Trade turnover between Russia and the UAE reached a record level in 2021

Mishustin: the trade between Russia and the UAE in 2021 exceeded four billion dollars In the first ten months of 2021 (UAE) has grown to exceed $ 4 billion. Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin said that the trade turnover reached a record level, as reported by TASS. He specified that in 2020 the trade turnover between the two states amounted to $ 3.3 billion. “Our countries are linked by friendly and partnership relations that are progressively developing,” the Russian Prime Minister said. He added that he considers the coincidence of the Day of Russia at the World Universal Exhibition with celebrations on the occasion of 50th anniversary of the formation of the UAE. Mishustin also stressed that Moscow attaches great importance to strengthening humanitarian contacts, expanding educational and tourist exchanges. Earlier, the head of Rosneft Igor Sechin said that the PRC and the Russian Federation have achieved historic success in

Cryptocurrency market crashed

Bitcoin price fell to 42 thousand dollars On Saturday night, the cryptocurrency market fell by about 20 percent. This is evidenced by the trading data, reports “Prime”. Thus, the price of bitcoin fell to 42 thousand dollars, and the total market capitalization fell to two trillion dollars. According to the Binance exchange 10.03 Moscow time, bitcoin dropped in price to 47.25 thousand dollars, and according to the CoinMarketCap portal, it fell to 47.6 thousand dollars. The rates of other cryptocurrencies also dropped. Ethereum fell to $ 3.89 thousand, Litecoin to $ 153.2, and Monero to $ 195.9. On November 28, Bitcoin fell amid reports of a new omicron strain COVID-19 to 53.6 thousand dollars, which was a drop of 20 percent from a record high of 69 thousand dollars.

BadComedian appreciates the reaction of the swearing Russian critic Ridley Scott

BadComedian said he did not understand why director Ridley Scott swore at Anton Dolin Film critic and blogger Evgeny Bazhenov, better known appreciated the reaction of the British film director Ridley Scott, who swore at the Russian film critic Anton Dolin in an interview. BadComedian shared his opinion in an interview with REN TV. According to Bazhenov, Scott reacted strangely to the words of the Russian critic. Perhaps he was offended by the fact that Dolin called the director's previous films less realistic than his last work, The Last Duel, which was discussed in the interview. “I don't understand what caused such a reaction. The question was perceived as some kind of aggression or what? In this regard, I do not understand why this happened, what caused such aggression by Ridley Scott. On the other hand, Ridley Scott is now how old and known for his character. Perhaps he heard

В России за сутки выявили 32 974 случаев заражения коронавирусом

Регионы—лидеры по числу новых случаев: Москва — 3356 (1 959 939 за все время), Санкт-Петербург — 2528 (797 451), Московская область — 2075 (596 937), Самарская область — 887 (183 420), Свердловская область — 692 (182 060). Новость дополняется.

Погодные приметы на 4 декабря: определяем, какой будет зима

4 декабря православная церковь отмечает большой праздник — Введение во храм Пресвятой Богородицы. В народе этот день называли «воротами зимы» и считали, что выпавший сегодня снег уже не растает до самой весны. Народные приметы этого дня указывают на то, что, если на улице мороз, то вся зима будет холодной. Обильный снегопад обещает регулярные метели, а солнце и ясное небо — к теплой и бесснежной погоде зимой. Затянутое облаками небо говорит о том, что в ближайшие дни погода заметно испортится. Екатерина Гура

Messi complained to Suarez about suffering at PSG

Former Barcelona footballer Lionel Messi complained to Luis Suarez about suffering at PSG with ex-Barcelona forward Lionel Messi, who spends his first season at Paris Saint-Germain. His words are quoted by Onze Mondial with reference to TNT Sports. As noted by the 34-year-old Suarez, his former team-mate at Barcelona suffers from playing in the cold and under the snow. The Argentinean complains that he is faced with unusual conditions at PSG. The Uruguayan stressed that he keeps in touch with Messi and communicates with the football player every day. On November 29, Messi won the Ballon d'Or seven times. The Argentinean spends this season with PSG. He has four goals in 12 matches in all tournaments for the Parisians. Messi moved to PSG from Barcelona, ​​where he played with Suarez. As part of the blue garnet, he won the Champions League four times and became the champion of Spain ten

Messi complained to Suarez about suffering at PSG

Former Barcelona footballer Lionel Messi complained to Luis Suarez about suffering at PSG with ex-Barcelona forward Lionel Messi, who spends his first season at Paris Saint-Germain. His words are quoted by Onze Mondial with reference to TNT Sports. As noted by the 34-year-old Suarez, his former team-mate at Barcelona suffers from playing in the cold and under the snow. The Argentinean complains that he is faced with unusual conditions at PSG. The Uruguayan stressed that he keeps in touch with Messi and communicates with the football player every day. On November 29, Messi won the Ballon d'Or seven times. The Argentinean spends this season with PSG. He has four goals in 12 matches in all tournaments for the Parisians. Messi moved to PSG from Barcelona, ​​where he played with Suarez. As part of the blue garnet, he won the Champions League four times and became the champion of Spain ten

32 974 cases of coronavirus detected in Russia

In Russia, 32,974 new cases of coronavirus were detected per day Over the past day, 32,974 new cases of COVID-19 were detected in Russia. Thus, the total number of infected since the beginning of the pandemic in the country amounted to 9,769,011. This was reported on the website of the headquarters for infection control on Saturday, December 4. A day earlier, 32,930 infections were recorded in the country.

32 974 cases of coronavirus detected in Russia

In Russia, 32,974 new cases of coronavirus were detected per day Over the past day, 32,974 new cases of COVID-19 were detected in Russia. Thus, the total number of infected since the beginning of the pandemic in the country amounted to 9,769,011. This was reported on the website of the headquarters for infection control on Saturday, December 4. A day earlier, 32,930 infections were recorded in the country.

The official was sentenced to prison for fraud with payments to victims of the flood

In the Amur region, a court sentenced a social activist to prison for fraud with payments to victims of the flood the head of the territorial department of the social protection department for fraudulent payments to victims of the flood. This was reported on the website of the Prosecutor's Office of the Amur Region. According to the department, together with her colleague, the official helped in the acquisition of housing for citizens who were victims of the flood in 2019. “Employees of the department of social protection, knowing that a resident of the village. Novokievsky Uval wants to sell his house for 3.5 million rubles, they found a buyer from among the recipients of social support measures, the amount of the certificate for which exceeded the cost of the house, ”the prosecutor’s office said. It is clarified that the social defenders were taken away myself 788 thousand rubles. At the