Konica showed a map of Russia without the Crimea, Kaliningrad and Sakhalin

Photo: account Konica Minolta Russia network facebook The company Konica-Minolta was shown on the presentation slide with the map of Russia where there is no Crimea, Kaliningrad, Sakhalin and a New Earth. Photos from the official event published in “Vkontakte”. The image was shown at the opening of the first industrial showroom of the company. Users of social networks protested the negligence of the event organizers and asked was not whether the error is intentional. “Let’s ask this company — why? As, for example, a company plans its future activities in Russia?” — wrote Ruslan Pockets. “The Kaliningrad oblast, the Sakhalin Islands, Crimea and the New earth are not printed Conical-Minolta, not to become No. 2 in Russia, or in this campaign all is to fuck off?” asked the user Alex Isakov. In January 2016, a similar mistake was made by the Coca-Cola company, posting in social networks is a

Milon Merkel was accused of collusion with Satan

Vitaly Milonov State Duma Deputy Vitaly Milonov intends to ask the German bishops to excommunicate members of the Bundestag who voted for the legalization of gay marriage in the country. It is reported by a national news service (NSN) on Friday, June 30. “Naturally, I turn to the bishops of Germany that they excommunicated Angela Merkel and members of the Bundestag voted for this decision, from the Church. Let them communicate with the Church of Satan,” — said Milonov. In his opinion, the German Parliament adopted the law is “a devilish act”. “Angela Merkel colluded with Satan, she kissed Satan in order to form a coalition government. The fact that she gave herself to the succubus and Incubus, — this was written by her great-great-grandfather”, — said Russian Deputy. On 30 June, the German Parliament by a majority of votes approved a law on the legalization of gay marriage. The

Russia has extended sanctions against Western countries

Vladimir Putin Russian President Vladimir Putin extended a separate special security measures against U.S., EU and several other States. The corresponding decree was published on Friday, June 30, on the official Internet portal of legal information. Restrictions will apply until 31 December 2018. The document comes into force from the date of signing. The decree of the government of Russia is entrusted to provide necessary implementing measures and, if necessary, to make proposals for changing the duration of the sanctions. 29 Jun Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev said that Moscow will extend food embargo against imported products from a number of Western countries. A day earlier, the European Union extended economic sanctions against Russia. They will be valid until 31 January 2018. On 20 June, the US government added to the sanctions list 38 names and organizations involved in “Russia’s actions in Ukraine.” A number of countries, including the USA and

Zakharov told about his green dress

The official representative of the foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova told about the green dress in which she was at the opening ceremony of the Moscow international film festival (MIFF). About it she wrote on the page in Facebook. In recognition Zakharova, she received “lots of questions” about the green dress, but the time to answer has appeared only now. “The night from Saturday to Sunday for some such stories,” she wrote. Zakharova said she had “neither the strength nor the time” to go shopping. “And I decided to draw a sketch of the dress itself. For a starting point took the style of the 40s with accentuated shoulders, marked waist, high cuffs, pleats. From an added section. And to bring all this to life has helped the Russian company “Akimbo””, — stated in the post Zakharova. Previously Zakharov told about a curious issue related to this dress. On his page

In Tatarstan in an accident with a bus killed seven people

In Tatarstan in an accident with a bus killed seven people KAZAN, 2 Jun — RIA Novosti, Irina Durnitsyna. Truck and bus collided in Tatarstan on Sunday night and caught fire, the bus tipped over, seven people were killed and 11 were injured, said regional Directorate of the MES of Russia. “At 00.40 GMT on 2 July, it was reported that in nine kilometers from the city of Zainsk occurred dorozhno-transport incident to participation of the truck “KAMAZ” and the passenger bus “the Neoplan” bus rollover on the carriageway and subsequent ignition”, — stated in the message. The bus followed the route Samara-Izhevsk. According to preliminary information of the Ministry of emergency situations, 11 people were injured and seven people died. All victims are directed to the Central district hospital of Zainsk municipal region. The ignition of the bus and the truck were eliminated in the 01.17 GMT. MOE adds

Canadians celebrated the 150th anniversary of the country

Canadians celebrated the 150th anniversary of the country Hundreds of thousands of Patriotic citizens, the opposition and just revellers gathered on Parliament hill in Ottawa for a Grand celebration. Many came from other cities. About 25 thousand Canadians — patriots, and just fun lovers gathered on Saturday on Parliament hill in Ottawa for a Grand celebration, preparing well in advance. Maple Leaf country celebrates the 150th anniversary. In 1867, Britain granted its former colony dominion status — in fact, an independent state within the British Empire (now Commonwealth) associated with the United Kingdom shared a monarch. The process of independence finally ended in 1982, when the British Parliament recognized the right of Canada to change its own Constitution without the participation of the former metropolis. Canada day July 1 — the main state holiday of the country. The anniversary this weekend is celebrated in all cities and settlements, squares and

Trump came up with a new epithet for CNN

Trump came up with a new epithet for CNN According to the President of the United States Donald trump, CNN should not be called the channel of “fake news” and news channel “fraudulent”. Earlier CNN was at the center of a scandal in connection with the plot of the contact of the administration with Russia. The President of the United States Donald trump believes that CNN should need to call the “fake news” as he did this before, but “fraudulent CNN news”. The President wrote on Twitter. I am thinking about changing the name #FakeNews CNN to #FraudNewsCNN! — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 1, 2017 This tweet was the final in the series, which focused on the role of social networking in the victory trump and discontent, which on this occasion was expressed by the media, making “fake news”. “Fake and fraudulent media work hard to convince Republicans and

The Syrian army has called “false” reports about the use of chlorine

The Syrian army has called “false” reports about the use of chlorine The Syrian army command issued a statement in which he rejected allegations of use of toxic substances, in particular chlorine. In a special statement said that the army lacks munitions filled with the chemical. The Syrian government army has rejected allegations of use of chlorine in the district of ain Terma near Damascus. The representative of command of Armed forces of the Republic called it false and baseless, reports news Agency SANA. The statement said that information on the use of chlorine by government forces spread web sites “affiliated with terrorists.” The Syrian army command claims that it never used in the past, chemical weapons and will not do in the future because they do not have shells filled with the chemical. One day this statement, the Agency also published a statement, the Syrian foreign Ministry, which had

The media learned about the evidence of the use of terrorists in Syria foreign weapons

The Russian side has collected irrefutable evidence of the use by terrorists in Syria, foreign weapons and ammunition. About it RIA Novosti was informed diplomatic source. “Russian officers of the Center for conciliation of the warring parties in the Syrian Arab Republic were collected irrefutable evidence that terrorists used foreign weapons and ammunition: photographed fragments of ammunition of foreign manufacture with the serial numbers,” he said. In addition, the Russian military on Saturday, July 1, has recorded 48 mortar shelling of the neighborhood of al-Cabbas (suburb of Damascus) from the positions of illegal armed groups in Ayn-at Terme Dzhobare. Earlier on Thursday, the 29th of June, a diplomatic source told the Agency about the impending terrorist groups in Syria provocation using chemical weapons in the area of Deraa. After that, a number of opposition to the official government information web portals reported that as a result of the use of

Migrant killed the Austrian pensioners because of the hatred of the party of freedom

In Austria, a migrant from Tunisia killed a couple of pensioners, because they thought that they are far-right freedom Party, advocating for the restriction of migration. ORF reported, citing data from the local police. The incident occurred on Friday, June 30th in Linz. 54-year-old migrant, who has lived in Austria since 1989, the interrogation, the police admitted that carefully planned crime. For many years he delivered the food from the store his wife’s elderly Austrians. On Friday, he as usual went into the house to their clients, and strangled first, 85-year-old woman, and then using sticks and knives killed her 87-year-old husband. Then he burned the bodies of their victims. The murderer surrendered to police. He said that many years feels to his unjust attitude on the part of Austrian companies. He accused local politicians of the far-right Austrian freedom party. The killer thought his victim are of this political