The Kremlin expects trump the specific conditions for the lifting of sanctions against Russia

The Kremlin expects trump the specific conditions for the lifting of sanctions against Russia The Kremlin welcomed the statement of US President Donald trump’s readiness to withdraw Russian sanctions, but in Moscow nothing is known about the conditions for such a decision mentioned by the President of the United States. The journalists said the press Secretary of the President of Russia Dmitry Peskov. Upstairs “We certainly welcome the statements that confirm the willingness to cooperate, but even more we would welcome any specific actions,” said Sands, answering questions about the statement of the trump. “Here, of course, you need to understand, on what conditions (for cooperation) going on,” — said the representative of the Kremlin. The conditions for the lifting of sanctions was not discussed during negotiations of presidents of Russia and USA in Helsinki in July, he said: “Actually talking about it (on the easing or lifting sanctions, the

The expert supported the idea of the EP on the voluntary relinquishment of pension increase for Deputy status

The expert supported the idea of the EP on the voluntary relinquishment of pension increase for Deputy status The idea of preserving benefits for the elderly regardless of the fact their retirement and the willingness of MPs to voluntarily give up the retirement preferences is an important initiative of “United Russia” on the eve of a new stage of its consideration by the state Duma of changes in the pension legislation, says a member of the Public chamber, a political analyst Maxim Grigoriev. Upstairs “In the minds of the population had confidence in the fact that deputies and senators receive large pensions, but make decisions and changes in pension legislation that they themselves are not affected. Like, if they have large pensions — they can easily go for it, and it was an absolute indictment of the “United Russia”, — said Grigoriev the newspaper LOOK. “Because of the decision taken

In the Kremlin commented on trump’s words on cooperation

In the Kremlin commented on trump’s words on cooperation MOSCOW, 21 Aug — RIA Novosti. The Kremlin welcomed the statements about the readiness of the President of the United States Donald trump to cooperate with Russia, but more would be glad concrete action, said the press Secretary of the President of Russia Dmitry Peskov. Upstairs Previously, trump said he was ready to lift sanctions against Moscow if Russia will take steps to work together with the United States on issues such as Syria and Ukraine. “We hear a lot of different applications. Here, of course, you need to understand about what conditions there is a speech. We certainly welcome the statements that confirm the willingness to cooperate. But even more we would welcome any specific actions,” Peskov said to journalists, commenting on trump’s words. Help“Draconian” measures: the US is preparing to impose the most severe sanctions against Russia The first

Media: the University of North Carolina overturned the monument to a soldier of the Confederacy

Media: the University of North Carolina overturned the monument to a soldier of the Confederacy WASHINGTON, August 21. /TASS/. Protesters at the University of North Carolina overturned and desecrated the monument to a soldier of the Confederacy during the Civil war in the United States, which was established in 1913. It is reported by local TV station WRAL. Upstairs As noted, initially, at 19:00 (02:00 GMT Tuesday) around the statue, entitled “Quiet Sam” (Silent Sam), which is located on the University campus, gathered about 300 activists opposed to the demolition of the memorial, but at 21:30 (04:30 GMT) the statue was overturned on the ground. It was partially broken, and after that it threw mud and began to stomp his feet. NewsWhen America ceased to be great To date, reported one arrest, the protesters had left the area around the monument. In the last two years in the United States

On the crest of a wave: a surfer rode on an inflatable mattress

On the crest of a wave: a surfer rode on an inflatable mattress The man decided to swim despite warnings. Upstairs Eyewitnesses took video of an unusual surfer who rode on a huge wave using inflatable mattress. Man successfully surfs inflatable mattress over the giant wave — Metro (@MetroUK) 21 Aug 2018 The incident was caught on camera in Newport beach, California. In the region, despite the warm Sunny weather, a few days was strong waves. Rescuers advised surfers to abstain from favorite activities. The man, who despite the warnings went for a swim, still unable to resist a huge wave. To make a second attempt he was not given the rescuers. The surfer will have to wait until the ocean calms down a bit. According to meteorologists, the waves along the West coast of America reached 3-5 meters. During the download an error has occurred. See also: The

Girl within a year gathered a giant puzzle of the 18 thousand pieces (photo)

Girl within a year gathered a giant puzzle of the 18 thousand pieces (photo) During this time, she lost only one detail. Upstairs A Reddit user under the nickname Suckitupbuttercuplol published on online your photo on the background of a huge puzzle, and proudly announced that I finally finished the puzzle, consisting of 18 thousand units. The girl said that it took her a year. A year and 18,000 pieces later…. — Daily Pictures (@getyerfix) August 20, 2018 Other users in the comments noticed that the huge picture of the sunset, the trees, flowers and birds, not missing a single detail. Some began to joke that behind her, the girl hides, and other missing pieces of the puzzle. But, according to the girl, for the whole year she lost only one-the only part that accidentally swallowed her little boy. She also noted that he was collecting a giant

Kosachev called a rhetorical trump’s statement about the lifting of sanctions against Russia

The Chairman of the Committee of the Federation Council international Affairs Konstantin Kosachev © Alexander Shcherbak/TASS MOSCOW, August 21. /TASS/. The head of the Federation Council Committee on international Affairs Konstantin Kosachev called the rhetorical statements of the President of the United States Donald trump about a possible cancellation of anti-Russian sanctions in exchange for concessions to Russia on Syria and Ukraine. He believes that thus the American leader has responded to the views of ordinary Americans were in favor of improving relations with Russia.

Rostec showed a prototype of the underwater anti-sabotage of the robot in “Army-2018”

© Arthur Shaikhutdinov/TASS KUBINKA, August 21. /TASS/. TSNIITOCHMASH research and production group “MAKO”, included in the state Corporation rostec, has introduced an underwater drone capable of carrying explosives and small arms. Presentation of the robot was held in the pavilion of Rostec, in the framework of International military-technical forum “Army-2018”. “Fighting underwater drone “seal” is designed for protection and control of special water areas, the detection and destruction of small vessels and swimmers-saboteurs. Armed with a gun APS. Load can be explosive when disposable apparatus”, – told TASS representatives TSNIITOCHMASH.

Rostec presented at the “Army-2018” a “gun” against the drones for the civilian market

Portable complex electronic countermeasures UAV “Musket” © Arthur Shaikhutdinov/TASS KUBINKA /Moscow region/, August 21. /TASS/. Concern “Automatics”, part of state Corporation rostec, introduced a “gun” to counter unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) for civilian market. The presentation was held in the pavilion of Rostec, in the framework of International military-technical forum “Army-2018”. “Portable facility electronic countermeasures UAV “Musket” is designed for the civilian market. The weight of the gun is 3 kg, the range, confirmed by testing more than 2000 m, within a range from 600 MHz to 6000 MHz”, – told TASS the representative of the concern “Automatics”.