Lavrov flew to India

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov flew to Delhi for talks in the “two plus two” format Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov flew to India , where on Monday, December 6, talks will be held between the ministers of foreign affairs and defense of the Russian Federation and India. This was announced by the official representative of the department, Maria Zakharova, in her Telegram channel. “Almost at midnight local time, the Russian Foreign Minister arrived in Delhi. Tomorrow the day will begin with talks between the foreign and defense ministers of our countries. And then a bilateral summit will take place, “Zakharova wrote. As specified on the website of the Russian Foreign Ministry, the talks between the heads of the foreign policy and defense departments of the countries will be held in the” two plus two “format. They will discuss key regional topics, including the situation in the Asia-Pacific region and

The WHO assessed the course of COVID-19 in those infected with the omicron strain

WHO: it is too early to draw conclusions about the course of COVID-19 in those infected with the omicron-strain of coronavirus Expert of the World Health Organization (WHO) Maria van Kerkhove assessed the course of COVID-19 in those infected with the omicron-strain of coronavirus on the air of the CBS TV channel, TASS reports. According to her, initial data indicate that those infected with the new strain are carrying COVID-19 in a milder form , however, it is too early to draw final conclusions on this score. The specialist explained that this is due to the fact that the process of going through the entire cycle – from infection to complete recovery – takes time. “It may take several weeks before we really understand how many of these people will develop a serious illness,” she noted. According to the expert, even if it is a mild illness, it is necessary

Rudinstein's friend spoke about his premonition of imminent death

Actor Merezhko said that producer Rudinstein predicted his death: “I will die soon” Russian actor and TV presenter Viktor Meverezhko film producer Mark Rudinstein's own death. The artist shared his memories in an interview with Channel Five. “A year ago, as a producer, I offered him one project, but he was already feeling bad, he had terrible diabetes. He was suffocating. I went to his hospital in Moscow, we took a walk, even went to some restaurant for lunch, but he could hardly breathe and walked heavily and gasped. Says, what the fuck is the production? I can hardly walk, I will die soon, “- said Viktor Merezhko. According to the artist, he expressed his words of support to his friend and tried to convince him, but in response he heard a reminder from Rudinstein that diabetes is a terrible disease. Merezhko added that the film producer had many enemies

The WHO assessed the course of COVID-19 in those infected with the omicron strain

WHO: it is too early to draw conclusions about the course of COVID-19 in those infected with the omicron-strain of coronavirus Expert of the World Health Organization (WHO) Maria van Kerkhove assessed the course of COVID-19 in those infected with the omicron-strain of coronavirus on the air of the CBS TV channel, TASS reports. According to her, initial data indicate that those infected with the new strain are carrying COVID-19 in a milder form , however, it is too early to draw final conclusions on this score. The specialist explained that this is due to the fact that the process of going through the entire cycle – from infection to complete recovery – takes time. “It may take several weeks before we really understand how many of these people will develop a serious illness,” she noted. According to the expert, even if it is a mild illness, it is necessary

Rudinstein's friend spoke about his premonition of imminent death

Actor Merezhko said that producer Rudinstein predicted his death: “I will die soon” Russian actor and TV presenter Viktor Merezhko film producer Mark Rudinstein's own death. The artist shared his memories in an interview with Channel Five. “A year ago, as a producer, I offered him one project, but he was already feeling bad, he had terrible diabetes. He was suffocating. I went to his hospital in Moscow, we took a walk, even went to some restaurant for lunch, but he could hardly breathe and walked heavily and gasped. Says, what the fuck is the production? I can hardly walk, I will die soon, “- said Viktor Merezhko. According to the artist, he expressed his words of support to his friend and tried to convince him, but in response he heard a reminder from Rudinstein that diabetes is a terrible disease. Merezhko added that the film producer had many enemies

France wanted to withdraw from NATO

French presidential candidate Zemmour wanted to withdraw the country from NATO French presidential candidate Eric Zemmour speaking to his supporters at the exhibition complex Villepinte a suburb of Paris declared a desire to withdraw the country from NATO. RIA Novosti writes about this. “I want France to get out of the NATO military command,” he said. The politician also noted that the French “will not be vassals of the European Union.” He is known for being a radical rightist. Currently, more than 40 people are included in the list of candidates for the post of head of state, which will be held in France in April 2022.

Вернувшихся из ЮАР россиян перевели в обсерватор из-за симптомов ОРВИ

Об этом пишет Telegram-канал RT со ссылкой на жительницу Ярославля Юлию Демину, прилетевшую вывозным рейсом из африканской страны. «Из-за того, что у меня поднялась температура, меня решили на скорой помощи в другое место. Меня и еще двоих людей, у которых тоже температура», рассказала она в Instagram. Ранее в Роспотребнадзоре сообщили, что положительный ПЦР-тест сдали девять россиян, прибывших из ЮАР. Сейчас идет расшифровка штамма этих туристов. Среди заболевших COVID-19 есть беременная женщина с ребенком. ПЦР-тест был взят у прибывших в аэропорт рейсом из ЮАР через Аддис-Абебу 4 декабря. Они прошли отдельный паспортный контроль, после чего их разместили в пансионате подмосковного Сергиева Посада для прохождения карантина в связи с угрозой распространения нового омикрон-штамма коронавируса. Людей с выявленной инфекцией увезли в обсерватор.

France wanted to withdraw from NATO

French presidential candidate Zemmour wanted to withdraw the country from NATO French presidential candidate Eric Zemmour speaking to his supporters at the Villepant exhibition complex a suburb of Paris declared a desire to withdraw the country from NATO. RIA Novosti writes about this. “I want France to get out of the NATO military command,” he said. The politician also noted that the French “will not be vassals of the European Union.” He is known for being a radical rightist. Currently, more than 40 people are included in the list of candidates for the post of head of state, which will be held in France in April 2022.

Lavrov flew to India

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov flew to Delhi for two plus two talks Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov flew to India , where on Monday, December 6, talks will be held between the ministers of foreign affairs and defense of the Russian Federation and India. This was announced by the official representative of the department, Maria Zakharova, in her Telegram channel. “Almost at midnight local time, the Russian Foreign Minister arrived in Delhi. Tomorrow the day will begin with talks between the foreign and defense ministers of our countries. And then a bilateral summit will take place, “Zakharova wrote. As specified on the website of the Russian Foreign Ministry, the talks between the heads of the foreign policy and defense departments of the countries will be held in the” two plus two “format. They will discuss key regional topics, including the situation in the Asia-Pacific region and Central Asia. Earlier,

Minsk announced retaliatory sanctions against the West

Prime Minister of Belarus Golovchenko: Minsk will announce retaliatory measures against the West after the weekend countries. This was reported by RIA Novosti. According to the prime minister, Minsk may announce them after the weekend. The retaliatory sanctions will be “symmetrical and adequate,” he added. On December 3, Golovchenko promised that Belarus would introduce retaliatory economic sanctions against Western countries in the coming days. He stressed that these measures will be a response to the “illegitimate” sanctions that the European Union (EU), Great Britain and the United States had previously imposed on Belarus. Earlier, President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko during a meeting demanded from the country's authorities on -the military and without red tape to work out anti-sanctions measures. On December 2, due to the migration crisis on the Polish-Belarusian border, the European Union adopted the fifth package of sanctions against Minsk. It included more than 25 individuals and legal