President of Kazakhstan Tokayev announced 20 thousand terrorists participating in attacks

“The bandits and & nbsp; terrorists were well trained and & nbsp; organized, and & nbsp; led from a special center & nbsp; Some of the & nbsp; did not speak & nbsp; Kazakh. At & nbsp; Almaty, there were at least six waves of terrorist attacks, and & nbsp; the total number of attackers & nbsp; & mdash; 20 thousand & raquo;, & nbsp; & mdash; Tokayev wrote on & nbsp; Twitter in & nbsp; English. Tokayev promised to protect foreign property and & nbsp; investments in the country. “ Kazakhstan will continue to ensure the security and & nbsp; protection of foreign diplomatic missions, as well as & nbsp; employees and & nbsp; property of foreign companies and & nbsp; investors & hellip; An open door policy for & nbsp; foreign direct investment will continue to be a key strategy in Kazakhstan & raquo;, & nbsp; & mdash;

Blinken called some of Russia's security requirements impracticable

“Part of the strategy I & nbsp; think: put forward a list of absolutely impossible requirements and & nbsp; declare that & nbsp; the other party does not & nbsp; work together, and & nbsp; use it as a kind of excuse for aggressive action, & nbsp; & mdash; Blinken told reporters. According to & nbsp; he said, RF & nbsp; knows what requirements cannot be met, but & nbsp; knows & nbsp; about & nbsp; areas where dialogue can be. On & nbsp; ; next week, Russia and & nbsp; the United States will hold in Geneva another round of dialogue on & nbsp; strategic stability, after which a meeting of the NATO-Russia Council will take place in Brussels, and & nbsp; in & nbsp; Vienna & nbsp; & mdash; consultations on the & nbsp; platform of the Organization for & nbsp; Security and & nbsp; Cooperation in &

Former US President Carter announced America's approach to the abyss

“An angry mob led by unscrupulous politicians stormed the Capitol and & nbsp; np; almost succeeded & nbs; & mdash; said Carter. He & nbsp; pointed out that & nbsp; the former presidents condemned the actions of the protesters and & nbsp; confirmed the legitimacy of the 2020 elections. While there was hope then that the takeover of the American Parliament Building would “shake” the nation and stop its political polarization, Carter said, American values ​​are now under threat. “Our great nation is now teetering on the edge of a widening chasm. & lt; & hellip; & gt; Without & nbsp; immediate action, we & nbsp; risk facing & nbsp; civil conflict and & nbsp; losing our precious democracy & nbsp; & nbsp; & mdash; he wrote. The former president cited research data that 36% of Americans believe the US will have to use force to “ save '' American

The heads of all regions of Germany advocated the introduction of compulsory vaccination against covid

“ All 16 heads of state governments admitted that & nbsp; they are in favor of & nbsp; compulsory universal vaccination '', & nbsp; & mdash; he said. “ This is where I & nbsp; feel the maximum support '', & nbsp; & mdash; added Scholz. According to & nbsp; he said, the Bundestag will discuss this issue soon. “ Vaccination coverage in & nbsp; Germany is still not & nbsp; very high '', & nbsp; & mdash; Scholz stated. Putin instructed to attract COVID-19 patients to clinical examination As the Chancellor noted, the German authorities expect ; country of the number of new cases of coronavirus infection due to the & nbsp; rapid spread of the omicron strain and & nbsp; urge citizens to get vaccinated. “ Germany definitely belongs in & nbsp; Europe to the & nbsp; countries with & nbsp; the largest restrictions on contacts & raquo;,

Patriarch Kirill linked the refusal of women to give birth to the end of humanity

“If this happens – God forbid, of course! – then the world, the person, the human personality will lose its most basic dimension,” the patriarch said, answering the question of the first deputy director General of VGTRK Andrey Kondrashov about what the head of the ROC thinks about the possibility of a world in which women have stopped giving birth. “What is the mystery of birth? Firstly, it is the mystery of love, when the love of two people united, as the word of God says, into one body and one soul, becomes a source of life for the other. So what, replace all this with a mechanism, a machine? Even if this ever happens, it will mean the end of man as a reasonable person, it will mean in some sense the end of human civilization, because this is a diabolical through man – a diabolical attempt on Divine authority,”

A US resident was paid 91 thousand coins as a salary

Auto repair shop pays an ex-employee his back overtime wages by dumping 91,000 oily pennies in his driveway — Bill Schrier (@billschrier) January 7, 2022 The US Department of Labor sued an auto repair shop that paid 91 thousand pennies to its employee as a salary. The incident itself occurred back in March 2021, Business Insider clarifies. Andreas Flaten from Fayetteville to Georgia resigned from OK Walker Autoworks, but the last salary was not paid to him. The man complained to the US Department of Labor. In response to the complaint, the employer left 91 thousand pennies as a salary on the driveway of the former employee’s house. Flaten considered this a mockery and complained to the authorities again. Officials considered the incident for 10 months and finally decided to take the case to court. The head of OK Walker Autoworks is accused not only of illegal revenge. The company

Lukashenka announced an attempt to drown Russia in blood

& laquo; Kazakhstan & nbsp; & mdash; this is an attempt to attack the post-Soviet states along the & nbsp; perimeter of Russia. They & nbsp; need to drown Russia in & nbsp; blood. I repeat once again: if Russia collapses, then & nbsp; we & nbsp; will not even & nbsp; notice where we & nbsp; will end up. They will simply step over us. As I & nbsp; say, in the millstones they will grind and & nbsp; spit out. Therefore, whatever the & nbsp; cost, we need to preserve the center of our civilization, the center of our Orthodoxy and & nbsp; not & nbsp; only. Those & nbsp; lands that today are in the & nbsp; part of the Russian Federation & raquo;, & nbsp; & mdash; quotes Lukashenko's words, the agency Sputnik Belarus. Mass protests in & nbsp; Kazakhstan began in the & nbsp; early

A US resident found 18 siblings thanks to a DNA test

A man from Nebraska conducted a home DNA test and found that he and his brother have 18 half-siblings about whom they knew nothing. It turned out that the father of the Saathoff brothers was a donor from the medical center. They have already found some of their biological relatives and contacted them on social networks, NTV reports. The half-siblings of the men who responded to their messages live in different parts of the United States — Nebraska, Texas, North Carolina, Maryland and North Dakota. “I was shocked. We look almost like twins,” said one of the brothers. The Saathoffs also tried to track down their biological father, but so far they have not succeeded. New Year’s sale: discounts up to – 60% Anna Lysenko Even more interesting things about people

Kazakhstan closes five checkpoints on the border with Kyrgyzstan

BISHKEK, Jan 7 & nbsp; & mdash; RIA News. Kazakhstan has closed five of the & nbsp; seven checkpoints on the & nbsp; border with & nbsp; Kyrgyzstan, RIA Novosti reported in the & nbsp; press center of the Kyrgyz border service. “ From & nbsp; 7 & nbsp; January 2022, in & nbsp; unilaterally, the Kazakh side in & nbsp; communication with & nbsp; malfunction of the Unified Information System of Kazakhstan temporarily suspended the passage of persons, vehicles and & nbsp; cargo at & nbsp; checkpoints & ldquo; Kordai-highway & rdquo; (RK & nbsp; & mdash; Republic of Kazakhstan) & nbsp; & mdash; & ldquo; Ak-Zhol-road & rdquo; (KR & nbsp; & mdash; Kyrgyz Republic), & ldquo; Karasu-road & rdquo; (RK) & nbsp; & mdash; & ldquo; Ak-Tilek-road & rdquo; (KR) in & nbsp; Chui region and & nbsp; & ldquo; Kegen-road & rdquo; (RK) & nbsp; &