Peskov: Putin will meet on Sunday in Brazil with Merkel

Read TASS in Yandex.NewsYandex.Zen … Show hidden linksGoogle News HAVANA, July 11./ITAR – Russian President Vladimir Putin, who is making a series of visits to Latin America, will meet in Brazil on Sunday with German Chancellor Angela Merkel. This was confirmed by the press secretary of the head of the Russian state Dmitry Peskov. “Indeed, such a meeting was planned, it is being prepared, and it will take place,” he said. Putin will visit Brazil to hold talks with the leadership of this country, meet with the leaders of the BRICS countries and take part in the ceremony of transferring the right to host the World Cup to Russia. Angela Merkel will arrive in Brazil to watch the World Cup final between Germany and Argentina.

Virologist named the plus of the omicron strain in Russia

Virologist Butenko said that omicron is capable of forming herd immunity in Russia Such a plus for the emergence of a new version of COVID-19 was named by the virologist, professor of the Gamaleya Research Center for Epidemiology and Microbiology Alexander Butenko, his words are quoted by Butenko noted that the emergence of new strains of coronavirus can also lead to positive effects, such as reduced virulence. “It is encouraging that in different countries there are hundreds, maybe thousands of cases, but not a single death. Apparently, this is associated with an easier course of the variant, “Butenko said. According to him, the virus can mutate into a variant that is safe for humans, which will contribute to the formation of natural immunity. The virologist cited a live yellow fever vaccine as an example. “It was developed many decades ago from an active and very dangerous virus that causes

Tarasova praised Rudkovskaya with the phrase “who is she?”

Coach Tatyana Rudkovskaya about producer Yana Rudkovskaya: who is she to answer her to criticism addressed to her from producer Yana Rudkovskaya. Her words are quoted by “Sport-Express”. “Who is Yana Rudkovskaya to answer her?” – said the specialist. On December 5, Tarasova spoke about the prospects in sports for the son of Rudkovskaya and two-time Olympic champion in figure skating Evgeny Plushenko Alexander. The coach said that at the moment she does not see the athletic potential of the seven-year-old skater. In response, Rudkovskaya said that Tarasova's opinion was not fundamental to her. Plushenko Jr. is known online as the Gnome Gnomych. He is engaged in figure skating and participates in ice shows. The athlete also has advertising contracts.

Папа Римский заявил о готовности приехать в Россию

Об этом, как сообщает итальянское информагентство Ansa, понтифик сообщил в понедельник в ходе традиционной пресс-конференции на борту самолета, возвращавшегося из Афин в Рим после апостольской поездки на Кипр и в Грецию. «Думаю, на следующей неделе ко мне приедет митрополит Иларион, чтобы согласовать возможную встречу (с патриархом Кириллом)», — сказал папа Франциск. «Я всегда готов поехать в Москву. Чтобы вести диалог с братом не нужны протоколы: брат — это брат», — приводит слова понтифика Ansa. В октябре митрополит Иларион побывал с визитом в Ватикане, где был принят папой Франциском. Накануне этой встречи глава ОВЦС заявил российским журналистам, что намерен обсудить с понтификом двусторонние отношения между РПЦ и Римско-католической церковью, охарактеризовав эти отношения как «развивающиеся очень позитивно». Он также указал, что в беседе с понтификом обсудит «деловые вопросы, стоящие на повестке отношений между нашими церквами». После аудиенции в Ватикане митрополит Иларион в интервью миланской газете Corriere della Sera заявил, что тема визита папы Франциска в Россию в настоящее время не стоит на повестке дня, однако новая встреча между понтификом и патриархом Кириллом состоится. Глава ОВЦС подчеркнул в этой связи, что «надо разделять две темы — встречу между папой Римским и патриархом и визит папы Франциска

Фотограф из США сделал невероятно детальный снимок Солнца

Посмотреть эту публикацию в Instagram Публикация от Andrew McCarthy (@cosmic_background) Астрофотограф из Калифорнии Эндрю Маккарти, известный своими невероятно детальными космическими снимками, поделился новым фото. По словам фотографа, это «самый детальный и четкий снимок Солнца в истории», и, глядя на изображение, с этим трудно не согласиться. На снимках можно рассмотреть звезду в мельчайших деталях, включая завитки вихрей и вспышек. Такое четкое изображение получилось благодаря наслаиванию фотографий — в одном изображении он объединил 150 тысяч отдельных снимков. Кроме того, Маккарти рассказал, что для съемок Солнца использовал специальный модифицированный телескоп с двумя фильтрами, чтобы предотвратить возгорание и ослепление. В итоге получилось четкое изображение на 300 мегапикселей, что в 30 раз больше, чем стандартное 10-мегапиксельное изображение камеры. Напомним, что это далеко не первый его опыт съемки Солнца. В феврале 2021 года Маккарти снял удивительный кадр с летящим на фоне Солнца самолетом. А недавно фотограф показал красочный снимок космических туманностей. Новогодняя распродажа: скидки до – 60% Екатерина Гура Еще больше интересного о природе

Tarasova praised Rudkovskaya with the phrase “who is she?”

Coach Tatyana Rudkovskaya about producer Yana Rudkovskaya: who is she to answer her Honored figure skating coach Tatiana to criticism addressed to her from producer Yana Rudkovskaya. Her words are quoted by “Sport-Express”. “Who is Yana Rudkovskaya to answer her?” – said the specialist. On December 5, Tarasova spoke about the prospects in sports for the son of Rudkovskaya and two-time Olympic champion in figure skating Evgeny Plushenko Alexander. The coach said that at the moment she does not see the athletic potential of the seven-year-old skater. In response, Rudkovskaya said that Tarasova's opinion was not fundamental to her. Plushenko Jr. is known online as the Gnome Gnomych. He is engaged in figure skating and participates in ice shows. The athlete also has advertising contracts.

IT specialist spoke about Russia's contribution to global Internet communication

The Russian delegation takes part in the 16th UN Forum on Internet Governance Russia certainly has something to share with the international community in solving the problems of Internet governance. Over the past year, large-scale work has been carried out in our country to update national legislation on such tracks as interaction with international IT giants, combating illegal content and fakes on the network, countering cyberbullying and others. This is how commented on the work of the 16th UN Forum on Internet Governance Vadim Glushchenko, Director of the Competence Center for Global IT Cooperation. The forum takes place in the Polish city of Katowice. The main theme and motto of the event is “Internet United” – an open, free Internet that unites all users into a single community. “Russian regulatory measures, in my opinion, are consistent and balanced. In relation to IT giants violating the law, the punishments are

A tourist accidentally found a box of jewelry in the mountains and received millions of rubles

A climber discovered gems on Mont Blanc and received them after eight years Alps in 2013. This is reported by the France24 portal. According to the publication, a tourist, whose name was not disclosed, found a metal box on Mont Blanc, which was filled with emeralds, rubies and sapphires. It is known that the box was on board an Air India plane, which crashed while flying from Mumbai to New York in 1966. The man took the find to the police, whose employees were supposed to try to find the owners of the jewelry. The work of law enforcement agencies was unsuccessful, and therefore, according to the law, the authorities of the Chamonix commune divided the jewels in half with the climber. It is noted that eight years after the discovery, he received 150 thousand euros (12.4 million rubles). In December 2019, a million rubles accidentally fell from the roof