Животный мир мусорного континента. Ученые узнали, кто живет на скоплении пластика в Тихом океане

Появление огромного «мусорного континента» в районе между побережьем Калифорнии и Гавайями привело к тому, что многие морские организмы оказались на огромном расстоянии от своей обычной среды обитания. Ученые извлекали из пятна пластиковые предметы диаметром более 5 см. После их изучения выяснилось, что животные обитают на 90% плавающего мусора: во фрагментах отходов были обнаружены актинии, крошечные морские насекомые, моллюски и крабы. «Пластмасса сохраняется в открытом океане дольше, чем мусор естественного происхождения, который мы наблюдали раньше, — объясняет автор исследования, доктор Линси Харам из Смитсоновского центра экологических исследований. — Поэтому ее скопления создают в море более постоянную среду обитания». Для изучения форм жизни на отходах доктор Харам объединила усилия с некоммерческой организацией Ocean Voyages Institute, которая занимается сбором пластикового мусора во время морских путешествий, и учеными из Гавайского университета в Маноа. В мировом океане есть как минимум пять «мусорных пятен», в которых скопилось гигантское количество пластика. В «Большом тихоокеанском мусорном пятне», которое стало предметом этого исследования, пластмассы больше всего: около 79 тыс. тонн на площади 1,6 млн кв. км. «В этих скоплениях чего только нет, — говорит доктор Харам. — Нельзя сказать, что пятно полностью состоит из пластика, но в нем безусловно его

In Russia, they appreciated the ban on renting housing “exclusively to Slavs”

Realtor Barsukov: CIAN's ban on renting housing “exclusively to Slavs” will complicate the situation rent and sell housing “exclusively to the Slavs.” Konstantin Barsukov, a member of the Russian Guild of Realtors, suggested that the situation for service users could worsen, Gazeta.Ru reports. According to the expert, the ban right now will not provide equal opportunities to rent housing for everyone, and there will be no problem resolved: apartment owners will be able to voice requirements for nationality by phone and refuse to rent at their discretion. “As a result, CIAN users will go to other databases, where information is published in full. I do not know what the company is guided by, but the fact that they worsened the situation for their own users is a fact. The CIAN consumers themselves will suffer, “Barsukov noted. Earlier, CIAN reported that from February 1, 2022, it will not be possible to

The guinea pig chewed off the bangs of a drunken hostess

A drunk girl went to bed next to a guinea pig and woke up without a clump of hair went to bed next to the rodent and woke up without a tuft of hair. This is reported by the Daily Mail. Related materials 00:07 – September 19 Fantastic creatures. Cute-looking animals can harm the whole continents. Why are people to blame for this? 00:02 – April 11 What kind of game Russians have dangerous animals and brag about it on YouTube. Why do they do it? 29-year-old hairdresser Gara Sullivan said that after Thanksgiving, she returned home drunk and decided to sleep on the floor next to her guinea pig named Dixie. Waking up in the morning, Sullivan looked in the mirror and found that she was missing a lock of hair from her bangs, and instead of her a forehead was sticking out on her forehead. The American immediately

In Russia, they appreciated the ban on renting housing “exclusively to Slavs”

Realtor Barsukov: CIAN's ban on renting out housing to “exclusively Slavs” will complicate the situation rent and sell housing “exclusively to the Slavs.” Konstantin Barsukov, a member of the Russian Guild of Realtors, suggested that the situation for service users could worsen, Gazeta.Ru reports. According to the expert, the ban right now will not provide equal opportunities to rent housing for everyone, and there will be no problem resolved: apartment owners will be able to voice requirements for nationality by phone and refuse to rent at their discretion. “As a result, CIAN users will go to other databases, where information is published in full. I do not know what the company is guided by, but the fact that they worsened the situation for their own users is a fact. The CIAN consumers themselves will suffer, “Barsukov noted. Earlier, CIAN reported that from February 1, 2022, it will not be possible

The State Duma assessed the US statement on the “open door policy” for the expansion of NATO

State Duma Deputy Chepa called the US statement on the “open door policy” a substitution of concepts and provocations. Such an assessment was given to them by the first deputy chairman of the State Duma's international affairs committee, Alexei Chepa, Izvestia writes. According to him, it is completely incomprehensible what the “open door policy” means. He added that all the events that are taking place are connected with an attempt to put pressure on Russia in order to prevent the development of the country and protect its strategic interests. Earlier, Price commented on the promise of NATO membership, which was given to Russia in Washington. According to him, this 30-year-old agreement is not violated, since the United States is pursuing an “open door policy.” years, wrote in his book “How It Was” ex-President of the USSR Mikhail Gorbachev. In the work, he recalled a meeting with US Secretary of State

Taliban oppose UN decision to represent Afghanistan

The Taliban demanded that the UN reconsider the verdict on the Afghan representative The Taliban terrorist movement that seized power in Afghanistan (prohibited in Russia) opposed the decision of the United Nations Organization (UN) to keep the Afghan representative's place in the organization behind the ambassador appointed by the former government of the republic. This was announced on Tuesday by the deputy press secretary of the movement, Inamulla Samangani, reports TASS. “It is unfair to transfer a seat in the UN to someone who does not represent the Afghan government and the people of Afghanistan. This seat should be given to the country's legal representatives, ”the Taliban spokesman said. He noted that the UN should rationally reconsider its verdict. According to TASS, on December 6 at the UN General Assembly meeting, the recommendations of the accreditation committee were taken into account, which advised to postpone the decision on the representatives

The State Duma assessed the US statement on the “open door policy” for the expansion of NATO

State Duma Deputy Chepa called the US statement on the “open door policy” a substitution of concepts and provocations. Such an assessment was given to them by the first deputy chairman of the State Duma's international affairs committee, Alexei Chepa, Izvestia writes. According to him, it is completely incomprehensible what the “open door policy” means. He added that all the events that are taking place are connected with an attempt to put pressure on Russia in order to prevent the development of the country and protect its strategic interests. Earlier, Price commented on the promise of NATO membership, which was given to Russia in Washington. According to him, this 30-year-old agreement is not violated, since the United States is pursuing an “open door policy.” Ex-President of the USSR Mikhail Gorbachev wrote in his book “How It Was” that the leaders of Western states promised not to expand NATO eastward in

A school for gifted children will open in Grozny

In 2022, a school for gifted children will appear in Grozny, designed for 600 students A school for gifted children will be opened in Grozny in 2022 … This is reported by the portal “This is the Caucasus.” It is specified that the educational institution will be designed for 600 people. Construction work is being carried out within the framework of the Education national project. The press service of the Chechen Ministry of Education said that the school will work with children who have shown outstanding abilities, and will also aim to “form a system of open and flexible education , creating conditions for the harmonious development of a gifted child. ” The curriculum will include both compulsory subjects and disciplines that students will choose themselves. Optional classes will be held at the Regional Center for the Development of Continuing Education. Acceptance of applications for training in the new institution