In Washington state, a train with 250 passengers derailed

In the U.S. state of Washington passenger train Amtrak derailed. About it reports CNN TV channel. As have told in rescue service, the incident occurred on the coast of the town of University place next to a Golf course chambers Bay. With derailed four cars of a train in which there were 250 passengers. The incident resulted in no injuries, with severe injuries the doctors did not. Rescuers said that no the car was not in the water. May 13, in Greece a train traveling from Athens to the second largest city of Thessaloniki, derailed, the locomotive crashed into a house. According to updated information, the train was 70 passengers and five staff members. According to specified data, two persons were lost, seven more got wounds. April 8 in Moscow, the trains crashed into commuter train. Injuries to 50 people. The emergencies Ministry said that hospitalization was required to 12

Unknown opened fire at a mosque in the French city of Avignon

Unknown persons in masks opened fire at a mosque in the city of Avignon in Southeast France. About this newspaper La Provence. Two men armed with a pistol and a rifle, got out of the car and started shooting at people leaving the mosque. In the result of incident eight people were injured, including a seven year old girl. The attackers managed to escape. Police have ruled out an act of terrorism. Allegedly, the incident occurred after a quarrel between young people, the newspaper writes. June 29, a man tried to enter by car into a crowd outside a mosque in créteil 11 kilometers from the French capital. The offender failed to realize his plan because of the set front of the mosque of the barrier. According to the newspaper Le Parisien, citing its sources, he wanted to avenge the terrorist acts in the club Bataclan in 2015 in the

Dankvert will take part in the negotiations Putin and Lukashenko

Sergey Dankvert The head of the Rosselkhoznadzor Sergey Dankvert, against which the President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko demanded to initiate a criminal case, will take part in the meeting of the Supreme state Council of the Union state on Friday, June 30. This information was confirmed by press Secretary of Russian leader Dmitry Peskov, reports “”. “Yes, will,” he told reporters, answering the question about the participation of the Dankvert. In April, the head of the Rosselkhoznadzor said that Russian law enforcement agencies should initiate criminal proceedings against Ministry of Belarus for the avoidance of interaction to identify sanctions products at the borders of Belarus with the European Union and the Russian Federation. In early February, Lukashenka criticized the head of Rosselkhoznadzor. He said that “all these Dankvert — people interested”, they are themselves the producers of products, but can’t compete with Belarus on its quality. In addition, Lukashenko demanded

The start of the Chinese “Great trip-5” failed

The start of the Chinese “Great trip-5” failed Running the most powerful Chinese rocket “long March 5” (“Changzheng-5”) was unsuccessful. On Sunday, July 2, reports the Agency “Xinhua”. What was the cause of the failure is still unknown. To investigate the incident created expert Commission. China’s 2nd heavy-lift carrier rocket blasts off carrying the nation’s latest technology experiment satellite — China Xinhua News (@XHNews) July 2, 2017. “Great trip-5” was launched from the spaceport Wenchang in Hainan province on 2 July at 19:23 local time (14:23 GMT). It was planned that the launch vehicle will orbit a communications satellite “Lizzani-18”. China to launch 2nd heavy-lift carrier rocket on Sunday; it will send a communication satellite into orbit — China Xinhua News (@XHNews) July 1, 2017. This was the second running of the “Great trip-5”. The first was successfully held in early November of last year. Then the

In Tatarstan detained the drivers involved in an accident of bus and truck

In Tatarstan detained the drivers involved in an accident of bus and truck MOSCOW, 2 Jun — RIA Novosti. Detained the drivers of bus and truck involved in an accident in Tatarstan, which killed 14 people, including two children, and another 15 were injured, reports on Sunday press-service of the MIA for the Republic of Tatarstan. The message about the collision of the bus “Neoplan” with MAN truck towing rigid hitch car “KAMAZ”, near Zainsk enrolled in 0.40 GMT on Sunday. According to initial information Department of the emergencies Ministry in Tatarstan, the bus was carrying 28 people, he followed the route Samara — Izhevsk. As a result of collision the bus overturned on the roadway and caught fire. According to the regional Ministry of health, on the spot killed 13 people, including two children, 15 injured (12 of them were hospitalized). The regional investigative Committee later said that the

In Alaska, 11-year-old boy saved adults from bear attack

In Alaska, 11-year-old boy saved adults from bear attack In Alaska, 11-year-old Eliot Clark saved relatives, attacked by a brown bear on the way to fishing. About it reports the local edition of the Juneau Empire. The boy, his father, uncle and cousin walked through the woods, accompanied by three dogs in Eastern Alaska. A group attacked the bear knocked to the ground by two men. Eliot began to shoot at the animal with a shotgun. After the third shot, the bear fell to the ground, which gave adults the opportunity to use his weapon and kill the beast. As the publication said the boy’s father, the whole group owe him my life. To react to an attack faster than any boy, according to his father, it helped that he was carrying a rifle in his hands, not the shoulder. It is reported that this year is the first time

Kuwait called on four Arab countries to extend the ultimatum to Qatar

Kuwait called on four Arab countries to extend the ultimatum to Qatar MOSCOW, 3 Jul — RIA Novosti. The government of Kuwait has urged Saudi Arabia, UAE, Bahrain and Egypt to give Qatar an additional 48 hours to reply to the ultimatum, reports the Kuwaiti news Agency Kuna. Earlier it was reported that the foreign Minister of Qatar Mohammed bin Abdurrahman al Thani will give the answer of Doha for an extended number of Arab countries demands on Monday. Later, the Egyptian foreign Minister said that the foreign Ministers of four Arab countries will meet Wednesday in Cairo to discuss the situation with Qatar. Saudi Arabia, UAE, Bahrain and Egypt on 5 June broke off diplomatic relations with Doha and stopped with Qatar every message, accusing him of supporting terrorism and interference in their internal Affairs. The decision was later joined by several other States. Came into confrontation with the

The United States lifted a ban on the transportation of laptops on planes from Abu Dhabi

The United States lifted a ban on the transportation of laptops on planes from Abu Dhabi The US authorities have lifted a ban on the transportation of laptops on Board planes arriving from the airport of the capital of UAE, Abu Dhabi, imposed because of the threat of terrorist attacks. This publication reports The National. Information about the lifting of the ban on his Twitter confirmed the UAE Embassy in the United States. “New security measures introduced in Abu Dhabi airport allows passengers to bring laptops and tablets into the cabin,” said the diplomats. The airport of the capital of the UAE was the first against whom Washington took the decision to cancel such security measures. The head of Emirates airlines, Etihad Airways, Peter Baumgartner noted that it was “evidence of the reputation of Abu Dhabi, its airport is one of the safest”. He explained that the lifting of the

The U.S. declared the “freedom of navigation” in South China sea

The U.S. declared the “freedom of navigation” in South China sea WASHINGTON, 2 Jun — RIA Novosti, Tatyana Kalmykova. USA and will continue to use their right of “freedom of navigation” in the South China sea, told RIA Novosti the representative of US state Department. Earlier, China accused the United States in flagrant violation of its sovereignty and international law in connection with the entry of American destroyer in the waters of the disputed Xisha Islands in the South China sea, which China claims as its. The state Department said that the U.S. “is a comprehensive program of “Freedom of navigation”, which aims to challenge excessive Maritime claims in order to preserve the rights, freedoms and uses of the sea and airspace guaranteed to all Nations in accordance with international law”. The interlocutor of the Agency noted that the United States continue regular operations in the framework of the program

Harvard astronomer recommended exoplanets for real estate investment

Head of Department of astronomy, Harvard University (USA) Abraham Loeb advised exoplanet to purchase the property. The scientist presented in the publication on the website “So I suggest to all their wealthy friends to buy property on Proxima b, because its price is likely to rise sharply in the future,” wrote a specialist in the field of theoretical astrophysics. According to Loeb, the parent exoplanets for Proxima b star, Proxima Centauri, and like him light “provide excellent prospects for life in the distant future, after the Sun dies and becomes a cold white dwarf.” Also the astronomer sees a potential for life system TRAPPIST-1. About the discovery of Proxima b, nearest to the Sun earth-like exoplanets, it became known on 24 August 2016. Around Proxima Centauri exoplanet rotates in a nearly circular orbit at a distance of 0.05 astronomical unit (7.5 million kilometers). Year on Proxima b lasts 11.2