Russian military convey in the villages of the province of Aleppo products

Photo: © RIA Novosti / Dmitry Vinogradov Russian military from the center of the reconciliation of the warring parties in Syria to convey the refugees from the villages of the province of Aleppo, food packages, reported on Friday to journalists the representative of the centre. “The kits for refugees from the occupied by terrorists territories — the most necessary in order to feed a family for several days: sugar, tea, flour, beef stew; dozens of such sets we have given to the needy within half an hour,” he told reporters officer of the Northern branch of the Center for reconciliation of the warring parties in Syria Alexander Bulantsev. He noted that in the days of Eid-al-Fitr (Uraza-Bayram), which ends in Syria on Saturday in the refugee centers in Aleppo for the families of the dead soldiers, pupils of kindergartens, teachers and low-income families receive a few thousand food packages.

White house: mass media in the United States spent 353 minutes on a false history about Russia

Photo: RIA Novosti The White house criticized the American media for wasting air time on a false history about Russia: in the words of White house spokesman Sarah Saunders, the news about Russia was spent from may to June 70 times more time than news about the economy. “I think the President would like to have performed its attention on the legislative agenda. If you look at media coverage from may to June, if you look at the mainstream media and what they covered, they spent 1 minute on the evening news, talking about tax reform, with a 3 minute infrastructure, 5 min on the economy and job creation, 17 minutes on health and 353 attacking the President and spreading false stories about Russia,” she told reporters at a briefing. Website Media Research Center cites similar data, Sanders announced at a press briefing. According to them, 353 minutes, or 55%

A graduate of the Omsk region have fought off the rapist with a stick

In Cherlaksky district of Omsk region 17-year-old graduate fought off a rapist with a stick and ran away. The assailant was arrested, the Agency said 1-LINE. On June 28 she went to school in some cases. At this time, drove past the man on the bike and asked her for help. The driver said that his car ran out of gas and he goes to the closest gas station with the canister, but at the same time to control the bike and keep the canister is difficult and one he can not cope. The girl agreed to help, however, instead of filling the suspect took her into the woods. There he said that she needs to strip to the waist and give a photograph, then go home unharmed. However, when a graduate begin to remove clothing, the offender attacked her and began to pull off her jeans. The girl said

Experts told about the circumstances of the accident in Tatarstan

Experts had previously established the circumstances of the accident in Tatarstan. On Sunday, July 2, the TV channel “Russia 24” said the Deputy chief of management of safety of traffic of the Ministry of internal Affairs Sergey Dobryakov, reports RIA Novosti. According to Dobryakova, in a collision with a tractor on the bus fell off the right front wheel and he fell on his side. Fled with the gas tank, which this model is front and right. The fire spread through the cabin in a few seconds. The door located on the right side, was blocked. Bus collided with “moving in the passing direction the truck towed on a rigid hitch car KAMAZ” in Zainsk region of Tatarstan on the night of 2 July. The victims were 14 people, another 15 were injured. Detained CEO of the shipping company Oksana Nikitina, as well as the truck driver and one of

As a result of explosion in Damascus killed at least 8 people, 12 injured

As a result of explosion in Damascus killed at least 8 people, 12 injured At least eight people were killed, 12 injured in explosion that occurred in Damascus. About it reports AP, citing the Syrian state TV. Earlier it was reported that a car exploded with a suicide bomber. According to media reports, the police chased a car with three terrorists, two of which failed to stop. The third car, the police surrounded the territory of the city in Tahrir square, after which the terrorist detonated the explosive device.

Tatarstan announced mourning after the death of 13 people in an accident

Tatarstan announced mourning after the death of 13 people in an accident KAZAN, 2 Jun — RIA Novosti, Irina Durnitsyna. President of Tatarstan Rustam Minnikhanov signed a decree declaring the Republic of mourning on July 2 in connection with the deaths of 13 people in a road accident with a bus and a truck at night on a Sunday. The message on road accident with participation of the truck “KAMAZ” and the passenger bus “the Neoplan” nine kilometers from the city of Zainsk were received in 0.40 GMT on Sunday. The bus followed the route Samara — Izhevsk, there were 28 people. As a result of collision the bus overturned on the roadway and caught fire. According to Ministry of health of Tatarstan killed 13 people, including two children, 15 injured (12 of them were hospitalized). Upon road accident criminal case under article “violation of traffic rules and operation of

Central office SK will monitor the investigation of the accident in Tatarstan

Central office SK will monitor the investigation of the accident in Tatarstan MOSCOW, 2 Jun — RIA Novosti. The head of the UK Russia Alexander Bastrykin has instructed the Central office of the Ministry to take control of the progress of investigation of criminal case upon road accident in Tatarstan, killing 13 people, reported the official representative SK the Russian Federation Svetlana Petrenko. “The Chairman of the Investigative Committee of Russia Alexander Bastrykin has instructed to take control in the Central office of the investigation of the criminal case on the fact of road accident with passenger bus in the Republic of Tatarstan, which according to preliminary data, 13 people were killed, including two children”, — said Petrenko. As said the official representative of the Department, according to one version, the bus driver was blinded by the headlights of the truck. Now investigators are examining the scene, the bus retrieved

Britain will spend 3.7 billion pounds for the construction of three warships

Britain will spend 3.7 billion pounds for the construction of three warships LONDON, 2 Jul — RIA Novosti, Maria Tobacco. The UK Ministry of defence will spend 3.7 billion pounds for the first phase of construction of three patrol ships for the Royal Navy, the statement said Minister of defense Michael Fallon. “Due to the increasing defence budget and financing plan tehosnastka in the amount of 178 billion pounds programme for the construction of ships of the type 26 will bring great financial profit of Scotland and the whole of the UK”, the statement says Fallon. “These world-class ships will defend the nuclear deterrent of our country and new aircraft carriers of the Royal air force, the first of which, Queen Elizabeth (“Queen”), recently appeared in the sea,” is added to the message. The creation of the first three ships will allow to 2035 to occupy 1.7 thousand qualified specialists

In the case of a fatal accident in Tatarstan appeared first detainee

General Director of “Eurasian Corporation bus” Oksana Nikitina detained on the case of an accident involving a bus in Tatarstan, which killed at least 14 people. On Sunday, July 2, according to the website of the Investigative Committee of Russia. In addition, the firm that owns the bus, is being searched. As reported “Interfax”, Nikitin refused to comment. The fact of the accident two criminal cases — under part 3 of article 238 (“the services that do not meet the requirements of safety of life and health of consumers, entailed on imprudence death of two or more persons”) and part 5 of article 264 (“Violation of traffic rules and operation of vehicles, entailed on imprudence death of two or more persons”) the criminal code of the Russian Federation. Accident involving a passenger bus took place on the night of July 2 at the 52nd kilometer of the route Almetyevsk —

The Washington Post has estimated the number shot by police in USA for six months

Within six months of 2017, American police shot and killed 492 people, estimated publication of the Washington Post. This figure practically coincides with the data for similar periods in the past two years. Washington Post reporters decided to count the number of people killed by police, after 2014, in Ferguson (Missouri) guard was shot dead unarmed teenager Michael brown. His death led to protests that were held in 28 States and the riots. Journalists claim that their lists for 2015 and 2016 was in two times more cases of skirmishes with the police than in the same reports the FBI. This year, as in previous, most of those killed by police is a white male, armed with small arms or other weapons. Every fourth shot in 2017 had mental problems. The number of dead African Americans made up 25 percent, but they account for only 6 percent of the U.S.