In Ukraine, they talked about Zelensky's “burying” obligations to the IMF

Former Minister of Economy of Ukraine Suslov: Zelensky buried all hopes for re-election »On the country's new obligations to the International Monetary Fund (IMF) within the framework of their agreements, which will bury all the hopes and ambitions of President Volodymyr Zelenskyy for re-election. This is reported by RIA Novosti. “The most important point contained in the memorandum with the IMF is that, starting in May 2022, the main and only gas production company in Ukraine, Ukrgazvydobuvannya, which supplies 14 -15 billion cubic meters of gas per year, will sell 40 to 50 percent of gas exclusively on the exchange with equal access for all buyers. And from 2024, 100 percent of the produced gas will be sold in this way, “the ex-minister noted. In his opinion, this jeopardizes the development of the country's economy, and will also affect the lives of citizens. So Ukraine has problems with fuel, and

In Ukraine, they talked about Zelensky's “burying” obligations to the IMF

Former Minister of Economy of Ukraine Suslov: Zelensky buried all hopes for re-election Former Minister of Economy of Ukraine Viktor Suslov told »On the country's new obligations to the International Monetary Fund (IMF) within the framework of their agreements, which will bury all hopes and ambitions of President Volodymyr Zelenskyy for re-election. This is reported by RIA Novosti. “The most important point contained in the memorandum with the IMF is that, starting in May 2022, the main and only gas production company in Ukraine, Ukrgazvydobuvannya, which supplies 14 -15 billion cubic meters of gas per year, will sell 40 to 50 percent of gas exclusively on the exchange with equal access for all buyers. And from 2024, 100 percent of the produced gas will be sold in this way, “the ex-minister noted. In his opinion, this jeopardizes the development of the country's economy, and will also affect the lives of

In Russia, they wanted to limit the sale of alcohol in the New Year

State Duma Deputy Khamzaev proposed to limit the sale of alcohol on New Year's Eve for the sake of health Citizens did not “get drunk,” said Sultan Khamzaev, a member of the State Duma Committee on Security and Anti-Corruption, told RIA Novosti. “Alcohol on New Year's Eve is a fantastic destroyer of the life and health of our citizens. It is impossible to leave everything to chance only for entrepreneurs, because the situation is becoming critical, “the deputy said. According to Khamzayev, specific mechanisms are needed to protect the health of citizens. So, inside the New Year holidays, it is necessary to impose restrictions on the sale of alcohol. “This is important, since some citizens are losing moderation,” he suggested. The State Duma representative also suggested that all cultural events in the New Year be free – so people will have something to do with themselves. “On New Year's holidays,

In Russia, they wanted to limit the sale of alcohol in the New Year

State Duma Deputy Khamzaev proposed to limit the sale of alcohol on New Year's Eve for the sake of health Citizens did not “get drunk,” said Sultan Khamzaev, a member of the State Duma Committee on Security and Anti-Corruption, told RIA Novosti. “Alcohol on New Year's Eve is a fantastic destroyer of the life and health of our citizens. It is impossible to leave everything to chance only for entrepreneurs, because the situation is becoming critical, “the deputy said. According to Khamzayev, specific mechanisms are needed to protect the health of citizens. So, inside the New Year holidays, it is necessary to impose restrictions on the sale of alcohol. “This is important, since some citizens are losing moderation,” he suggested. The State Duma representative also suggested that all cultural events in the New Year be free – so people will have something to do with themselves. “On New Year's holidays,

Президент Аргентины привился бустерной дозой «Спутника V»

En el día de hoy recibí el refuerzo de mi esquema de vacunación con una dosis de Sputnik V. Es importante que todas y todos completemos los esquemas y nos demos los refuerzos para sostener esta situación epidemiológica y seguir creciendo. No lo dudes, vacunate. — Alberto Fernández (@alferdez) December 6, 2021 Глава государства также призвал граждан, которые еще не завершили вакцинацию, не откладывать вторую прививку. Фернадес привился «Спутником V» в первый раз в январе после того, как Минздрав Аргентины разрешил использовать российский препарат для вакцинации лиц старше 60 лет. Еще больше интересного о науке и технологиях

Britain promised to influence Russia in case of aggression against Ukraine

British Prime Minister Johnson: London will continue pressure on Russia in case of aggression against Kiev British Prime Minister Boris Johnson promised to continue the pressure against Russia with all available economic and diplomatic tools in the event of any aggression against Kiev. He announced this at talks with the Presidents of the United States and France Joe Biden and Emmanuel Macron, as well as Italian Prime Minister Mario Draghi and the Acting Chancellor of Germany Angela Merkel, RIA Novosti reports. The leaders of the five countries recognized the need to act as a united front “In the face of Russian threats and hostility.” They called for de-escalation and reaffirmed their commitment to the territorial integrity of Ukraine. “The Prime Minister said that the UK will continue to use all economic and diplomatic tools at its disposal to prevent any Russian aggression against Ukraine,” said Downing's spokesman Street. Earlier, White

The Pentagon rejects the creation of a threat by a reconnaissance aircraft to a civilian liner

Pentagon: American reconnaissance aircraft did not threaten a passenger airliner over the Black Sea a civilian liner en route from Tel Aviv to Moscow. He stressed that the American aircraft did not make dangerous or unprofessional maneuvers over the Black Sea, RIA Novosti reports. There was no such danger, no unsafe and unprofessional maneuvers — certainly not from the American military. This was a situation that was easily resolved with common sense and air traffic control routines John Kirby Pentagon spokesman A spokesman for the US military said that situations when two planes are at the same altitude occur “thousands of times” around the world, and Russia exaggerates an incident that “did not happen.” How it all began A passenger plane en route Tel Aviv – Moscow was forced to change direction in order to avoid rapprochement with a US reconnaissance aircraft over the Black Sea. One of the two

Named the ideal product for cleansing the body and losing weight

Nutritionist Korableva: daily consumption of cottage cheese normalizes sleep and helps to lose weight According to the specialist, it improves the condition of bones, liver and muscles, RIA Novosti reports. Korableva called cottage cheese an ideal product for cleansing the body and losing weight. It is rich in the amino acid tryptophan, which helps normalize sleep and help relieve depression. Cottage cheese also contains calcium and phosphorus. Related materials 00:07 – 10 January “The more culinary expanse, the more we eat “How food changes our minds, behavior and prevents us from losing weight – says a neurobiologist 00:01 – 17 December 2020 “Eclairs are not to blame, and in general there is no one’s fault here” Sweet, fatty and tasty: how familiar food is killing Russians “By including it in your diet, you will get rid of dental problems; bones will become stronger, and nails and hair will look better,

Named the ideal product for cleansing the body and losing weight

Nutritionist Korableva: daily consumption of cottage cheese normalizes sleep and helps to lose weight According to the specialist, it improves the condition of bones, liver and muscles, RIA Novosti reports. Korableva called cottage cheese an ideal product for cleansing the body and losing weight. It is rich in the amino acid tryptophan, which helps normalize sleep and help relieve depression. Cottage cheese also contains calcium and phosphorus. Related materials 00:07 – January 10 “The more culinary expanse, the more we eat “How food changes our minds, behavior and prevents us from losing weight – says a neurobiologist“Eclairs are not to blame, and in general there is no one’s fault here” Sweet, fatty and tasty: how familiar food is killing Russians “By including it in your diet, you will get rid of dental problems; bones will become stronger, and nails and hair will look better, “- said the doctor. According to

Autoexpert put an end to disputes about the need to warm up the engine in winter

Autoexpert Sachkov: it is recommended to warm up the engine even in minimal frost The engine needs to be warmed up a little before the trip even in minimal frost, the deputy editor-in-chief said publishing house “Za Rulem” Maxim Sachkov, writes “Vechernyaya Moskva”. According to the expert, this will help to extend its life. Many automotive experts talk about the need or no need to warm up the engine in winter. “I believe that the truth is somewhere in the middle: you need to warm up, but for a short time,” Sachkov put an end to the disputes. According to the consultant, a few minutes of engine operation will help prepare all the car parts for the road and make oil more liquid. At zero temperature, he advised to sit in the car with the engine running for two minutes. It is necessary to start moving smoothly in the cold.