Women’s Congress, the BRICS and the SCO will become a regular

Photo: RIA Novosti “Dear friend!” – asked the speaker of the Federation Council Valentina Matvienko to the participants of the Congress represent women’s organizations in India, Kazakhstan, China, Mongolia, Pakistan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, South Africa and other countries. “Association of women, their active participation in international politics is a natural response to the shortage of kindness and mercy in the world,” she said. “Women leaders are called to fill it. In particular, to try to rid politics from approaches based on military techniques and the use of “double standards”, – said the head of the Federation Council. The first meeting of representatives of two major international organizations on the role of women in modern society, cooperation in politics, economy, science, education and culture. Work in three thematic sections – humanitarian, scientific and economic issues. At the end of the forum on 4 July will adopt a final document. However, on the

Ryabkov about finding

Photo: RIA Novosti MOSCOW, 3 Jul – RIA Novosti. The hype that was deployed in the American media about the alleged “Russian trace” in the presidential elections is a “storm in a teacup,” no trace no, said Russian Deputy foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov. “This is a storm in a glass of water. I am sure that no search for the “Russian trace” will never lead to results, because it is not there,” said Ryabkov in an interview to the newspaper “Izvestia”. According to him, some media USA “the truth is almost gone, and all that there is left is either a half – truth or distortion, or adjusting in advance the desired answer, or quasianalytic, which is based on certain events, but so insignificant that they would not have paid attention, if not clocked up a maelstrom of false interpretations”. “But sadly, in the minds of many in the US

Prisoners with serious illnesses will be released from jail for treatment

Photo: RIA Novosti The head of state signed amendments to the Criminal procedural code that establish the investigator a hard time – three days, not a minute more – during which he needs to change the measure of restraint for a severely ill prisoner. The countdown will begin from the moment the investigator receives the medical report. If the case is already submitted to the court, the decision on changing the measure of restraint (that is, the release of the defendant from the detention center) must take the court. The judge in this, too, will only have three days. There is a scary list of diseases that keep a person in prison is impossible. To confirm the diagnosis should medical examination. But after the doctors will say its word, finally the fate of the prison must decide the appropriate authorities. A similar rule applies to detainees in jail, and convicts

What would our world be if did not have passports?

What would our world be if did not have passports? In the early twentieth century, many countries abandoned the passport system, and, perhaps, familiar to us documents, without which we cannot imagine the journey would have disappeared altogether. How would the world economy if this happened? “What would we, the British, if not could drive from London to crystal Palace or Manchester to Stockport without a passport or a policeman following behind us? Rest assured, we are not half as thankful to God as I should be, for our national privileges.” So wrote the English writer named John Gadsby, travelling around Europe in the mid-nineteenth century. This was before the modern passport system, to a pain familiar to anyone who ever in your life traveled abroad. You’re standing in line, and then stretch its standardized book the man in the uniform, raising your face to compare it with a photo

The attack of swarms of killer whales on the whale for the first time took video

The attack of swarms of killer whales on the whale for the first time took video Scientists from the research group of the far East research project on orcas (Avacha Gulf) for the first time took video of the attack on the flock these marine mammals on a 12-metre whale off the coast of Kamchatka. The video was posted on the YouTube channel Team Trip. As told by the biologist Tatyana Ivkovich Agency TASS, for all the studies only once managed to watch as the orcas were eating the whale. Now, thanks to quadcopters and hydrophones, they were able to remove the process of the attack and record the sounds of what is happening. During the download an error has occurred. “It’s really rare because flesh-eating killer whales are very small, very rare and rarely come in Avacha Bay. There are years when they do not meet. In General, the

Matvienko danced on the shore of Issyk-Kul

Matvienko danced on the shore of Issyk-Kul MOSCOW, 4 Jul — RIA Novosti. Federation Council speaker Valentina Matvienko has danced with the youth group on the shore of lake Issyk-Kul, according to Sputnik Kyrgyzstan. The participants of the cultural-educational forum “the Children of the Commonwealth” staged a dance flashmob. Matvienko took part in it together with the Chairman of Zhogorku Kenesh (Parliament) of Kyrgyzstan Chynybay by Tursunbekova. Valentina Matvienko arrived in Kyrgyzstan on 3 July in the festival “Children of the Commonwealth” organised by the Interparliamentary Assembly of the CIS with the support of the Parliament of Kyrgyzstan. During the download an error has occurred.

Altai has condemned forced passengers to jump out of the train on the move the conductor

In the Altai region court found guilty the former conductor of the passenger train, forcing passengers to jump out of the car while driving. On Tuesday, July 4, according to the website of the Western-the Siberian investigatory management on transport SKR. The woman was convicted under part 1 of article 238 of the criminal code of Russian Federation (“Rendering services not meeting requirements of safety of life and health of consumers”). She was fined 15 thousands roubles. Verdict in force has not entered. It is established that the incident occurred in September 2016 on station Altai. The conductor of the train, EN route from Biysk to Novosibirsk, forced the two passengers together with their Luggage to disembark from the car, despite the fact that the composition has already started to move. Thus in advance of the arrival of the train at the station employee of the Railways they were not

Opened media accreditation for the world festival of youth and students in 2017

3 July on the official website of the world festival of youth and students (WFMS) Russian and foreign journalists can apply for accreditation. About it “lente.ru” reported in the organizing Committee WFMS. The registration deadline is August 31. Be familiar with the rules of accreditation and work of mass media representatives for the event on the site WFMS in the section “media”. The nineteenth festival of youth and students will take place from 14 to 22 October this year in Sochi. It is planned to collect about 20 thousand young professionals aged 18 to 35 from 150 countries. The organization of the event going to be attended by about 5000 Russian and foreign volunteers. WFMS-2017 is unique in that for the first time in the history of this youth forum will involve the whole country, not any one city. The festival will open with the international carnival parade in Moscow.

The government of Moscow region has estimated is needed for heat supply investment

Modernization of heat supply in the suburbs need to attract more investment funds, said first Deputy Minister of housing and communal services of the region Andrey Laptev. His words are quoted by the TV channel “360” on Tuesday, July 4. “In the Moscow region the need for investment is about 200 billion rubles only on heat”, he said. As said the Chairman of the Committee on prices and tariffs of the Moscow region Natalia Ushakova, just in the period from 2015 to 2017 in the modernization of municipal infrastructure in the investment was laid to 7.6 billion rubles, of which 5.5 billion — for heating 2.1 billion — water supply and sanitation. June 19, Deputy Minister of investments and innovations of the region Vadim Khromov reported that thirteen Italian investors thought about the implementation of investment projects on the territory of the Moscow region after the road show in Milan

The most wanted man in the world: where lies the leader of the IG?

The most wanted man in the world: where lies the leader of the IG? The last time the leader of the “Islamic state” Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi made a public appeal three years ago. Recently there were several reports of his death, but they have not yet been confirmed. Three years ago in the Internet appeared the video, where the leader of the so-called “Islamic state” Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi demands to swear allegiance to him during a sermon in the mosque an-Nuri in Mosul. Shortly before the Iraqi city was captured by the jihadists, who announced the creation of a “Caliphate”. By this time, ISIS (an organization banned in several countries, including Russia — Bi-bi-si) controlled a territory the size of Britain, but since then, thanks to the international campaign, the jihadists had to retreat, and the whereabouts of al-Baghdadi, for the capture of which the US is offering $ 25