Doctor Myasnikov dispels the pasta myth

Doctor Myasnikov: brown pasta is healthier than ordinary pasta thanks to slow carbohydrates “Russia 1” dispelled the popular myth about pasta. The doctor explained that brown wholemeal pasta is very different from regular pasta. Available on YouTube. According to the doctor, the difference between these types of foods lies in the carbohydrates. Unlike regular pasta, brown pasta is dominated by slow carbohydrates, which allow insulin to evenly distribute energy in the body. Myasnikov explained that the shell of the grain contains useful trace elements, fiber and vitamins. To get regular pasta, the useful shell is completely destroyed during grain processing. “Do not eat anything white: white rice, white pasta, white bread. Bread can be black, coarse, pasta and rice are brown, “Myasnikov recommended. Myasnikov recalled that excessive consumption of carbohydrates, which are contained in white foods, not only leads to obesity, but also increases the risk the development of diabetes,

Doctor Myasnikov dispels the pasta myth

Doctor Myasnikov: brown pasta is healthier than ordinary pasta thanks to slow carbohydrates “Russia 1” dispelled the popular myth about pasta. The doctor explained that brown wholemeal pasta is very different from regular pasta. Available on YouTube. According to the doctor, the difference between these types of foods lies in the carbohydrates. Unlike regular pasta, brown pasta is dominated by slow carbohydrates, which allow insulin to evenly distribute energy in the body. Myasnikov explained that the shell of the grain contains useful trace elements, fiber and vitamins. To get regular pasta, the useful shell is completely destroyed during grain processing. “Do not eat anything white: white rice, white pasta, white bread. Bread can be black, coarse, pasta and rice are brown, “Myasnikov recommended. Myasnikov recalled that excessive consumption of carbohydrates, which are contained in white foods, not only leads to obesity, but also increases the risk the development of diabetes,

Explosion in shopping center in Uzbekistan

In the shopping center “Indenim” in the Uzbek city of Denau, an explosion occurred An explosion occurred in the shopping center “Indenim” in the city of Denau, Surkhandarya region of Uzbekistan. This is reported by “Sputnik Uzbekistan”. According to the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the incident happened on the night of December 7. The explosion in the two-story building collapsed the walls and started a fire.

The world was called on to prepare for riots over oil and gas

Head of Saudi Aramco al-Nasser: lack of investment in oil and gas will plunge the world into chaos Al-Nasser said that there has been insufficient investment in fossil fuels in recent years, which risks putting the world at risk of global instability and plunging it into chaos. Speaking at the World Petroleum Congress in Houston, he pointed out that the idea of ​​a fast energy transition, which has now become the dominant theme, is built on unrealistic scenarios and deeply flawed assumptions, according to the Financial Times. The Saudi top manager called for preparations to runaway inflation and riots if investment policy is not aligned with reality. According to al-Nasser, for many, public recognition of the role of oil and gas in the transition period will be unpleasant, but the consequences of such a step will be much less destructive. In the current situation, the head of Saudi Aramco recalled,

Explosion in shopping center in Uzbekistan

In the shopping center “Indenim” in the Uzbek city of Denau, an explosion occurred An explosion occurred in the shopping center “Indenim” in the city of Denau, Surkhandarya region of Uzbekistan. This is reported by “Sputnik Uzbekistan”. According to the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the incident happened on the night of December 7. The explosion in the two-story building collapsed the walls and started a fire.