Fearless Ave tried to take away the fishermen’s catch

Fearless Ave tried to take away the fishermen’s catch MOSCOW, 11 Feb — RIA Novosti. Fishermen on the Volga made a video of how mink is trying to take away their catch. Video posted on YouTube. The record shows that the animal clung to the fish and hang on it. “Here’s the mink here. Overwhelmed. See what he’s doing. She eats live and on the move!” — laughs behind the scenes man. During the download an error has occurred. As explained by the author of the video in the comments, the fishermen were treated animal small fish, but the big interested in the hole more. Last year the Internet has become famous Fox, who has long begged the fisherman with food, and then back to it with a friend-a Fox.

In Russia sounded the alarm because of the riding rings

In Russia sounded the alarm because of the riding rings In the program “Vesti” channel “Russia 1” on January 11 released a report about the dangers of tubing. In it, in particular, talking about the people who were injured, riding on the roads on cars is tied to the rings. “What Russian does not love fast driving? On the Internet dozens of movies like cheesecake hooked to the cars and drive around on city streets and parks. In Chita after these races with heavy injuries in the hospital brought the six year old child”, — told the correspondent. According to him, and without a hitch with the car “cheesecake” can accelerate up to 85 kilometers per hour. ArticleFavorite winter games come from the Soviet Union As noted in the report across Russia this winter documented hundreds of cases when citizens riding on cheesecakes from the hills, suffered injuries of varying

Adopted for the corpse of a Russian woman alive in the morgue and died

Adopted for the corpse of a Russian woman alive in the morgue and died In the Amur region live woman mistakenly taken to the morgue. On Saturday, January 12, reports “Амур28.info”. As noted, the day before, January 11, in vasilyevk’s village of the Belogorsky area of the region in one of the houses some people drank alcoholic beverages. By morning, the company found that a woman born in 1956 who took part in the feast, no signs of life. In place, the police were called. The arrived police officers did not call an ambulance, as a matter of Protocol, and noted the death of a woman alone, leads “Interfax” the words of the chief physician of Belogorsky hospital Mikhail Danilov. The woman’s body was sent to the morgue for the car of the funeral service, her family began to prepare for the funeral. The nurse of the morgue began to

Injured in the explosion in Paris got 20 people

Injured in the explosion in Paris got 20 people Moscow. January 12. INTERFAX.RU — at Least 20 people were injured due to the heavy explosion that occurred on Saturday morning in one of the Central districts of Paris, according to the Metropolitan police. The condition of two injured is critical. According to the newspaper Le Figaro, among victims — three firefighters. The scene on Rue Trevise called for the interior Minister of France Christophe Castaner, Prime Minister Edouard Philippe, mayor Anne Hidalgo. Rue de Trévise, aux côtés du Premier ministre, du procureur de Paris, du @prefpolice et de la Maire de la capitale.Plus de 200 @PompiersParis sont engagés dans les opérations de secours.Le bilan s annonce lourd.Mes premières pensées vont aux blessés et leurs proches. pic.twitter.com/bg8n5bCpi8 — Christophe Castaner (@CCastaner) 12 Jan 2019 “More than 200 firefighters involved in the rescue operation. “The impact (of the explosion — if), apparently

A strong explosion occurred in the Central part of Paris

A strong explosion occurred in the Central part of Paris PARIS, January 12. /TASS/. A powerful explosion occurred on Saturday in the ninth district of the French capital, located in the Central part of the city. This was announced by the Prefecture of police. According to her, the site of the explosion was the Rue Trevise. As a result of incident there are victims. As informed, the Prefecture, the extensive damage caused to the bakery on the street, it was on fire. On the scene arrived fire brigades, ambulances and police. A huge explosion has rocked a building on the Rue des Gobelins, a street in central #Paris https://t.co/0nrVcsMj0Z pic.twitter.com/021fit7AxQ — Sputnik (@SputnikInt) January 12, 2019 The explosion occurred in day when in Paris and other major cities held demonstrations in the framework of the ninth day of protests of the “yellow jackets”, members of the public dissatisfied with rising

Drones banned to fly over the house Poroshenko

Drones banned to fly over the house Poroshenko KIEV, January 12 — RIA Novosti. The state aviation service of Ukraine on its website published a map of the “exclusion zones” for drone flights in the country, in particular, banned flights over the house of the President of Petro Poroshenko in the village of Kozyn, Kyiv region. “Given the rapid development of the market for unmanned aircraft, we are working to develop new rules that safely integrate new types of aircraft into the existing system of use of air space”, — stated in the message gosaviasluzhba. Among the areas over which prohibited the flying of drones, and the house Poroshenko in Kiev region.

European diplomats supported the lifting of sanctions against companies Deripaska

European diplomats supported the lifting of sanctions against companies Deripaska The ambassadors of several European countries in the United States support the intentions of the U.S. Treasury to remove sanctions against En+, and RUSAL of Oleg Deripaska. The relevant opinions of diplomats expressed in a letter addressed to us senators. The document was signed by ambassadors of Austria, great Britain, Germany, Ireland, Italy, France, Sweden, USA and the head of the EU delegation in the United States. “We welcome the recent action of the Treasury with respect to the submission to Congress of the report on the alleged exception of En+, and RUSAL from the sanctions list”, — TASS quotes an excerpt from the letter. How to write European diplomats, the extension of sanctions against En+, and RUSAL will have a negative impact on the aluminum industry in Europe, and may deprive the work of 75 thousand people. In addition,

The government shutdown in the United States broke the record for the duration

The government shutdown in the United States broke the record for the duration MOSCOW, January 12 — RIA Novosti. The partial government shutdown the United States has become the longest in history — it continues for 22nd day. The previous record was recorded when President bill Clinton — shutdown lasted 21 days, from December 16, 1995 and 5 January 1996. Part of the Federal agencies stopped work because of lack of budget December 22. In General, affected only a quarter of the ministries and departments, although among them — the state Department, the Department of homeland security, the justice Department and part of the White house. About 800 thousand civil servants or work without pay (if their job is deemed critical to national security), or sent on forced unpaid leave. Ran into a wall The cause of the current shutdown is disagreement between the President and the Democratic party about

Designer from St. Petersburg “revives” heroes of classical paintings

Designer from St. Petersburg “revives” heroes of classical paintings And some transfers in the present. Designer Leila Darchieva became famous in the Network due to their unusual work. She turns famous works of art in a small musical animation. View this post in Instagram Publication from @lailadarchieva 3 Nov 2018 at 7:55 PDT During the download an error has occurred. View this post in Instagram Publication from @lailadarchieva 17 Nov 2018 3:08 PST During the download an error has occurred. View this post in Instagram Publication from @lailadarchieva 5 Nov 2018 11:17 PST During the download an error has occurred. View this post in Instagram Publication from @lailadarchieva 19 Nov 2018 11:50 PST During the download an error has occurred. View this post in Instagram Publication from @lailadarchieva the 9th of January 2019 11:38 PST During the download an error has occurred. View this post in Instagram Publication from @lailadarchieva

The artist has shown what really happens on famous paintings

The artist has shown what really happens on famous paintings Art becomes closer. Perm artist and Illustrator Chow has long been a star of Instagram: its account is signed more than 66 thousand people. And not only because she draws well, but also thanks to the great sense of humor. A new series of works the artist called “Behind the scenes” that reveals the secrets of the “creation” of world famous masterpieces. So she imagined the Mona Lisa by Leonardo da Vinci during posing plucked my eyebrows, and the girl with peaches by Valentin Serov these same peaches ate. That was funny and unexpected. View this post in Instagram Publication of Lesya Guseva ?illustrator (@_lesya_guseva_) 20 Oct 2018 8:54 PDT During the download an error has occurred.”Mona Lisa”, Leonardo da Vinci View this publication in Instagram Publication of Lesya Guseva ?illustrator (@_lesya_guseva_) Jul 30, 2018 at 9:01 am PDT During