Serbia and Kosovo are inclined to exchange

Serbia and Kosovo are inclined to exchange The Balkans were before the new redistribution of boundaries. 19фотографий19фотографий19фотографий A new round of talks between Belgrade and Pristina on the normalization of relations will take place in September in Brussels. According to “Kommersant” from Western diplomatic sources, the Central issue of the negotiations of the Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic and the head of Kosovo Hashim Thaci will be the transfer of territories inhabited by Serbs in the Northern Kosovo in exchange for the South of Serbia inhabited by Albanians. However, against this idea are the leading States of Europe, and experts fear that the redrawing of borders will lead to a new war in the region. With details — the correspondent of “Kommersant” in the Balkans Gennady Sysoev. The timing of the new round of talks on normalization of mutual relations agreed last week the President of Serbia Aleksandar Vucic and the

Trump is ready to consider lifting sanctions against Russia under certain conditions

Trump is ready to consider lifting sanctions against Russia under certain conditions The President of the United States Donald trump is ready to consider lifting sanctions against Russia if Moscow would cooperate with Washington in Syria and Ukraine. About this American leader said in an interview with Reuters. 2014 Washington imposes sanctions against the Russian Federation. Then the cause was called, the situation in Ukraine, where the ongoing military conflict between Kiev and self-proclaimed Donetsk and Luhansk people’s republics. On 8 August, the US Department of state announced the introduction of new anti-Russian sanctions due to poisoning in Salisbury, the British agent and former employee of the Main intelligence Directorate (GRU) Sergei Skripal and his daughter Julia. The incident in London and its allies accuse Moscow unproven. The first package of restrictions relating to the limitation of supply in the Russian Federation of dual purpose goods should enter into force

Naina Yeltsin responded to the statement about the attempt of the husband to flee because of the coup

Naina Yeltsin responded to the statement about the attempt of the husband to flee because of the coup EKATERINBURG, 20 Aug — RIA Novosti. The widow of the first President of Russia Naina Yeltsin called nonsense statements by former Vice President Alexander Rutskoi that Boris Yeltsin during the August 1991 coup “went to a three-day binge, and several times tried to flee to the American Embassy.” Previously, Rutskoi said in an interview with the newspaper “Moskovsky Komsomolets” that during the coup, “did not allow Yeltsin to disgrace and to flee to the American Embassy” and “risking their lives”, brought Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev from foros in the Crimea Moscow. Rutskoi since 1991, was Vice-President Yeltsin, but in the conflict of 1993, they were on different sides of the barricades. “For me, and Rutskoi, and (in 1991-1993 the head of the Supreme Soviet of Russia Ruslan) Khasbulatov — people who do

How to look like the world’s smallest inhabited island (photo)

How to look like the world’s smallest inhabited island (photo) Many of them have become tourist attractions. In search of solitude and safety, people often settled in remote places, in forests, on mountaintops or Islands separating them from the outside world by miles of water. Now some of these Islands are national monuments and some private property, where tourists are allowed. We have collected for you the most scenic little island that will amaze you with its beauty and functionality. The Island Of St. George, Montenegro St. George’s island is one of Islands in front of Perast. On its territory there is an ancient Benedictine Abbey. It is considered that the buildings on the island have existed since IX century. Publication of Jerome David Germain (@jeromegermain) 8 Aug 2017 at 1:06 PDT During the download an error has occurred. Publication from Vladimir (@valuyskih) Aug 19, 2018 at 1:00 PDT During

Requires the cherry the cat from the meme appeared in Chelyabinsk

Requires the cherry the cat from the meme appeared in Chelyabinsk Local artists working to improve the urban environment. Cat in a bib with the caption “Bring cherries” appeared in the transformer Cabinet in Chelyabinsk. The art adorns the street Plehanova in one of the residential areas of the city. Painted wardrobe, representatives of the community “Chelyabinsk urbanist,” which develops and implements projects to improve the urban environment. “You have supported us — we did!” — written by members of the community report. This is not the first transformer Cabinet, decorated with graffiti in Chelyabinsk. Earlier in the city was pizza, owls, ballerinas, doves, Pushkin, missiles and even Elon musk in the suit. “With this project we show that in Chelyabinsk many people who care how their city,” — noted in “the Chelyabinsk urban planner”. Photo of fat cat in a bib published in one of the entertainment online communities

Most Russians have indicated the existence of forces trying to break the spiritual ties in the country

Most Russians have indicated the existence of forces trying to break the spiritual ties in the country Moscow. August 20. INTERFAX.RU — Two-thirds of Russians believe in the existence of a group of individuals seeking to rewrite Russian history, and almost as many believe in the existence of an organization whose purpose is the destruction of spiritual values of Russia, according to the results of the opinion poll, received on Monday to “Interfax”. 66% of Russians believe that this group of people, seeking by manipulation to rewrite history to the detriment of Russia, there is indeed. By age group of respondents among respondents aged 45-59 years, and aged 60 years and older, this share is almost three quarters (72%). Among respondents aged 35-44 years such a view was shared by 65% among respondents 25 to 34 years — 56%, and among youth 18 to 24 years — 51%. Two-thirds of

“Kalashnikov” introduced electric tricycle for police

Tricycle with electric motor for the police © Arthur Shaikhutdinov/TASS The PATRIOT PARK /Moscow region/, August 20. / TASS/. Concern “Kalashnikov” introduced a new tricycle with an electric motor for the police in anticipation of international military-technical forum “Army-2018”. About it journalists were told by the acting General Director of JSC “Concern Kalashnikov” Vladimir Dmitriev.