The opening date of the ski season on Dombai has been announced

Interfax: the Dombai ski resort opens the winter season on December 7 The Dombai ski resort in Karachay-Cherkessia opens the winter season on December 7. This date was announced by the administration of the resort village, Interfax reports. Thus, travelers will be able to check into hotels and hotels only upon presentation of a QR code. It is also mandatory to observe the mask regime when boarding the cable cars. “By now, the resort is fully ready for the new season, taking into account the requirements of epidemiological safety,” said the agency's interlocutor. Experts predicted that by the end of 2021, the resorts of the republic will be able to visit 1.7 million people. At the same time, it is noted that such indicators can be achieved only if there are no restrictions for tourists. Earlier, on December 3, a ski resort was opened at the Krasnaya Polyana resort in

The opening date of the ski season on Dombai has been announced

Interfax: the Dombai ski resort opens the winter season on December 7 The Dombai ski resort in Karachay-Cherkessia opens the winter season on December 7. This date was announced by the administration of the resort village, Interfax reports. Thus, travelers will be able to check into hotels and hotels only upon presentation of a QR code. It is also mandatory to observe the mask regime when boarding the cable cars. “By now, the resort is fully ready for the new season, taking into account the requirements of epidemiological safety,” said the agency's interlocutor. Experts predicted that by the end of 2021, the resorts of the republic will be able to visit 1.7 million people. At the same time, it is noted that such indicators can be achieved only if there are no restrictions for tourists. Earlier, on December 3, a ski resort was opened at the Krasnaya Polyana resort in

Moskalkova opposed the detention of Russians in jail

Ombudsman Moskalkova will appeal to the prosecutor's office because of too many people in jail against too frequent use of detention as a preventive measure. The Ombudsman plans to contact the prosecutor's office on this issue. “I intend to ask the prosecutor to draw attention to the situation related to the use of a preventive measure in the form of detention,” she said. p> The Ombudsman noted that the leadership of SIZO-4 of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia in Moscow, which she had visited earlier, had to equip additional cells due to the too large number of people in the isolation ward – the main premises for holding prisoners were overcrowded. < p> “This is a reason for us to think about whether there is an excessive emphasis on the use of a preventive measure in the form of detention,” said Moskalkova. Moskalkova believes that detention should be used

Moskalkova opposed the detention of Russians in jail

Ombudsman Moskalkova will appeal to the prosecutor's office because of too many people in jail against too frequent use of detention as a preventive measure. The Ombudsman plans to contact the prosecutor's office on this issue. “I intend to ask the prosecutor to draw attention to the situation related to the use of a preventive measure in the form of detention,” she said. p> The Ombudsman noted that the leadership of SIZO-4 of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia in Moscow, which she had visited earlier, had to equip additional cells due to the too large number of people in the isolation ward – the main premises for holding prisoners were overcrowded. < p> “This is a reason for us to think about whether there is an excessive emphasis on the use of a preventive measure in the form of detention,” said Moskalkova. Moskalkova believes that detention should be used

The key factor in the collapse of the USSR is named

Political scientist Pogrebinsky: the key factor in the collapse of the USSR was the rejection of the leading role of the CPSU One of the key factors that led to the collapse of the Soviet Union, was the rejection of the 6th article of the Constitution of the USSR, which consolidated the leading role of the CPSU. In a conversation with, a political scientist, director of the Kiev Center for Political Research and Conflictology Mikhail Pogrebinsky spoke about this within the framework of a special project dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the collapse of the Soviet Union. “The Communist Party of the Soviet Union played the role of the only institutional bond, glue , without her it was already impossible to keep the country from collapse, “Pogrebinsky said. In his opinion, the abolition of the leading role of the CPSU is the very case when” they aimed at

Peskov spoke about the secret video link between Putin and Biden

Press Secretary Peskov: Putin and Biden will talk over a closed communication line The conversation between Russian President Vladimir Putin and US President Joe Biden, scheduled for December 7, will be held through a secret communication line. This was reported to RT by the press secretary of the President of Russia Dmitry Peskov. “Even during previous administrations, when at least something constructive in our relations remained, it was possible to reach an agreement on the creation of a closed video communication line for communication at the highest and highest level between the two countries. It has been inactive until now and, in fact, was only supported in technical performance, “Peskov said.

The key factor in the collapse of the USSR is named

Political scientist Pogrebinsky: the key factor in the collapse of the USSR was the rejection of the leading role of the CPSU One of the key factors that led to the collapse of the Soviet Union, was the rejection of the 6th article of the Constitution of the USSR, which consolidated the leading role of the CPSU. In a conversation with, a political scientist, director of the Kiev Center for Political Research and Conflictology Mikhail Pogrebinsky spoke about this within the framework of a special project dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the collapse of the Soviet Union. “The Communist Party of the Soviet Union played the role of the only institutional bond, glue , without her it was already impossible to keep the country from collapse, “Pogrebinsky said. In his opinion, the abolition of the leading role of the CPSU is the very case when” they aimed at

Peskov spoke about the secret video link between Putin and Biden

Press Secretary Peskov: Putin and Biden will talk over a closed communication line The conversation between Russian President Vladimir Putin and US President Joe Biden, scheduled for December 7, will be held through a secret communication line. This was reported to RT by the press secretary of the President of Russia Dmitry Peskov. “Even during previous administrations, when at least something constructive in our relations remained, it was possible to reach an agreement on the creation of a closed video communication line for communication at the highest and highest level between the two countries. It has been inactive until now and, in fact, was only supported in technical performance, “Peskov said.