Biologist named a way to keep the birth rate during a pandemic

Biologist Baranova: maternity leave from the moment of pregnancy will preserve the birth rate return to the previous level of public health is not clear, said professor at the School of Systems Biology at the University of George Mason, chief researcher at the laboratory of functional genomics at the medico-genetic research center of the Russian Academy of Sciences Ancha Baranova. Her words are quoted by RIA Novosti. Baranova noted that it is possible to maintain the birth rate during a pandemic if women are given maternity leave from the moment of pregnancy. The biologist stressed that the decline in fertility will affect developed countries where women have the opportunity to postpone pregnancy. According to her, it is necessary to create conditions so that women can give birth without fear of contracting coronavirus infection during pregnancy. “If you make, relatively speaking, a decree, starting from the moment of pregnancy, then this

Business warned of obstacles to the development of the payment market in Russia

Izvestia: the dispute between Samsung and Sqwin AG threatens the development of payment services in Russia (RATEK) warned that a patent dispute between Samsung and Sqwin AG could become an obstacle to the development of the domestic payment market. Izvestia writes about this on Friday, December 3. As the newspaper writes, the Russian Association for Electronic Communications (RAEC) appealed to the Central Bank and Rospatent with a request to intervene in the situation between Samsung and the Swiss Sqwin AG, which considers that Samsung Pay's contactless payment technology is illegally exploiting its patent. The representative of RATEK Anton Guskov pointed out that this threatens to ban access to the Russian market for cashless technologies not only for a particular brand, but for the technology itself as a whole. Business representatives note that since 2017 Samsung has been a partner National Payment Card System (NSPK) and provides the ability to connect

Weapons found in the United States against Russia and China

Mitchell Institute: US Air Force needs new missiles to contain Russia and China US Air Force (Air Force) needs precision confrontation with Russia and China. Former US Air Force pilot, Mitchell Institute analyst Mark Ganzinger has found a cure for enemy defenses. This is reported by Flight Global. The Mitchell Institute noted that the Joint Direct Attack Munition (JDAM) system is not efficient enough. A set of equipment that converts free-fall bombs into corrected ammunition will not be able to withstand modern air and missile defense. Ganzinger emphasizes that the US Air Force needs medium-range cruise missiles. Ammunition, which will be able to hit targets at a range of 90 to 460 kilometers, will allow carrier aircraft not to enter the affected area. Also, the new family of missiles should be inconspicuous. This will make it possible to effectively hit mobile targets. The publication suggested that in a potential conflict,

Business warned of obstacles to the development of the payment market in Russia

Izvestia: the dispute between Samsung and Sqwin AG threatens the development of payment services in Russia (RATEK) warned that a patent dispute between Samsung and Sqwin AG could become an obstacle to the development of the domestic payments market. Izvestia writes about this on Friday, December 3. As the newspaper writes, the Russian Association for Electronic Communications (RAEC) appealed to the Central Bank and Rospatent with a request to intervene in the situation between Samsung and the Swiss Sqwin AG, which considers that Samsung Pay's contactless payment technology is illegally exploiting its patent. The representative of RATEK Anton Guskov pointed out that this threatens to ban access to the Russian market for cashless technologies not only for a particular brand, but for the technology itself as a whole. Business representatives note that since 2017 Samsung has been a partner National Payment Card System (NSPK) and provides the ability to connect

12 dead miners of Listvyazhnaya have been located

EMERCOM: the location of 12 miners on Listvyazhnaya is known, the search for 15 continues Rescuers have established the whereabouts of 12 dead miners and two mine rescuers at the Listvyazhnaya mine in Kuzbass; the search for the bodies of 15 miners continues. This was reported to TASS on Friday by the press service of the EMERCOM of Russia. “Over the past day, the branches of the EMERCOM of the EMERCOM of Russia transported 11 dead miners to the surface. Currently, the whereabouts of 12 miners and 2 mine rescuers are known, the search for 15 miners continues, “the press service said. In total, 22 bodies were raised after the accident. Tragedy at the mine” Listvyazhnaya ”in the Kemerovo region took place on the morning of November 25. The methane explosion killed 51 people, including five mine rescuers who went in search of miners. According to the latest information, 99

ВОЗ рассказала о влиянии распространения «Омикрона» на регистрацию «Спутника V»

23 октября ВОЗ возобновила ранее приостановленную процедуру преквалификации «Спутника V» для экстренного применения. Представители организации допускали, что сертификация препарата завершится до конца года. В конце ноября глава РФПИ Кирилл Дмитриев заявил, что Минздрав РФ продолжает диалог с ВОЗ по этому вопросу, ожидается, что повторная инспекция организации прибудет в Россию в декабре. «Мы видим определенные позитивные подвижки», — уточнил глава РФПИ. Очередь на собеседование за неиммиграционной американской визой растянулась на год, заявили «Известиям» в Российском союзе туриндустрии (РСТ). Ближайшие даты собеседований — с августа 2022 года. С 1 августа диппредставительство США в России работает в минимальном составе — 120 сотрудников. Потому в американском посольстве в Москве россиянам рекомендовали обращаться за неиммиграционными визами в представительства США в других странах. «Но даже в других странах, где россияне ранее получали визу в США, очередь на собеседования — год. И то не всегда эти записи подтверждаются», — пояснил «Известиям» вице-президент РСТ Дмитрий Горин. Благодаря транспортной доступности наибольшей популярностью у россиян, желающих получить американскую визу, пользуется Казахстан. Однако сейчас временных слотов на собеседование практически не осталось. Как убедились «Известия», в посольстве США в Алма-Ате ближайшая дата для собеседования на неиммиграционную туристическую или деловую визу B1/B2 — 10 августа 2022 года. В диппредставительстве в Нур-Султане — 14 декабря 2022

Retired FSB general spoke about the West's miscalculation 30 years ago

Former FSB general Mikhailov: when the KGB was destroyed 30 years ago, the West did not hide the celebration Retired FSB Major General Alexander Mikhailov spoke about the miscalculation of Western politicians and law enforcement agencies, who 30 years ago rejoiced at the destruction of the KGB of the USSR. He told RIA Novosti that the security agencies of the Russian Federation not only revived, but also became even more powerful. He noted that in 1991, when the President of the USSR Mikhail Gorbachev signed the law “On the reorganization of state security agencies”, the West did not hide his triumph. However, those who watched the “degradation of the Russian special services” and joyfully rubbed their hands are now experiencing the opposite emotions, Mikhailov suggested. “It was a very difficult time. Many excellent employees with extensive operational experience left. But those who remained decided to do everything possible to protect

Retired FSB general spoke about the West's miscalculation 30 years ago

Former FSB general Mikhailov: when the KGB was destroyed 30 years ago, the West did not hide the celebration Retired FSB Major General Alexander Mikhailov spoke about the miscalculation of Western politicians and law enforcement agencies, who 30 years ago rejoiced at the destruction of the KGB of the USSR. He told RIA Novosti that the security agencies of the Russian Federation not only revived, but also became even more powerful. He noted that in 1991, when the President of the USSR Mikhail Gorbachev signed the law “On the reorganization of state security agencies”, the West did not hide his triumph. However, those who watched the “degradation of the Russian special services” and joyfully rubbed their hands are now experiencing the opposite emotions, Mikhailov suggested. “It was a very difficult time. Many excellent employees with extensive operational experience left. But those who remained decided to do everything possible to protect

The Ministry of Construction proposed a way to deal with the debts of Russians for housing and communal services

Kommersant: The Ministry of Construction proposed to expand the set of information in the GIS of housing and communal services, including the TIN of Russians proposed to reduce duplication of information through greater integration with other databases and registries and to supplement the system with new data sets. This is reported by Kommersant. Currently, organizations do not have complete information to file a claim, while the obligation to indicate the taxpayer identification number (TIN), SNILS or other identifiers of debtors when going to court is renewed from next year … TIN data will be posted due to integration with the Unified State Register of Taxpayers, but not automatically. To load them into the system, it will be necessary to send a request for the RSO through the GIS Housing and Communal Services. In addition, the GIS will be supplemented with information on acts that have entered into force, which confirm