Voluminous dress Katy Perry became a new meme in social networks (photos)

Voluminous dress Katy Perry became a new meme in social networks (photos) Compare it with a Doner kebab and cotton candy. 34-year-old singer Katy Perry the night before, shone on the red carpet of the musical award Grammy Awards. And although the singer figurines has not received the attention she got exactly no less than the winners and nominees. View this post in Instagram Publication from KATY PERRY (@katyperry) 10 Feb 2019 at 9:31 PST During the download an error has occurred. But the fact is that Perry chose for the ceremony a rather strange pink dress from the brand Balmain. It inspired users of social networks on creative and funny photoshopped pics. Fashion outfit of the singer they compared with Shawarma, cake, cotton candy and the dress of a Barbie doll. I just made this pic stitch of Katy Perry’s Grammys dress Balmain #Grammy2019 pic.twitter.com/5xTUqvXHxM — Babette Walker (@reagie34)

Guido, announced the transfer of the first batch of humanitarian aid to Venezuela

Guido, announced the transfer of the first batch of humanitarian aid to Venezuela MEXICO city, 12 Feb — RIA Novosti. The head of the National Assembly of Venezuela Juan Guido, proclaimed himself acting President, said on Monday about the transfer of the first batch of humanitarian aid which the authorities of the country refuse to allow into its territory. 9фотографий9фотографий9фотографий “In implementing our mandate, today we pass the first cargo of humanitarian aid of the Association of health centres in the form of 85 thousand biological additives, which represent a 1.7 million nutritious diets for children, and 4.5 thousand of dietary supplements for pregnant women,” wrote Guido in his microblog on Twitter. There he posted pictures of the party. How has humanitarian aid entered the territory of Venezuela, Guido said. Esta entrega decrease 20 raciones para cada beneficiario, y corresponde a la primera fase de atención a las poblaciones más

The US called Russia and China the main threats in space

The US called Russia and China the main threats in space WASHINGTON, 11 Feb — RIA Novosti. Russia and China, Iran and North Korea challenge the United States in space, the report says US military intelligence released on Monday. “Seeing the benefits of space operations, some foreign governments develop the potential of threatening the ability of other countries to use the space. China and Russia in particular have taken steps to challenge the United States,” reads the report, which was prepared by the Intelligence Department of the Ministry of defense (DIA). In particular, it States that the space sector was “very important” to the military doctrines of Russia and China, both countries have developed “energetic and with great potential” space units, including space exploration. In addition, as noted in the report, both countries have the potential to search for satellites of a potential enemy in space. “Also, these countries develop

“Sorry, something is missing”: IKEA forgot to draw on the world map New Zealand. But “lost” this country is not the first time

“Sorry, something is missing”: IKEA forgot to draw on the world map New Zealand. But “lost” this country is not the first time The Swedish company has officially apologized for having forgotten to draw on their maps of the world New Zealand. But as it turned out, this country “lose” all the time. Swedish company IKEA has apologized for the error made in sold in stores the world map. They were not New Zealand. First it was noticed by Reddit user that made a purchase at IKEA in Washington. Ikea”s map game is not on point from r/MapsWithoutNZ “IKEA is responsible for ensuring the accuracy of and compliance in all of the images on our products. We see that for the world map from the series “Banksta” (Bjoerksta) this process has failed, regret the error and apologize. We will take the necessary steps now, the product is gradually eliminated from

Emotional reunion of a soldier with his mother got on video

Emotional reunion of a soldier with his mother got on video In California returning from service soldiers staged a surprise mother. In the video of the emotional meeting drew attention to the information portal Fox News. Private first class Brandon Covey (Brandon Covey), the commander of the crew of the helicopter Sikorsky UH-60 Black Hawk (“Black hawk down”), decided to greet his mother in an unusual way. He agreed with the support group basketball team “Sacramento kings” that will take part in their performance. During the download an error has occurred. Stadium workers specifically brought to the floor the mother of a soldier, Vanessa Ibarra (Ibarra Vanessa) for a trick in which athletes jump high on the trampoline and score balls into the basket over her head. The woman was blindfolded so she did not immediately see that the last column runs her son in army uniform. Covey went up

Where are the world’s only “rock-wife” (photo)

Where are the world’s only “rock-wife” (photo) They are separated by water. In the Japanese Prefecture mie Prefecture on Honshu island is the national Park ISE-Shima. One of the highlights of this place is a unique natural monument called meoto Willow, which translated from Japanese means “rock-wife”. View this post in Instagram Publication of EDOBIO | Bar soap (@edobio.japan) 10 Feb 2019 at 6:01 PST During the download an error has occurred. View this post in Instagram Publication of やまともかわひろ (@yamatomo121) 11 February 2019 in 1:02 PST During the download an error has occurred. View this post in Instagram Publication from Julia (@noname_misa) 4 Feb 2019 at 2:50 am PST During the download an error has occurred. These two great stones that protrude from the water near the shore of the city of Ft. It is noteworthy that the rocks have their own names: the big one is called Otoko-willow

Senator Arashukov complained about the lack of hot water in the chamber

Senator Arashukov complained about the lack of hot water in the chamber Moscow. 11 Feb. INTERFAX.RU — Arrested Senator Rauf Arashukov and his father, the adviser of the General Director of “Gazprom Mezhregiongaz” Raul Arashukov transferred from quarantine in a double chamber, said on Monday “Interfax” the Executive Secretary of the Public monitoring Commission of Moscow, Ivan Melnikov. “Rauf Arashukov complained to the members of the PMC on the lack of hot water, as with the father they transferred from quarantine to the double camera that did not have hot water,” — said Melnikov, who along with other members of the PMC visited Arshakovich in jail on 11 February. According to him, also a Senator and his father was concerned that they still are unable to visit lawyers. In particular, said Raul Arashukov, the defender must give him medical documents for medical. “The Senator is really contained with the accused

The court did not recognize private military case

The court did not recognize private military case As it became known””, in the Rostov region the court rejected the claim of the widow of a soldier PMC “Wagner” Louise Rubanova, trying to seek compensation for moral damage. Alexey Rubanov died during his third trip to Syria, and payments in connection with his death were parents. The widow, left with three small children, of this amount has not got a penny. Her claim to the Russian authorities, will not provide, according to the petitioner, the security of the citizen Rubanova in Syria, the court dismissed, finding that there is no connection between his death and the actions of the Russian armed forces against the terrorists. Louise Rubanova and her lawyer Vladimir Kiryanov addressed in Bagaevskiy district, Rostov region, hoping to collect 1 million rubles of compensation for moral harm to two children, Alexey Rubanov in connection with his death while

Butina assumed that would be the world’s worst scout

Butina assumed that would be the world’s worst scout Moscow. 11 Feb. INTERFAX.RU — Russian Maria Butina, pleaded guilty of involvement in a conspiracy against the United States, called the absurd assumption that in the U.S., it allegedly engaged in espionage, says the magazine The New Republic. Upstairs “If I were a Russian intelligence officer, you never would have met me in a public place. I mean that I would be the most inconspicuous person on Earth (…) If I was a scout, it would be the worst of all representatives of this profession,” she said in an interview with the author of a published journal article, journalist James Bamford. “My best defense is the truth”, — said Russian woman. News“no One forced Mary Butina to do what she wants” Last year Butina pleaded guilty to participating in a conspiracy against the United States. At the hearing she explained that

FAZ counted Russia 64 missiles 9M729

FAZ counted Russia 64 missiles 9M729 Moscow. 11 Feb. INTERFAX.RU — the Russian military has over 60 cruise missiles 9М729 for operational-tactical complex “Iskander-M”, which the United States decided to withdraw from the Treaty on intermediate and shorter-range missiles (INF Treaty). It is reported by the newspaper Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (FAZ), citing a source in the Western intelligence services. According to the German edition, so far was known about the two places of deployment of these missiles on the missile test site Kapustin Yar in the Astrakhan region and at the site near the town of Kamyshlov in the Sverdlovsk region. In the second half of 2018, the newspaper said, the United States reported about two placements of missiles in the area of Mozdok (North Ossetia) and Shuya (Ivanovo region). The FAZ interviewee explained that in each of the four battalions there are at least four launchers. In turn, each