German national team won the confederations Cup

Players of the German national team The German team defeated the team of Chile in the final of the confederations Cup and became the winner of the tournament. About it the correspondent “”. The meeting was held at the stadium “Saint Petersburg” on Sunday, July 2, and ended with the score 1:0 in favor of the Germans. The only goal in the 20th minute was scored by Germany striker Lars Stindl. Earlier on July 2 in the match for third place Portugal defeated the Mexicans in overtime. The main time ended in a draw 1:1. The Portuguese were saved thanks to a goal by Pepe in the 91st minute. At the 105th minute, the winning goal from penalty scored by andré Silva. The confederations Cup held in Russia from 17 June to 2 July. The matches took place in Moscow, Saint-Peterburg, Sochi and Kazan. The world Cup will be held

Matvienko: it is necessary to resist the attempts to sow discord between Russia and Belarus

Photo: RIA Novosti Attempts to sow discord in relations between Russia and Belarus will only increase, and the information policy of the Union state needs to meet these challenges, said the speaker of the Federation Council Valentina Matvienko on Friday in plenary, the fourth interregional forum of the two countries. “Don’t stop, and, I believe, will only increase the attempts to sow discord between Russia and Belarus, to destabilize the internal situation. The information policy of the Union state needs to meet the challenges of the time”, — said Matvienko. We must not forget that both of our countries are in conditions of the declared information war, she said. According to Matvienko, in the framework of the previous day’s sections, agreements were reached on the development of joint measures on information security and “carrying out actions against negative information impact on the population of the Union state”. The Federation Council

In the state Duma of Russia registered two new Deputy

Photo: RIA Novosti The CEC of Russia registered on 30 June, two new deputies of the State Duma, representative of “United Russia” Nikolay Malov and Rizvan Kurbanov from the Communist party, which received mandates in connection with the early termination of powers, the man behind other parliamentarians of their factions. Nikolay Malov received a mandate vacated by Marat Safin, and Kurbanov, Sergei Reshulsky.

The mayor of Magadan commented on the situation with the family exhausted boy

Photo: the press service of the Ombudsman under the President of the Russian Federation on the rights of the child The adoptive parents of 11-year-old boy from Magadan, driven to exhaustion, with the responsibility to educate children and behave with them properly, according to the mayor of the capital of Kolyma Yuriy grishan. According to preliminary data, the child lived in foster care since 2008. The foster mother treated him badly, almost fed and given medicines, which the child seemed to get worse. As a result, 11-year-old boy was hospitalized in Moscow with a weight of 11 pounds. It is noted that the guardianship and custody has improperly carried out his duties, did not control the conditions of residence of the child in foster care. Now the child temporarily installed custody from two guardians: a former resident of Magadan, now living in Moscow, Nadezhda Papp and Muscovite Svetlana Suleymanova, said

Weather forecasters talked about “crumpled” summer in Central Russia

Weather forecasters talked about “crumpled” summer in Central Russia Forecasters believe that in Central Russia “it will not be” the summer of this year. The temperature will hardly rise even to 25 degrees, believe in the center “Phobos”. In Central Russia may not be a hot summer in 2017. In an interview with RT, said senior fellow of the center weather “Phobos” Eugene Tiscover. According to him, the Russians waiting for “a very modest heat.” Tiscover also refused to make predictions about the heat, reaching up to 25 and 30 degrees Celsius. “Summer will be crumpled,” added Tiscover. He also suggested that at this temperature to open the swimming season can only “brave”. The head of the program “Climate and energy” world wildlife Fund (WWF) Alexei Kokorin not all agreed with his colleague from the “Phobos”. In his words, “a long period of extreme heat over 30 degrees should not

The Kremlin has revealed details of a meeting between Putin and Kissinger

Henry Kissinger Former U.S. Secretary of state Henry Kissinger did not offer himself as a mediator for the organization of meetings between Russian President Vladimir Putin and his us counterpart Donald trump. This was reported by the Kremlin’s spokesman Dmitry Peskov on Friday, June 30, the correspondent “”. “Not tried, it didn’t happen”, — he told, answering a corresponding question of journalists. Peskov stressed that Putin’s meeting with Kissinger was of a private nature. He recalled that the former head of the Department of state arrived in Moscow to participate in the scientific-expert forum “Primakov’s reading.” “In continuation of long-standing contacts traditionally, the President and former Secretary of state used this coincidence in the schedules for personal meetings,” — said the press Secretary of the head of state. On 29 June it was reported that the Russian leader took a 93-year-old American policy in the Kremlin. What topics they discussed

Lightning damaged two flying to Moscow a passenger plane

Two passenger aircraft that were on approach to Moscow on 29 June, was hit by lightning. About it reports “Interfax” citing a source in the emergency services. “According to the report the day before the defeat by a discharge of atmospheric electricity got the plane “Boeing”, traveling from Astrakhan to Vnukovo, and “Jumbo”, who was returning from Prague to Sheremetyevo. Anybody from passengers and crewmen has not suffered”, — said the source. The aircraft successfully landed, after which their bodies were discovered the traces of destruction a powerful discharge. One melted a few rivets on the casing, and the second damaged the stabilizer fairings. Previously, the three aircraft — the Sukhoi Superjet 100, Airbus A330 and Boeing 777 damaged in Moscow’s Sheremetyevo airport due to the hurricane that swept the capital on may 29.

Police revealed details of the crash in Tatarstan

Continued: death toll in road accident in Tatarstan has increased to 14 The culprit with 13 dead in Tatarstan became a bus driver. On Sunday, July 2, reported on the website of the Republican interior Ministry. “The bus driver in 1961 collided with moving in the passing direction the truck towed on a rigid hitch car KAMAZ. After the impact the bus overturned and caught fire”, — stated in the message. Criminal case as regards 5 articles 264 of the criminal code (“Violation of traffic rules and operation of vehicles, entailed on imprudence death of two or more persons”). RIA Novosti with reference to Deputy head of the regional Department of the Investigative Committee Elvira Gazizova announces the initiation of the second business — part 3 of article 238 of the criminal code of Russian Federation (“Rendering services not meeting requirements of safety of life and health of consumers, entailed

Five people were killed in a car accident in the Stavropol region

Five people were killed in a car accident in the Stavropol region Moscow. July 2. INTERFAX.RU — Passenger car at high speed drove into a tree, then collided with another car in the city of Novoaleksandrovsk (Stavropol region), reported “Interfax” in the propaganda Department of road safety regional STSI. “At 14:00 in Novoaleksandrovsk on the street Rasshevatskaya, the driver of “Nissan” at a high speed lost control and collided with a tree after the car on the roadside hit a parked VAZ-2104″, — said the representative of the Department Sergey Serdyukov. In the accident killed five people who were in the “Nissan” — four men and one woman.

Tatarstan authorities said, how many people were on the bus involved in the incident

Tatarstan authorities said, how many people were on the bus involved in the incident KAZAN, 2 Jun — RIA Novosti, Irina Durnitsyna. The bus collided with a truck in Tatarstan on Sunday night, according to 29 people, the press service of the President of Tatarstan with reference to the Prime Minister Aleksey Pesoshin, located on the site of the accident. The message about the collision of the passenger bus “the Neoplan” with MAN truck towing rigid hitch car “KAMAZ”, near Zainsk enrolled in 0.40 GMT on Sunday. According to initial information GUMCHS of the Russian Federation in Tatarstan, the bus was carrying 28 people, he followed the route Samara — Izhevsk. As a result of collision the bus overturned on the roadway and caught fire. According to the regional Ministry of health, on the spot killed 13 people, including two children, 15 injured (12 of them were hospitalized). The regional