Kirkorov answered the question about providing guys

Singer Kirkorov when asked about providing guys for his daughter: I always provide all the guys Singer Philip Kirkorov said that he would provide a young man for his daughter … So he answered the question of Alla Mikheeva, heading the program “Evening Urgant” on Channel One. An excerpt of the interview is published by the NeMalakhov Telegram channel. The presenter asked the singer if he would provide the boys for his daughter. “I always provide for all the guys and will provide [guys] for my daughter,” Kirkorov said. Earlier it was reported that the nine-year-old daughter of Russian singer Philip Kirkorov came out with a bag for hundreds of thousands of rubles. At the premiere of the cartoon “Encanto”, the girl was captured in a pink suit from the Gucci fashion house, white sneakers and a bag from the luxury brand Dolce & Gabbana from the 2015 collection with

The State Duma saw a provocation in the incident with the US intelligence officer over the Black Sea

Deputy Chepa called the incident with the rapprochement of a US aircraft with a passenger Airbus a provocation The incident over the Black Sea plane en route Tel Aviv – Moscow, was forced to change direction to avoid rapprochement with a US reconnaissance aircraft over the Black Sea. This is how Aleksey Chepa, deputy chairman of the State Duma's international affairs committee, commented on the situation, reports “360”. In his opinion, the constant escalation of the situation can lead to unpredictable consequences. The deputy recalled that NATO ships and aircraft pose visible threats in the area of ​​the Russian borders. In such incidents, there is always a human factor, he believes. Earlier on December 5, a representative of the Federal Air Transport Agency announced his intention to initiate a protest after the situation with a change in the course of a passenger plane over the Black Sea due to a

The State Duma saw a provocation in the incident with the US intelligence officer over the Black Sea

Deputy Chepa called the incident with the rapprochement of a US aircraft with a passenger Airbus a provocation The incident over the Black Sea plane en route Tel Aviv – Moscow, was forced to change direction to avoid rapprochement with a US reconnaissance aircraft over the Black Sea. This is how Aleksey Chepa, deputy chairman of the State Duma's international affairs committee, commented on the situation, reports “360”. In his opinion, the constant escalation of the situation can lead to unpredictable consequences. The deputy recalled that NATO ships and aircraft pose visible threats in the area of ​​the Russian borders. In such incidents, there is always a human factor, he believes. Earlier on December 5, a representative of the Federal Air Transport Agency announced his intention to initiate a protest after the situation with a change in the course of a passenger plane over the Black Sea due to a

Russian skiers lost the relay at the World Cup

Russian skiers lost to the Norwegians in the relay at the World Cup in Lillehammer Russian skiers lost in the relay at the World Cup in Lillehammer, Norway. This was reported by the correspondent. The second Russian team finished after the winners – the Norwegians. Russia-1 finished the race in fourth place. The third place was also taken by skiers from Norway. The Russian national team was represented in the relay by two teams. Alexey Chervotkin, Alexander Bolshunov, Denis Spitsov and Ivan Yakimushkin performed in one. The second line-up: Alexander Terentyev, Ilya Semikov, Artem Maltsev and Sergey Ustyugov. The second stage of the World Cup will end on December 5. At 13:45 Moscow time, the women's relay will begin – the final start of the competition in Lillehammer, Norway.

Russian skiers lost the relay at the World Cup

Russian skiers lost to the Norwegians in the relay at the World Cup in Lillehammer Russian skiers lost in the relay at the World Cup in Lillehammer, Norway. This was reported by the correspondent. The second Russian team finished after the winners – the Norwegians. Russia-1 finished the race in fourth place. The third place was also taken by skiers from Norway. The Russian national team was represented in the relay by two teams. Alexey Chervotkin, Alexander Bolshunov, Denis Spitsov and Ivan Yakimushkin performed in one. The second line-up: Alexander Terentyev, Ilya Semikov, Artem Maltsev and Sergey Ustyugov. The second stage of the World Cup will end on December 5. At 13:45 Moscow time, the women's relay will begin – the final start of the competition in Lillehammer, Norway.

Ученый выразил опасения из-за скорости мутаций омикрон-штамма

Скорость возникновения мутаций у омикрон-штамма коронавируса вызывает опасения, заявил Сикхулиле Мойо — ученый Ботсванско-Гарвардского института СПИДа. «Мы все еще пытаемся понять, как такое большое количество мутаций могло возникнуть у “омикрона” за такое короткое время. Если посмотреть на предыдущие штаммы — “альфа”, “бета”, — можно увидеть, что [у них] мутации накопились с течением времени», — цитирует специалиста агентство Bloomberg. Мойо отметил, что опасения связаны с ростом уровня заразности вируса из-за быстроты возникновения мутаций. По словам ученого, в связи с этим возникают вопросы и о происхождении нового варианта. Одна из гипотез заключается в том, что вирус долго — дольше, чем обычно — «жил» в теле человека с нарушениями иммунитета. Еще одно предположение состоит в том, что какое-то животное заразилось вирусом от человека. Вирус адаптировался к новому организму, а животное снова заразило человека, только уже мутировавшим штаммом. Мойо подчеркнул, что это пока только недоказанные гипотезы. Мойо — один из первых ученых, обративших внимание на новый штамм. Он секвенировал образцы COVID-19 в лаборатории в Ботсване и обнаружил, что несколько из них сильно отличаются от других и содержат большое количество мутаций. Эти образцы принадлежали побывавшим в стране иностранным дипломатам. Потом похожие случаи обнаружили ученые в ЮАР. В ноябре об обнаружении нового штамма коронавируса в ЮАР и Ботсване сообщили

7 необычных фактов, которые стоит знать о художнике Клоде Моне

Посмотреть эту публикацию в Instagram Публикация от Arte e Artistas (@arteeartistas) 1. Начинал с карикатур Моне родился в Париже в 1840 году. Еще мальчиком он делал зарисовки своих учителей и соседей, а в подростковом возрасте начал продавать карикатуры на местных известных личностей. Мать Моне поощряла его художественный талант, но его отец-бакалейщик хотел, чтобы сын сосредоточился на семейном бизнесе. После того, как его мать умерла в 1857 году, Моне ушел из дома, чтобы жить с тётей и, вопреки воле отца, изучать искусство. 2. Служил солдатом в Алжире В 1860 году Моне призвали в армию. Он служил в Алжире, который находился под контролем Франции. Отец Моне предложил откупиться от воинской повинности, если сын пообещает бросить живопись, но Моне отказался бросить искусство. Прослужив один год из семи положенных, Моне заболел брюшным тифом. Его тетя заплатила за его увольнение из армии и записала его в художественную школу в Париже. Посмотреть эту публикацию в Instagram Публикация от by Claude Monet. (@___claude_monet___) 3. Бросился с моста от отчаяния В свои двадцать с небольшим Моне быстро разочаровался в порядках, которые царили в живописи того времени. Он ненавидел создавать шаблонные произведения искусства, копировать

Biologist explained the speed of creation of vaccines against COVID-19

Biologist Baranova: Scientists have been working on vector vaccines for 30 years the rapid invention of vaccines against coronavirus by previous developments in the creation of similar drugs against other infectious diseases. She announced this in an interview with URA.RU. According to Baranova, the creation of a vaccine for a new pathogen is not happening from scratch. “You already have a developed chassis that was used for another, that is, in some experiments they were already on animals, and you just deploy it on an industrial scale, of course, after you rearranged the antigen from the pathogen from which you want to protect yourself, “- said the biologist. The professor clarified that vector vaccines against COVID-19, like Sputnik V and Jonson & Jonson, are based on human adenovirus serotype 26, which scientists have been working on for 30 years. “A bunch of vaccines were made there, they just didn’t go