Nazarbayev urged everyone to rally around the President of Kazakhstan

“Please do not & nbsp; disseminate deliberately false and & nbsp; speculative information. Elbasy holds a number of consultative meetings and & nbsp; is on & nbsp; direct link with & nbsp; & lt; & hellip; & gt; Kassym-Jomart Tokayev & raquo;, & nbsp; & mdash; says the & nbsp; entry on his spokesman's & nbsp; Twitter page. It is also noted that & nbsp; Nazarbayev had several telephone conversations with & nbsp; “ heads of friendly states. '' Riots in & nbsp; Kazakhstan Mass protests in the & nbsp; republic began in the & nbsp; first days of 2022, the reason for & nbsp; discontent of residents of the cities of Zhanaozen and & nbsp; Aktau in the & nbsp; west of the country was a twofold increase in prices for liquefied oil & nbsp; gas used for & nbsp; refueling cars. Subsequently, people took to & nbsp; streets

The most common symptoms of the omicron strain are named

The specialist noted that the disease in those infected with the new variant of SARS-CoV-2 is mostly mild, but the high contagiousness of the virus can lead to an overload of the healthcare system. To curb the spread of omicron, the authorities should take into account three more symptoms that are often found in colds, the doctor believes. “The fact that 75 percent of new COVID-19 cases have symptoms similar to colds, and classic symptoms are much less common, means that the recommendations of the authorities need to be updated urgently. We would like to add symptoms such as sore throat, headache and runny nose to the list as soon as possible,” the doctor noted. A new strain of B.1.1.529 was found in Botswana and South Africa at the end of November. It contains dozens of mutations in the S-protein required by the pathogen to infect cells. According to the researchers,

UK Cabinet presented with options for Russia's invasion of Ukraine

Radakin noted that “deeply concerned” the situation on the & nbsp; Russian-Ukrainian border. He also stressed that the UK plans to start developing hypersonic weapons in the near future. This is due to the presence of this type of weapons in Russia. “ We do not have them & nbsp; (hypersonic missiles), we & nbsp; must have them '', & nbsp; & mdash; said Radakin. Earlier, retired British Air Marshal Edward Stringer expressed the opinion that & nbsp; Iran, Russia, China and & nbsp; DPRK could be behind the & nbsp; cyberattack on & nbsp; technical resources of the Academy of the Ministry of Defense Great Britain. Stringer, who retired from the & nbsp; military in & nbsp; August, said he was & nbsp; “ sophisticated '' A hack discovered last March prompted the Defense Academy to accelerate plans to & nbsp; restore its entire network and & nbsp; improve

Rospotrebnadzor stated that a change in taste with omicron is rare

“In cases of infection with the omicron variant, complaints of changes in taste and smell characteristic of COVID-19 are rarely registered,” she said. At the end of December, the head of Rospotrebnadzor Anna Popova reported that in 103 cases of omicron infection have been detected in Russia. Health Minister Mikhail Murashko on January 6 said that in Russia has not only “imported” cases of infection with the omicron coronavirus strain, in the regions it is already being detected in those who have not left the country.

Mexican Foreign Minister proposed the United States to create an analogue of the European Union

“Mexico has suggested that the US move towards & nbsp; create a union that will be more like & nbsp; EU. The Organization of American States is already very outdated. So it was & nbsp; proposed to create something different, but & nbsp; it will depend on the & nbsp; strength that we, the countries of Latin America and the Caribbean, will show together. If we & nbsp; are united, we will succeed & raquo;, & nbsp; & mdash; said the Mexican diplomat at the & nbsp; meeting of the foreign ministries of the states & nbsp; & mdash; members of the Community of Latin America and the Caribbean (CELAC), which took place in Argentina (quoted by & nbsp; TASS). This is not the & nbsp; first time that Mexico has issued such a statement. In & nbsp; July 2021, President of Mexico Andrés Manuel López Obrador at the &

Ginzburg did not rule out a positive test after the nasal vaccine from COVID-19

“It is possible, but this is a very short period of time, and we need to try to catch this interval in order to get a positive PCR until the phagocytic cells devour this virus. At the same time, the virus must be in some very concentrated state,” Mr. Ginzburg said in an interview with the TASS news agency. Recall that the Gamalei Center received permission from the Ministry of Health of Russia to conduct the second phase of clinical trials of a coronavirus vaccine in the form of a nasal spray in October 2021. As Mr. Ginzburg said earlier, the nasal vaccine will enter civilian circulation in 3-4 months. According to him, it, like Sputnik V in injectable form, will protect against the omicron strain. about what the pandemic brought in 2021 and what it had in store for 2022 – in the material “Kommersant” “Each strain is like

From July 1, a Russian passport can be issued in five days

“From July 1, 2022, a new passport will be issued within five working days, regardless of the place of residence, stay, actual residence or the circumstances of its replacement,” the press center said. The Ministry of Internal Affairs added that this norm will also apply when introducing a passport with an electronic carrier. Currently, the passport processing period is 10 days if the documents are submitted at the place of residence, and 30 days in all other cases. In Russia, paper passports are canceled upon receipt of electronic ones In the summer of 2021, part of the changes made to the regulations on the passport of a citizen of Russia, the sample form and its description came into force. In particular, the validity period of Russian passports, which must be replaced when citizens reach the age of 20 and 45, has been extended to 90 days. In addition, the deadline

Day in History: January 8th

The beginning of the release of civil calendars in Of Russia The first calendar articles appeared in Russia for a long time — they are in the first monuments of Russian writing. The earliest surviving such article dates back to 1073. However, it was only on January 8, 1709 (according to the old style – December 28, 1708) that the first civil calendar was published. It was called “The calendar, or the Christian Calendar according to the old style or calculus for the summer of 1709. Printed in the reigning city of Moscow, in the summer of 1708, December on the 28th day.” Later, secular calendars began to be published annually. In the early years , Peter I himself oversaw their release . The first issue of the magazine “Around the world” In 1861, on this day, the first issue of the magazine “Around the World” was published in St. Petersburg.

How sharks can help in the fight against COVID-19

In the future, the discovery of American specialists may be used in medicines against coronavirus. However, shark proteins have not yet been tested on real patients. This is not the first time that animal antibodies are used in medicine, says Doctor of Biological Sciences, virologist Andrey Letarov: “Human antibodies, for example, class G, have two types of polypeptide chains: heavy and light. This is inconvenient for a number of reasons. When we make artificially engineered antibodies, they are easier to select when everything is on the same chain. In camels, it is of the same type, respectively, such antibodies were used to change them for the desired tasks. It was rather used to create monoclonal antibodies, for diagnostic purposes.” According to some studies, sharks can help in the treatment of another disease — cancer. Allegedly, substances contained in the liver and cartilage of fish are potentially able to block the