Zakharova commented on the accusations of the Russian woman Sapieha convicted in Belarus

Maria Zakharova: the situation with the Russian woman Sophia Sapega is on the agenda of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Belarus to the Russian woman Sofya Sapega. This is reported by the radio station “Moskva speaks.” “Yes, like all cases of Russian citizens arrested abroad,” Zakharova responded to the radio station. On December 5, it became known that the Investigative Committee of Belarus indicted Russian woman Sofya Sapega under an article on inciting hatred – a girl was found guilty of administering the Black Book of Belarus Telegram channel recognized as extremist in the country, where the personal data of law enforcement officers were published. According to lawyer Anton Gashinsky, the convict can be extradited to Russia after the court verdict. Sapega was detained on May 23 along with Roman Protasevich after an emergency landing in Minsk of a Ryanair plane on which they flew from Athens to Vilnius. On

US aircraft conducted reconnaissance near Crimea

PlaneRadar: a US Air Force plane was conducting reconnaissance in the Black Sea near the Crimean Peninsula peninsula Crimea. This is reported by Izvestia with reference to the monitoring service PlaneRadar. As the data show, an American military plane took off from an air base on the Greek island of Crete. He carried out reconnaissance in the Black Sea. Earlier on December 4, a passenger plane en route Tel Aviv – Moscow was forced to change direction in order to avoid rapprochement with a US reconnaissance aircraft over the Black Sea. A US reconnaissance aircraft crossed established civil aviation routes and approached a passenger Airbus. The American pilots did not respond to inquiries from the ground. Later it became known that the Russian civilian airliner had to evade an oncoming military aircraft at an altitude of ten kilometers. After the US Air Force reconnaissance ignored the signals from the passenger

Trump called the chief general of the United States an idiot

Former US President Trump called the country's main general Milli a “damn idiot” US Armed Forces Mark Millie. Express writes about this. According to the newspaper, the ex-president called the chief US general a “damn idiot” because of the withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan. Trump recalled how Millie tried to prove to him that with the withdrawal of American troops it would be cheaper to leave all military equipment in the country than to export it. “You have a plane for 50 million dollars. You have a gorgeous $ 29 million helicopter. We had all types of helicopters. Many of them are brand new. Literally out of the box. Do you think it's cheaper to leave it there so they can get it than to fill it with half a tank of gasoline and take it to Pakistan or fly back to our country? ” – Trump said. Earlier, Trump

Former New York Governor's Brother Fired For Help In Harassment Case

BBC News: CNN fired Chris Cuomo for helping brother in harassment case New York City Andrew Cuomo, for helping a relative in a harassment and sexual inappropriate behavior case. The BBC News Russian service writes about this. Popular TV presenter Chris Cuomo was suspended from work on CNN because of the scandal with his brother Andrew Cuomo, who is accused of harassment. Thus, New York Attorney General Laetitia James previously submitted documents according to which the showman used his journalistic connections to help a team of lawyers representing his brother's interests. It is noted that Cuomo, using his sources, tried to find out who is bringing charges against his brother, in order to develop a defense tactics for these statements. Cuomo said on his Twitter account that he is incredibly sorry about his departure from CNN and believes that his time on the channel was very valuable for him. The

Former New York Governor's Brother Fired For Help In Harassment Case

BBC News: CNN fired Chris Cuomo for helping his brother in a harassment case New York City Andrew Cuomo, for helping a relative in a harassment and sexual inappropriate behavior case. The BBC News Russian service writes about this. Popular TV presenter Chris Cuomo was suspended from work on CNN because of the scandal with his brother Andrew Cuomo, who is accused of harassment. Thus, New York Attorney General Laetitia James previously submitted documents according to which the showman used his journalistic connections to help a team of lawyers representing his brother's interests. It is noted that Cuomo, using his sources, tried to find out who is bringing charges against his brother, in order to develop a defense tactics for these statements. Cuomo said on his Twitter account that he is incredibly sorry about his departure from CNN and believes that his time on the channel was very valuable for

The expert spoke about the ruble exchange rate for the New Year

Financier Kuzin: in December 2021 there are no prerequisites for the ruble to fall … Mikhail Kuzin, the investment director of BCS World of Investments, said this in an interview with the Prime agency. As the financier said, the breakdown of dependence occurred about four years ago. This is noticeable in the situation in 2018, when, despite the drop in oil prices, the ruble remained stable. As Kuzin noted, there are no prerequisites for unpleasant changes in December this year in Russia. The expert believes that only such serious shocks as a pandemic or a fall in oil futures prices below zero can lead to a fall in the exchange rate. >

The expert spoke about the ruble exchange rate for the New Year

Financier Kuzin: in December 2021 there are no prerequisites for the ruble to fall … Mikhail Kuzin, the investment director of BCS World of Investments, said this in an interview with the Prime agency. As the financier said, the breakdown of dependence occurred about four years ago. This is noticeable in the situation in 2018, when, despite the drop in oil prices, the ruble remained stable. As Kuzin noted, there are no prerequisites for unpleasant changes in December this year in Russia. The expert believes that only such serious shocks as a pandemic or a fall in oil futures prices below zero can lead to a fall in the exchange rate. >

32,602 cases of coronavirus detected in Russia

Headquarters: 32,602 new cases of COVID-19 were detected in Russia per day Over the past day, 32,602 new cases of COVID were detected in Russia -19. Thus, the total number of infected since the beginning of the pandemic in the country amounted to 9 801 613. This was reported on the website of the headquarters for infection control on Sunday, December 5. A day earlier, 32 974 infections were recorded in Russia.

32,602 cases of coronavirus detected in Russia

Headquarters: 32,602 new cases of COVID-19 were detected in Russia per day Over the past day, 32,602 new cases of COVID were detected in Russia -19. Thus, the total number of infected since the beginning of the pandemic in the country amounted to 9 801 613. This was reported on the website of the headquarters for infection control on Sunday, December 5. A day earlier, 32 974 infections were recorded in Russia.

В России за сутки выявили 32,6 тыс. заразившихся коронавирусом

За сутки в России умерли 1206 заболевших, что на девять человек меньше, чем вчера (1215). Общее число умерших достигло 281 278. За день выздоровели 30 593 человека, всего — 8 502 406. 8 ноября Национальный институт инфекционных заболеваний ЮАР сообщил, что обнаружил новый штамм коронавируса, который позже получил название «омикрон». Предполагается, что он заразнее предыдущих вариаций. Новый штамм был выявлен также в Гонконге и ряде африканских стран, позже случаи заражения зафиксировали в Австралии, Великобритании, Германии, Израиле, Испании, Италии, Нидерландах, Португалии, Чехии, Швеции и других странах. Новость дополняется.