Lavrov promised that Russia will react if the US imposes new sanctions over Ukraine

“If new, as they said, hellish sanctions follow, then of course we will & nbsp; respond. We & nbsp; can & nbsp; can & nbsp; not react. How do we & nbsp; react & nbsp; & mdash; will see & raquo;, & nbsp; & mdash; said & nbsp; he. & laquo; I & nbsp; do not & nbsp; want to guess now, on & nbsp; what the West will decide. They threaten with some kind of & nbsp; financial sanctions, new sectoral reprisals. This is a dead-end road, and & nbsp; in & nbsp; ultimately it & nbsp; will turn against the very initiators of these illegitimate unilateral measures '', & nbsp; & mdash; the minister continued. Commenting on Nuland's words, Lavrov also noted that “everything happens for the first time.” “ Before & nbsp; this too & nbsp; there were sanctions, which & nbsp; were not. Our Western colleagues

Roshal predicted the exodus of doctors from the profession because of one case against doctors

Roshal: the conviction of Sushkevich and Belaya will undermine the doctors' confidence in the judicial system President of the National Medical Chamber (NMP) Leonid Roshal “predicted the exodus of doctors from the profession, if the case against the Kaliningrad doctors Elina Sushkevich and Elena Belaya, accused of the death of a newborn, ends with a conviction. According to Roshal, such an outcome could lead to a tragedy for the healthcare system … In this case, there will be a massive outflow of doctors from the profession, primarily neonatologists, he believes. “Every day you can find reasons to judge doctors, and the case of Sushkevich and Belaya may become a precedent that will provoke an explosion “- Roshal concluded. According to the investigation, in 2018, doctors Elena Belaya and Elina Sushkevich killed a newborn who was born very premature. They allegedly injected him with a lethal dose of magnesium sulfate,

Roshal predicted the exodus of doctors from the profession because of one case against doctors

Roshal: the conviction of Sushkevich and Belaya will undermine the trust of doctors in the judicial system President of the National Medical Chamber (NMP) Leonid Roshal “predicted the exodus of doctors from the profession, if the case against the Kaliningrad doctors Elina Sushkevich and Elena Belaya, accused of the death of a newborn, ends with a conviction. According to Roshal, such an outcome could lead to a tragedy for the healthcare system … In this case, there will be a massive outflow of doctors from the profession, primarily neonatologists, he believes. “Every day you can find reasons to judge doctors, and the case of Sushkevich and Belaya may become a precedent that will provoke an explosion “- Roshal concluded. According to the investigation, in 2018, doctors Elena Belaya and Elina Sushkevich killed a newborn who was born very premature. They allegedly injected him with a lethal dose of magnesium

Roskomnadzor has blocked the site of a popular online store

Roskomnadzor has blocked the site of the Etsy online store since December 1 Roskomnadzor (RKN) has blocked the site of the Etsy online store since December 1. This is reported by RIA Novosti with reference to the department. “Since December 1, 2021, the Internet resource was blocked by Roskomnadzor on the basis of a court decision in the city of Tambov,” the message says. < p> The interdistrict prosecutor applied to the court. He pointed out that the “gucci replica” page of the Etsy website contains information advertising and selling Gucci brand accessories with delivery within Russia. However, it was found that there is no information on agreements with copyright holders. The court recognized this information posted on Etsy, prohibited for distribution in Russia. At the same time, Roskomnadzor blocked not only the page with the prohibited information, but the entire site. The agency explained that Etsy works over

Roskomnadzor has blocked the site of a popular online store

Roskomnadzor has blocked the site of the Etsy online store since December 1 Roskomnadzor (RKN) has blocked the site of the Etsy online store since December 1. This is reported by RIA Novosti with reference to the department. “Since December 1, 2021, the Internet resource was blocked by Roskomnadzor on the basis of a court decision in the city of Tambov,” the message says. < p> The interdistrict prosecutor applied to the court. He pointed out that the “gucci replica” page of the Etsy website contains information advertising and selling Gucci brand accessories with delivery within Russia. However, it was found that there is no information on agreements with copyright holders. The court recognized this information posted on Etsy, prohibited for distribution in Russia. At the same time, Roskomnadzor blocked not only the page with the prohibited information, but the entire site. The agency explained that Etsy works over

Scientists warn COVID-19 survivors of the dangers of the omicron strain

NIHG employee Gottberg: COVID-19 survivors are not protected from the omicron strain Center for Epidemiological Modeling and Analysis of the Republic of South Africa ( South Africa) and the National Institute for Infectious Diseases (NIIH) warned in a joint study that the omicron strain of coronavirus is three times more infectious for people with previous COVID-19 than previous options. This is reported by Reuters. “The data shows that the omicron strain has the ability to bypass the immunity from COVID-19 received by those infected with earlier variants of the coronavirus,” South African scientists noted. NIHE Ann von Gottberg, in turn, said during a briefing by the regional office of the World Health Organization (WHO) in Africa that the fact of recovery from previous variants of coronavirus does not provide protection against the omicron strain. “We are seeing an increase in the number of people who have previously defeated the coronavirus

Scientists warn COVID-19 survivors of the dangers of the omicron strain

NIHG employee Gottberg: survivors of COVID-19 are not protected from the omicron strain Center of the Republic of South Africa ( South Africa) and the National Institute for Infectious Diseases (NIIH) warned in a joint study that the omicron strain of coronavirus is three times more infectious for people with previous COVID-19 than previous options. This is reported by Reuters. “The data shows that the omicron strain has the ability to bypass the immunity from COVID-19 received by those infected with earlier variants of the coronavirus,” South African scientists noted. NIHE Ann von Gottberg, in turn, said during a briefing by the regional office of the World Health Organization (WHO) in Africa that the fact of recovery from previous variants of coronavirus does not provide protection against the omicron strain. “We are seeing an increase in the number of people who have previously defeated the coronavirus who are re-ill with

Soyuz rocket launch from Kuru cosmodrome postponed for the second time

Roskosmos: Soyuz launch from Kuru cosmodrome postponed for a day for the second time Soyuz-ST launch vehicle with two navigation satellites Galileo from the Kourou cosmodrome in French Guiana was postponed for the second time due to the unavailability of the French telemetry reception station. This is stated in the Telegram channel of the state corporation “Roscosmos”. “The launch of the Soyuz-ST-B rocket with Galileo spacecraft, scheduled for December 3 from the Guiana Space Center, was postponed for a day due to the unavailability of the French the ship's station for receiving telemetric information, “the press service of the company reported. Now the launch of the Russian missile is scheduled for December 4 at 03:23 Moscow time. On Wednesday night, On December 1, the head of the operator of launches from the Kuru cosmodrome Arianespace (“Arianespace”) Stefan Israel said that the start of the Russian carrier rocket “Soyuz-ST” was postponed