The United States has issued sanctions against the “Nord stream-2”

The United States has issued sanctions against the “Nord stream-2” Within a few weeks the United States may impose restrictive measures against companies involved in the construction project of the pipeline “Nord stream-2”. About the readiness of the package of sanctions according to The Wall Street Journal, citing sources in the White house. It is noted that the final decision regarding these restrictions Washington has not yet made. According to the American officials are now deciding whether to apply sanctions only against companies that will participate in the laying of pipes in the Baltic sea, or to expand them so that they affect the company associated with the financing of the project. Interlocutors of the edition reported that the us government will warn the European Union before sanctions. Earlier, on 19 July it was reported that the Senator from Wyoming John Barrasso introduced a bill to impose sanctions against the

In Crimea told why Ukrainian tourists coming to the Peninsula

In Crimea told why Ukrainian tourists coming to the Peninsula SIMFEROPOL, 18 Jul — RIA Novosti. Ukrainian tourists go to Crimea for a safe and comfortable rest and also to look at the bridge across the Kerch Strait, said the head of the Committee of Parliament on health-resort complex and tourism Alexey Chernyak. 13фотографий13фотографий13фотографий Earlier the head of Federal Agency on tourism (Rosturizm) Oleg Safonov said that the Crimea since the beginning of this year it was visited by over 800 thousand tourists from Ukraine. All the information that was fed in the Ukraine, the bridge didn’t exist, it’s fake and computer graphics, worked back like a boomerang. After the opening of the bridge by Russian President Vladimir Putin, many people wanted to go to see this massive structure. The Crimean bridge is also for the citizens of Ukraine an additional opportunity to visit other southern regions of Russia.Alex Chernysheva

Cosmic rays revealed the ancient magnetic field of the Universe

Cosmic rays revealed the ancient magnetic field of the Universe Effect of magnetic field on particles of high energies was so strong that it is possible to register by modern instruments. Andrey Savelyev from the Baltic Federal University of Immanuel Kant, together with Rafael Batista from the University of são Paulo (Brazil) calculated the extent to which particles of cosmic rays of ultrahigh-energy may carry information on the ancient magnetic fields of the Universe. It turned out that this is quite a valuable source of information. It allows you to determine the degree of rotation of intergalactic magnetic fields through which are cosmic rays from outside our Galaxy sources. The text of the relevant work available on the Preprint server at Cornell University. At the moment it is not clear exactly when in the history of the Universe created a magnetic field, in particular — the most common of their

Tailed friend: the brave four-legged heroes of our time

Tailed friend: the brave four-legged heroes of our time Dogs looking for drugs, help catch criminals and rescue people after disasters. They are not scary — they’re loyal and selfless. So we think when we read about the incredibly moving stories with four-legged friends. The portal have collected the most striking cases of tailed characters last time and understood, whether animals are capable of feats. Shadow Boxing In Colombia for dogs large drug cartel “Los Urabenos” left nine tons of cocaine. In addition, the German shepherd named Sombra (Shade) helped to detain 245 suspects in drug trafficking. And thus, it greatly angered a very dangerous group. In “Los Urabenos” put a bounty on her head — $70 thousand In connection with this six-year-old Sombra was transferred from the seaside town of Turbo, which is strategically important for the smugglers, “on the job” at the airport in Bogota. Although A

Klintsevich: the Russian Federation has many ways to respond to the blocking of the vessel “Mekhanik Pogodin”

Member of the Federation Council Committee on defense and security Frants Klintsevich © Valery sharifulin/TASS MOSCOW, August 18. /TASS/. Russia has many options of measures it may take in response to Kiev’s decision to block the port of Kherson in three years, the Russian tanker “the Mechanic Pogodin,” said a member of the Federation Council Committee on defense and security Frants Klintsevich.

Anti-aircraft Buk missile hit the building of the business center in Kiev

Anti-aircraft Buk missile hit the building of the business center in Kiev Anti-aircraft missile system (SAM) “Buk”, who participated in the parade for independence Day in Kiev, ran in the building of the business center. It is reported “Public television” with reference to eyewitnesses. It is noted that the incident occurred in front of BTS Astarte on the street of Yaroslavl. According to eyewitnesses, the driver of the military machine was backing up and ran into one of the columns on the front side of the building. At impact had damaged veneer. The most significant equipment for visible damage not recorded. #Kiev e AA #a Beech crashed into a business центр — Dmitry Gordon (@dmitry_gordon) 18 Aug 2018 SAM “Buk” designed to combat maneuvering aerodynamic targets at low and medium altitudes in conditions of intensive jamming. Part in service with the Armed forces of the Ukrainian complexes “Buk-M1” includes the

Lukashenko called the position of the previous government in the dialogue with the IMF brainless

Lukashenko called the position of the previous government in the dialogue with the IMF brainless MINSK, 18 Jul — RIA Novosti. President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko said that the Belarusian government still held a brainless stance on tariffs in the housing sector in negotiations with the IMF on the loan program, reported on Saturday the press service of the Belarusian leader. On Saturday the Belarusian head of state made the decision on the appointment of the new Prime Minister of the country Sergei Rumas. He was also appointed Vice-premiers and several Ministers. During the appointment of new members of the Lukashenko government criticized the previous position during the negotiations with international organizations, in particular with the IMF. “Clear to them (IMF — ed.) requirements. The international monetary Fund carries out a certain policy, and then not going anywhere,” he said. However, he continued, not even with the IMF and “feed

School graduates have disappointed the Ukrainian Minister

School graduates have disappointed the Ukrainian Minister The Minister of foreign Affairs of Ukraine Pavlo Klimkin commented on the “shameful” results of the school final exam in mathematics. About this he wrote in his Facebook. “Frankly, I want to sound the alarm. It’s a complete disaster! Forty-eight percent of students failed to solve the problem of eighth grade. Every second of today’s graduates are not versed in elementary math rules!” — complained the Minister. According to Klimkin, without a change in approach to teaching and stimulation of youth Ukraine risks “to be nowhere”. He noted that “education is the path to a successful future,” and turning from him, the country dooms itself to the “periphery of life.” The Ukrainian Minister added that the unsatisfactory state of Affairs applies not only in mathematics, but English, history, geography, and, “what is striking”, the Ukrainian language. “Think about it?! And nobody notices! You