Where is the world’s only boiling river (photo)

Where is the world’s only boiling river (photo) It is the phenomenon scientists can’t solve so far. Unique and very dangerous river Mantuano, also known as Shanay-Tempesta (“Warmed by the heat of the sun”), located deep in the tropical forests of the Peruvian part of the Amazon basin. Publication of Jime del Solar (@jimedelsolar) APR 15, 2018 at 2:06 PDT During the download an error has occurred. The maximum width of the river is 25 m, depth — 6 meters and a length of 6.4 kilometers. Famous Manuaku the fact that the temperature of the water ranges from 45 to 100 degrees. There’s nothing alive, and putting his hand into the water just for a few seconds, you can get third-degree burns. The most amazing thing — no one knows why the river is such a high temperature. Termostatico in the vicinity, and the nearest active volcano that could heat

The actress from the TV series “Happy together” in a coma

The actress from the TV series “Happy together” in a coma MOSCOW, 9 Aug — RIA Novosti. Actress and choreographer Maria Simdyankin in a coma. This was reported by her friend Elena Ksenofontova. “Three days ago Machines, the body refused to work on their own. Refused to heart, lungs, and kidneys. Life is sustained by machines. She’s in a coma,” wrote one in Instagram. Publication of Elena Ksenofontova (@elena_ksenofontova_official) 8 August 2018 at 3:16 PDT During the download an error has occurred. According to her, Simdyankin fighting the disease for over two years. Later it was reported an improvement in the girlfriend — actress to breathe independently, she has earned the heart. Maria Simdyankin plays in the theatre and cinema. In particular, she starred in the television series “Happy together”, “Return of Mukhtar”, “Margot-2”, “Kulagin and partners”.

The Moscow regional election Commission was formed more than 80 temporary sites for the elections of the head of the Moscow region

© Anton vergun/TASS MOSCOW, August 9. /TASS/. The electoral Commission of the Moscow region formed 83 temporary polling station at the election of the Governor of the Moscow region. This decision was taken by the Commission at the meeting on Thursday. “As of this morning in the Moscow region 83 formed temporary site,” – said at the meeting, the Chairman of Mosoblispolkom of Elmira Khaimurzina.

The campaign of the candidate in mayors of Moscow Sergey Sobyanin will start on August 13

Volunteers from the election headquarters of the candidate for the post of mayor of Moscow Sergey Sobyanin on Pokrovka street © Alexander Shcherbak/TASS MOSCOW, August 9. /TASS/. Start the active campaign of the candidate in mayors of Moscow, acting mayor Sergei Sobyanin will start from August 13. This was reported to journalists on Thursday the Chairman of the electoral headquarters Sobyanin Konstantin Remchukov.

Storm ditch in Sochi, where he drowned the child, was rebuilt about 20 years ago

Storm ditch in Sochi, where he drowned the child, was rebuilt about 20 years ago As reported in Prosecutor’s office, the landlord, who conducted the rebuilding of at the moment is neither a suspect nor a defendant in the case. KRASNODAR, August 9. /TASS/. Storm sewer in the Lazarev district of Sochi, where on August 3 said boy, was rebuilt by the landlord about 20 years ago. About this TASS said Thursday in a press-service of Prosecutor’s office of Krasnodar Krai. As previously reported, on August 3 during a heavy rain in the village of Lazarevskoye the boy fell in the storm ditch, and was taken by the current. The child’s body was discovered in the sea. In the municipality of Sochi stated that the lattice on a manifold is not in the design but a warning about the showers, it was announced in advance. Later the information appeared that

In the framework of Hamim destroyed drone fighters

In the framework of Hamim destroyed drone fighters MOSCOW, 9 Aug — RIA Novosti. Russian military destroyed the drone, the controlled by illegal armed groups in the province of Latakia in the direction of the Russian airbase Hamim, according to the Russian Center for conciliation of the warring parties in Syria. “The ninth of August, means of control of the airspace of the Russian air base Hamim was discovered by the UAV, controlled by the illegal armed groups of the territory to the North of Latakia province”, — stated in the message. As noted in the center for conciliation, staffing anti-aircraft firepower air target was destroyed at a distance from the airbase. “Victims or material damage. Russian airbase Hamim operates in a planned mode”, — added in the center. Russian centre for reconciliation encourages commanders of illegal armed groups to abandon the armed provocation and take the path of peaceful

In Colorado went hail the size of a baseball

In Colorado went hail the size of a baseball Injured 14 people, two animals died. During the download an error has occurred. The hail passed over the mountain zoo Cheyenne on Monday. He lasted only 10 minutes, but resulted in the deaths of two animals. One animal was Daisy, a 4 year old Muscovy duck. Others — 13-year-old Cape vulture Motswari.The press service of the zoo Five people were hospitalized and nine more were injured.

Near Rostov found a burial for a thousand years older than the Egyptian pyramids

Near Rostov found a burial for a thousand years older than the Egyptian pyramids ROSTOV-ON-DON, 9 Jun — RIA Novosti. Archaeologists have discovered an ancient tomb in the area future construction of a bypass of the city of Aksay in the Rostov region highway M-4 “don”, according to the state company “Avtodor” addressing customer surveys. “During the excavations, archaeologists discovered the oldest on don’s grave, which can be attributed to the IV Millennium BC Six thousand years ago, a thousand years before the first Egyptian pyramids! According to scientists, this unique find, which can be called the real scientific sensation,” — said in information. Found the original stone structures in the underground chambers of the catacombs. Here in good condition preserved vessels, which are traditionally used for funeral food, as well as elements of horse bridles are the symbols of the horse — a loyal companion of the nomads. In

The bear got into the restaurant and took the pizza from visitors

The bear got into the restaurant and took the pizza from visitors The Steakhouse is just a few hundred yards from the National Park great smoky mountains national Park. Guests of the popular restaurant in the US enjoyed lunch on the terrace, when their meal was interrupted by a black bear. During the download an error has occurred.Newsthe Bear-monkey climbed into the car and ate inside bananas Young hooligan appeared over a mountain stream, says Carolyn ball, waitress at the Steakhouse the holiday resort town of Gatlinburg, Tennessee. Seeing him coming, the guests scattered in all directions, leaving the food on the tables. The bear climbed over the patio railing and began to run in the courtyard of the restaurant. He climbed on the table and ate the pizza. A popular Steakhouse is just a few hundred yards from the National Park, great smoky mountains, a natural world heritage site