can assume that of course, as with all citizens of Russia, apparently, will be taken for the protection of all legitimate rights,” — said the official representative of the Kremlin. Peskov also said that Ageev never served under the contract in Armed forces of Russia. Referring to the defense Ministry, he said that the man he is serving, and in may of 2016 in the left margin.

Died artist Mr very

Died artist Mr very St. PETERSBURG, 1 Jul — RIA Novosti. People’s artist of Russia Vladimir very, who worked at the Studio “Lenfilm” has died on 69-m to year of life in St. Petersburg, according to the Studio. “Such people say that he was an artist from God. Mr very was born to a prominent film Director Joseph Heifits, which largely determined his fate. Vladimir grew up on movie sets, for him the movie was. He felt every frame, creating the screens and the spirit of the era and the atmosphere of the life of each of the characters”, — stated in the message. At the very participated in the creation of such films as “Boys”, “Declaration of love”, “heart of a Dog”, “Idiot”, “Master and Margarita”. “In his filmography will not find migratory work. Each film event, a whole epoch in domestic cinema. Many of his films we love,

Bear came to the shop in Alaska for candy

Bear came to the shop in Alaska for candy Bear went to the store in Alaska. Video of the incident published on Saturday, July 1, edition of the Alaska Dispatch News. The beast came to the counter with the candy, stood up on his hind legs and began to study the assortment. According to the store employee Roger Thibodeau (Roger Thibodeau), he first took the animal for a dog (it was the size of a medium Alaskan Malamute) and only then realized who was before him. “I think it is quite small,” said the man. He suggested that there could be other bears. The buyer, who was drinking coffee next to the counter, chased the animal with loud claps. According to Thibodeau, he went to a nearby store that sells plumbing.

The tractor driver rammed the car with the traffic police in the suburbs

Near the town of Voskresensk in the Moscow region the driver of a tractor rammed a police car with two policemen inside. On Saturday, July 1, “the Tape.ru” reported in head Department of the MIA of Russia in Moscow region. According to the tractor driver, he lost control, which led to the accident. Two guards who were in the cabin of the patrol car at the time of the accident, were hospitalized. According to the source, both are in intensive care in serious condition. The circumstances of the incident are being investigated. On June 18 Novoslobodskaya street in Moscow faced three cars, including the police. The result was injured four people, three of them law enforcement officers. The fourth victim — the passenger of the Mercedes, which crashed into a police car.

Kadyrov has compared the legalization of gay marriage in Germany in the last days of Pompeii

Ramzan Kadyrov The head of Chechnya, Ramzan Kadyrov called the legalization of gay marriage in Germany the last days of Pompeii. On Saturday, July 1, he wrote in his Instagram. “I read one news from the German Bundestag, looked at the reaction of the audience and thought it was the last day of Pompeii,” — said Kadyrov. He expressed confidence that measures should be taken to strengthen the institution of the family. “Alternatives to the family and there never will be”, — he stressed. Kadyrov also said that a survey conducted on its behalf studies, the majority of crimes in Chechnya were committed by people who grew up in single-parent families in which no one of the parents. On the eve of state Duma Deputy Vitaly Milonov has announced his intention to ask the German bishops to excommunicate members of the Bundestag who voted for the legalization of gay marriage.

The number of victims in the shooting at a nightclub in the US has risen to 28

The number of victims in the shooting at a nightclub in the US has risen to 28 MOSCOW, 1 Jul — RIA Novosti. Twenty-eight people were injured in the shooting at the club of little Rock city in Arkansas in the United States, of which 25 people received gunshot wounds, said police. Earlier, the TV channel Fox News reported on the shooting in the club Lounge Power that occurred on Saturday night local time. Police believe the incident occurred after occurred in a nightclub altercation and does not associate it with terrorism. Militiamen of the city of little Rock reported that of the 28 injured, three people suffered for other reasons. “At the moment, it is assumed that all will survive,” the police wrote on his Twitter page. Earlier media reported that at least one person is in critical condition. After police said that his condition is stable.

Media: South Korean marine police detained in the waters of the country, the DPRK vessel

Media: South Korean marine police detained in the waters of the country, the DPRK vessel The police will interview the crew members, according to Yonhap. MOSCOW, 1 July. /TASS/. Maritime police in South Korea detained on Saturday in its territorial waters in the sea of Japan a small North Korean ship with five sailors on Board. This was reported to the Agency Yonhap, citing a source in the government. The ship was found near the Northern limit line, performing the role of the actual Maritime border between the DPRK and South Korea. According to the Agency, NCIS conducts a conversation with the crew. It is noted that some of them expressed a desire to remain in South Korea. On June 23 the coast guard of the Republic of Korea found near the South Korean island of Ulleungdo the ship on Board of which there were eight North Korean fishermen. All

The Russian delegation to the 72nd session of the UN General Assembly will be headed by Lavrov

The Russian delegation to the 72nd session of the UN General Assembly will be headed by Lavrov Regular session of the UN General Assembly will open on September 12. MOSCOW, 1 July. /TASS/. The Russian foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov will head the Russian delegation which will take part in the work of the 72nd session of the UN General Assembly. The corresponding decree of the President was published Saturday. Among the members of the delegation also includes Deputy foreign Ministers Gennady Gatilov and Vassily Nebenzia, Chairman of the Federation Council Committee on international Affairs Konstantin Kosachev, Chairman of the State Duma Committee on international Affairs Leonid Slutsky. 72th session of the UN General Assembly will open on September 12.

The law on blocking of sites pirated copies signed by the President

The law on blocking of sites pirated copies signed by the President Moscow. July 1. INTERFAX.RU — Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a law on blocking the so-called “mirrors of” pirate sites on the Internet. The text of the law adopted by the Duma on 23 June and approved by the Federation Council on 28 June, posted Saturday on the official portal of legal information. This law is aimed at curbing the illegal distribution and use of audiovisual works on the Internet. The law introduces the concept of “a copy of the blocked site.” The law considers such copy “a website, similar to the point of confusion with the website on the Internet, with restricted access by decision of the Moscow city court in connection with repeated and improper placement of information containing objects of copyright or related rights or information needed to receive them with the use of the