Against four teenagers shot down the driver criminal case is brought

In relation to the driver of the truck MAZ, shot down at the bus stop in Bryansk region, four teenagers, a criminal case. About this “Interfax” the official representative of the Ministry Irina Wolf. “Against the driver that hit adolescents in the Bryansk region, the Investigation Department UMVD of Russia across the Bryansk region criminal case as regards 5 articles 264 of the Criminal code of the Russian Federation “Violation of traffic rules and operation of vehicles, entailed on imprudence death of two or more persons”” she said. The driver of the truck detained and placed in a temporary detention center of the Ministry of internal Affairs of Russia on the city of Bryansk. “The police establishes the causes and circumstances of road accidents. The results of the medical examination at the time of the accident the driver was sober”, — said the representative of the Ministry of interior. In

In the accident of the bus and “KAMAZ” in Tatarstan killed ten people

Continued: In the area of the crash of bus and tanker truck in Tatarstan introduced a state of emergency Ten people were killed and 12 injured in the accident, which occurred near the town of Zainsk in Tatarstan. It is reported RIA Novosti with reference to the representative of the Ministry of interior in Tatarstan. In the message of the UDF the CMC of the Main Department of EMERCOM of Russia in Republic of Tatarstan said that the accident occurred around midnight in nine kilometers from the city of Zainsk. “Occurred dorozhno-transport incident to participation of the truck “KAMAZ” and the passenger bus “the Neoplan” bus rollover on the carriageway and subsequent fire”, — stated in the message MES. The scene was directed power zainskiy fire rescue garrison and also all the emergency services. The ignition of the bus and the truck eliminated at 01:17. At the scene employs 35

The number of victims of a bus accident and truck in Tatarstan has increased to 13

Continued: In fact the accident of bus and truck in Tatarstan opened a criminal case The victims of the accident in the zainskiy district of the Republic of Tatarstan were 13 people. Earlier it was reported about ten victims. About it reports “Interfax” citing a source in the emergency services of the region. “Dead already 13. 12 injured”, — he said. Law enforcement authorities have completed investigations on the scene of an accident. “The police conducted investigations. At 5:53 rescuers and firefighters began working to retrieve bodies of the victims”, — told reporters the head of the press service of the Main Department of EMERCOM of Russia across Tatarstan Andrey Rodygin. The accident near the town of Zainsk in Tatarstan occurred in the night of Sunday, July 2. Faced truck “KAMAZ” and bus “the Neoplan” following from Samara to Izhevsk. Because of the impact the bus overturned and caught fire.

Austria worker killed an elderly couple because of political views

Austria worker killed an elderly couple because of political views MOSCOW, 2 Jun — RIA Novosti. Tunisian killed two pensioners in the Austrian city of Linz because of their hatred of the right politicians in the country, writes Heute, citing the police. It is reported that 54-year-old migrant himself came and confessed to the crime. He said that the carefully planned murder, first strangled 85-year-old woman, then killed her 87-year-old husband, then burned the victims ‘ bodies. Explaining the motives of his actions, he stated that he hates right-wing politicians, including Austrian freedom party, which, he believed, supported dead pensioners. The publication notes that the migrant has lived in Austria since 1989 and was well acquainted with an older couple.

The number of victims of road accident with bus in Tatarstan has grown to ten people

The number of victims of road accident with bus in Tatarstan has grown to ten people KAZAN, 2 Jun — RIA Novosti, Irina Durnitsyna. Ten people were killed and 12 injured, according to preliminary data, in collision between bus and truck in Tatarstan, told RIA Novosti the representative of the Ministry of interior in Tatarstan. The regional Glaucus MOE earlier said that the truck and bus Samara — Izhevsk faced in Tatarstan on Sunday night and caught fire, the bus tipped over, seven people died and 11 were injured. “According to preliminary data, the accident with a truck and a bus killed ten people”, — said the representative of the Ministry of interior. According to him, another 12 people were injured. On site works investigative group, the reasons of the incident, he added.

The media learned about the possibility of a UK exit from the EU without negotiation

The media learned about the possibility of a UK exit from the EU without negotiation Britain may abandon negotiations with the EU on the release of the Kingdom from the Union due to disagreements on the account, which Brussels makes the London. This publication reports The Telegraph, citing a senior official in the government. According to the newspaper, about such variant of development of events, representatives of the Prime Minister Theresa may warned the British business community. This step can show the “internal market” that Mei does not intend to pay compensation in the amount of more than € 100 billion required by some European politicians, the newspaper writes. In late may, the media also reported that Mae had warned that the country could leave the EU without signing a special agreement with Brussels. This may be the case if the United Kingdom does not agree with the terms Brexit

In a shooting in a nightclub in Arkansas and injured 17 people

At least 17 people were injured during a shooting at a nightclub in little Rock (USA, Arkansas). Several visitors were injured trying to leave the premises. On Saturday, July 1, Fox News reports. As a result, no one died. It is specified that one of the wounded was in critical condition, but doctors managed to stabilize him. The others were not life-threatening injuries. It is noted that the youngest of the victims 16 years of age. The identity of the person who opened fire, not installed. The police Department of the city in his Twitter said that the cause of the fire was the conflict between the visitors and the incident is not related to terrorism. On the night of June 12, 2016 ethnic Afghan Omar Matin broke into a gay club Pulse (Orlando, Florida), locked the room and started to shoot visitors. A few hours later the police eliminated

Two vehicles of us military convoy collided in the Czech Republic

In the Czech Republic faced two cars out of the us with a military escort, based in Germany and travelling from the base to place the exercise, RIA Novosti reported. As told the representative of police of the Central Bohemian region Pavel Truks, the accident happened on the highway near the Czech city Mirosovice. “The accident occurred at the moment when one part of the convoy was waiting for another one that was late. One of the cars crashed into the tanker, said Truks. — The incident were wounded, the whole situation was solved in a convoy. The representatives of the Czech police only assisted in order to resolve the traffic situation. The movement of the convoy resumed”. The transfer of the American convoy from Germany through the Czech Republic to the place of military NATO exercise Saber Guardian will end on Sunday, July 2. The Czech territory is crossed

Israel struck Syrian military

The Israeli army attacked Syrian artillery positions from where you were previously running mortar shells fired at the Jewish state-controlled part of the Golan heights. This is stated in the communique a press-service of Army of defence of Israel, which is quoted by TASS. “In response to the shells fired at Israel from Syria, the army attacked Syrian artillery positions from where you were previously running a mine,” — said the military. According to the press service, on Saturday evening, two released in Syria a mortar shell landed on the Israeli side of the Golan. The army noted that “the flight stray shells is the result of the internal fighting in Syria.” According to the Lebanese TV channel “al-Mayadin”, the result of this attack, the losses in the ranks of the Syrian troops there, suffered only material damage. According to the channel, Syrian troops backed by militia freed on Saturday

Russia not to break into Vietnam

Photo: Reuters Former Minister of public security, the bearer of the military rank of General of the army, member of the Politburo of the Communist party and President of Vietnam Tran Quang Dan was adopted on Thursday in the Kremlin. Vladimir Putin welcomed a colleague, as a mother. “We have good plans, there are major projects. Very happy to see you,” — said Putin. Quang was restrained, as befits a General and Politburo member. The Vietnamese leader for the second day in Moscow and at all meetings, including with Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev throws a solid compliments. Putin, he announced that Russia is developing well despite the sanctions and “maintain political stability”. And confirmed the invitation for the Russian leader to visit Hanoi and the APEC summit. Vietnam is chairing the summit this year. Putin did not object. Seem to consent to the visit of the Russian leader was easy.